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Contemporary Issues in Retailing and Consumption (CIRC) 2014/2015 Dr. Griff Round (Unit Leader) Dr. Amna Khan (Unit Tutor)

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Issues in Retailing and Consumption (CIRC) 2014/2015 Dr. Griff Round (Unit Leader) Dr. Amna Khan (Unit Tutor)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Issues in Retailing and Consumption (CIRC) 2014/2015 Dr. Griff Round (Unit Leader) Dr. Amna Khan (Unit Tutor)

2 What CIRC isn’t Simply a “how to” guide for being a retail store manager Simply a course on retail marketing Simply a descriptive guide of the current retail landscape

3 What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Analyse the local, national and international context of retailing and consumption

4 What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Critically evaluate the impact of local, national and international environments on retailing and consumption

5 What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Critically evaluate relevant theoretical concepts in retailing and consumption

6 What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Assess cultural flexibility in the analysis of retailing and consumption

7 What CIRC is LEARNING OUTCOME 5 Critically evaluate various information sources (from general press to academic texts) related to contemporary issues

8 What CIRC is-In Summary Different aspects of… And challenges to… Retailing and consumption in the 21 st century in local, national and international environments

9 How Unit is split Contemporary issues for Retailers Contemporary issues for Local Communities Contemporary issues for Consumers and Society

10 Key CIRC Topics

11 Delivery  Weekly Lectures  Weekly Tutorials  Special library session  Computer lab session  Tutor led sessions  Presentations  Debates  Coursework support

12 Resources  Moodle  Details of all lectures  Unit handbook  Other announcements  Unit handbook  Info on assessment  Key points for each week  Key and support reading for each week  Library  Books  Online journals

13 For non-retailers Fernie J., Fernie, S. and Moore, C. (2003) Principles of Retailing, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. (Chapters 1,5-9,11)

14 Communication Moodle Weekly tutorials Tutor hours – Griff Round 6.16 – usually Fri 1-3pm – Amna Khan 6.33 – usually Mon 9- 11am Email

15 Assessment  100% individual coursework  Brief on Moodle  Detailed briefing in tutorials next week

16 Expectations and Tips Regular and prompt attendance Attendance=Grades! Regular reading -at least the key reading for each week Be prepared for discussion

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