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Chapter 2 Sex Research: Methods and Problems

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1 Chapter 2 Sex Research: Methods and Problems

2 Sexology The study of sexuality
purpose is to understand, predict and control sexual behavior control raises more ethical concerns

3 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Case studies single subject or small group advantages: unique in depth-information about atypical cases or behavior disadvantages hard to generalize often based on retrospective self-report not suitable for many research questions

4 Non-experimental Research Methods
Table 2.1 A Summary of Research Methods

5 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Survey Studies small to large samples of people face-to-face interviews or questionnaires Computerized more recently Choosing the sample representative sample random sample

6 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Survey Studies advantages questionnaires: anonymity may improve honesty, cheaper interviews: more flexible, rapport, may improve clarity & understanding

7 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Survey Studies disadvantages7 self-selection and nonresponse demographic bias same distortion biases as case study

8 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Survey Examples The Kinsey Reports The National Health and Social Life Survey The Youth Risk Behavior Survey Violent pornography and alcohol use

9 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Table 2.2 Ethnicity and Sexual Practices

10 Non-experimental Research Methods (cont.)
Direct observation studies small to moderate samples of people reliability increases with representative sample accuracy of recording devices advantages eliminates possibility of falsification Records can be kept indefinately disadvantages self-selection, reactivity, expense

11 The Experimental Method
Procedures small to moderate samples of people the “independent variable” is manipulated changes in the "dependent variable” are measured reliability & validity increase with random selection random assignment

12 The Experimental Method (cont.)
Advantages lowers the influence of other variables can make cause-effect conclusions Disadvantages being measured may affect actions artificiality of laboratory setting

13 Technologies in Sex Research
Electronic devices for measuring sexual arousal penile strain gauge measures slightest change in penis size vaginal photoplethysmograph measures increased vaginal blood volume

14 Technologies in Sex Research (cont.)
Computerized assessment of sexual behavior computer assisted self-interview (CASI) eliminates literacy issues and negative impact of interviewer subjects may prefer over face to face interview Research in Cyberspace Advantages; cheaper and more efficient; nearly limitless survey pool Disadvantages; sample selection bias; low response rates; privacy and ethical issues

15 Ethical Guidelines for Human Sex Research
No pressure or coercion for participation Informed consent and right to refuse to participate Confidentiality and anonymity Question of deception Institutional ethics review

16 Feminist Theory & Sex Research
Biases due to past domination by white, middle-class males focus on penis-vagina sexuality focus on heterosexuality or gay males lack of female health focus focus on controlling female fertility lack of qualitative research methods

17 Evaluating Research: Questions to Ask
Why was the research done? Who did the research? What biases are there? Who were the subjects? How were they selected & assigned to groups? How was the research conducted? What methods were used? Where was the research reported? What additional support is there?

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