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Discovery of Black Holes with the Hubble Space Telescope Juan P. Madrid Parent and Son Evening Under the Stars.

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2 Discovery of Black Holes with the Hubble Space Telescope Juan P. Madrid Parent and Son Evening Under the Stars

3 HST Image


5 How do you think the Hubble Space Telescope got into space?





10 Why put a telescope in space above the Earth?

11 Atmosphere

12 Ground Based Telescope ImageHubble Space Telescope Image

13 How far above the Earth is the Hubble Space Telescope?

14 Size of Earth Earth’s Atmosphere (100 km above surface) 6400 km Hubble’s Orbit (600 km above surface)

15 How fast does the Hubble Space Telescope travel around the Earth?


17 How big is the Hubble Space Telescope ?

18 How good is the Hubble Space Telescope at seeing things far away?

19 1 mile

20 Photons have different energy. There is a relationship between energy and wavelength E=h



23 A star grows old





28 As in an electric power plant, a rotating magnetic field produces an electric field, which accelerates protons and electrons near the neutron star's surface to generate an intense beam of electromagnetic radiation along the magnetic axis (the white cones)







35 HST/NICMOS Snapshots of 3CR Radio Galaxies FR-I 3C29 3C66B 3C75N 3C129 3C129.1 3C171 3C288 3C310 3C315 3C438 3C449 3C465

36 M87 A jet of electrons powered by a black hole 2 billion times the mass of the sun



39 Deep Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Imaging of the M87 Jet Eric S. Perlman 1, William B. Sparks 2, Juan P. Madrid 2, Dan Harris 3, F. Duccio Macchetto 2 +, John Biretta 2 1 Florida Institute of Technology, 2 STScI, 3 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, + ESA 209 th Meeting American Astronomical Society, Seattle, 5-10 January 2007 ABSTRACT Near-Ultraviolet imaging with HST offers the best possible spatial resolution currently available for optical/UV astronomical imaging. The giant elliptical galaxy M87 hosts one of the most spectacular, best studied and nearest (d=16 Mpc) galactic-scale relativistic (synchrotron emitting plasma) jets. We have extracted from the HST archive all 220 nm images of the jet of M87, taken with the STIS MAMA camera and co-added them to provide the deepest image ever at this wavelength. The combination of highest spatial resolution and long integration time, 42,500 seconds, reveals a wealth of complex structure, knots, filaments and shocks. We compare this image with deep imaging data in other wavebands. CHANDRA X-RAY 120Kseconds Energy band: 0.2 to 6 keV Nucleus HST-1 D E F A B C HST-1flaring from Sep 1999 to July 2003 HST STIS image of M87 VLA RADIO at 2cm (BIRETTA & OWEN) Nucleus HST-1 D E F A B C HST FOC F342W linear display Nucleus HST-1 D E F A B C HST STIS NUV logarithmic display Nucleus HST-1 D E F A B C

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