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Communications Lab Meeting July 27, 2012 ITHS & NWABR with the Consortium Biospecimen Resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Communications Lab Meeting July 27, 2012 ITHS & NWABR with the Consortium Biospecimen Resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications Lab Meeting July 27, 2012 ITHS & NWABR with the Consortium Biospecimen Resource

2 Meeting Goals EngageResearch Action Network

3 Your Questions What do people want to know about our research? Where do people get their information? What would make “them” trust “us”? If we want to engage researchers and the public in conversations, what is an effective way to do it? What counts as “success” from our engagement initiatives? How can we work together productively, within institutional priorities and network interests? Where can we do some demonstration projects, and evaluate the outcomes?

4 A good week in the news!

5 NPR 4-part series: The Anatomy of Human Tissue Profits

6 What resources and outlets do we have in our region and in our network?

7 Fisher Resources Outline TelevisionRadio KOMO 4 Commercial and PSA SchedulesKOMO AM/FM, STAR 101.5 FM, 570 KVI Commercial and PSA Schedules KUNS and This TVStation TalentProduction & Design ServicesFisher Matching Element for 501c Web / DigitalRegional Capabilities KOMONEWS.comWestern WA Radio and TV Properties (Puget Sound) Streaming VideoKIMA TV and KUNW TV Yakima Mobile AppsKEPR TV Tri-Cities ABC Video PlayerOregon TV – Portland, Eugene, Coos Bay, Roseburg Community Neighborhood WebsitesCommunity Events Email MarketingCharitable Causes Social Media Email Marketing Video Interaction Banners

8 KOMO 4 is the only locally owned broadcast television station in the 12 th ranked Seattle-Tacoma market. KOMO 4 is Seattle’s ABC affiliate, and offers quality programming aimed at upscale and desirable audiences. KOMO 4 produces award winning newscasts that have been nationally recognized by the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow awards. Working 4 You! Market Rank: 12 TV Households: 1,811,420 Adults 18+: 3,482,000 The KOMO 4 Viewer Female: 57% /Male: 43% Weekly Reach (A18+): 1,886,890 Age 18-24 years: 6.3% 25-54 years: 51.1% 55-64 years: 18.8% 65+ years: 23.7% Home Ownership Own: 73.9%/Rent: 24.1% Education High School Grad: 28.1% Some College: 36.0% 4 Year Degree+: 31.1% Employment White Collar: 37.1% Blue Collar: 19.2% Income >$100k: 24.8% $75k-100k: 16.8% $50k-75k: 17.4% $25k-$50k: 29.4% Source: 2011 Release 1 Scarborough Market Data - Seattle-Tacoma DMA

9 “Your contribution is vital”


11 Our Community Resource

12 Acknowledgments

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