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09/15/10 RMS RMS Market Reports – Recommendations Karen Farley Manager, Retail Customer Choice.

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Presentation on theme: "09/15/10 RMS RMS Market Reports – Recommendations Karen Farley Manager, Retail Customer Choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 09/15/10 RMS RMS Market Reports – Recommendations Karen Farley Manager, Retail Customer Choice

2 2 History 1.Background reports provided monthly to RMS since 2005 –No questions asked about reports for over 2 years* 2.Set of synch reports provided after MIMO go-live to address potential resultant gaps in market participant system logic. –Low volume of users. –TDSP ESIID Extract provided weekly which covers ERCOT protocol mandated reporting requirements (P15.2). –Service Order Extract provided daily covers the MIMO synchronization information provided. –ESIID Service History & Usage Extract provided weekly covers the MIMO synchronization information provided. *yes, I read every set of minutes

3 3 Drivers of Change Shift from reporting everything to reporting upon request Will support continued organizational efficiencies Other methods to get the information from ERCOT Project (50088) to rebuild internal ESI ID tracking application that supports ERCOT exception handling, performance measures –Its appropriate for ERCOT to scrutinize our requirements to ensure that we are prudent with the expenditures within each project. Reflects the maturation of the standards and system logic in the Texas electric market

4 4 Details – RMS Background Reports RMS Background Reports 867s Received on Cancelled Service Orders –Reporting to RMS a market level recap. –Originally requested to ensure that Market Participants were working together to resolve the synch issues. –No escalations at RMS in past 2 years. Missing 867 Report –Reporting to RMS a market level recap. –Originally requested to ensure that Market Participants were working together to resolve the synch issues. –No escalations at RMS in past 2 years.

5 5 Details – RMS Background Reports (Cont.) RMS Background Reports - Continued MarkeTrak statistics –Originally requested when the toolset was implemented in November 2006. –What the market was trying to address, in a review of MMWG and RMS minutes, concern was to monitor whether Market Participants were working issues in a timely fashion. –Additional metrics were requested when IAS flow changes were implemented. –No escalations at RMS in past 2 years.

6 6 Recommendation #1 RMS Background Reports – would recommend to discontinue as of Oct 2010 –If there is a production issue related to any of these areas, ERCOT would run similar reports for review with the market. –RMS leadership may request that ERCOT run reports that would be of value to a specific agenda item.

7 7 Details – Synch Reports Synch reports MIMO Exceptions Report – for TDSPs to inform that ERCOT received transactions that may indicate out of synch conditions between ERCOT and the TDSP –Consists of seven exception types: 1.SBD/008 Reject Report 2.814_09 Unmatched Report 3.814_09A Status Conflict Report 4.814_09R on Demand Cancels Report 5.814_09R Status Conflict Report 6.CWE (Non-Response) Report 7.CWE (Conflicting Response) Report

8 8 Details – Synch Reports (Cont.) Synch reports – MIMO Exceptions Report details 1.SBD/008 Reject – for the TDSPs to inform they have sent an 814_04, 814_25 with SBD (Scheduled to be de-energized) or 008 (reject) code. Both ERCOT and TDSP validate on ESI ID status – ERCOT status and TDSP status are out of synch for that ESI ID – Analysis indicates that this exception type is not resulting in MarkeTrak issues for any significant volume. 2.814_09 Unmatched Report – ERCOT received 814_09s with a code that does not match a cancellation code that ERCOT has sent to the TDSP – Low volume – only 20 exceptions during a 6 month time period.

9 9 Details – Synch Reports (Cont.) Synch reports – MIMO Exceptions Report details 3.814_09A Status Conflict Report - 814_09 accept received on an order already completed – Low volume – only 15 exceptions during a 6 month time period. 4.814_09R on Demand Cancels –814_09 reject received on an order that was already cancelled (demand cancel) 5.814_09R Status Conflict Report - 814_09 reject received on an order already cancelled – If an out of synch condition exists and an 867 Final or Initial is received it will appear on the 867 RCSO report. – Information is available via transactions, Siebel Service Order Extract and is ultimately reflected in ESIID Service History & Usage Extract

10 10 Details – Synch Reports (Cont.) Synch reports – MIMO Exceptions Report details 6.CWE Conflicting Response Report – for the TDSPs to inform that ERCOT received both a scheduling transaction and an 814_09 Accept as a response to an 814_08 A95 or PNR. – If an out of synch condition exists and an 867 Final or Initial is received it will appear on the 867 RCSO report. – Information is available via transactions, Siebel Service Order Extract and is ultimately reflected in ESIID Service History & Usage Extract 7.CWE Non-Response Report - for TDSPs to inform they have a cancel pending order they need to respond to – Of the 135 exceptions, 132 remain Cancelled w/exception or Cancelled/Permit Not Received. – Information is available via Siebel Service Order Extract.

11 11 Details – Synch Reports (Cont.) Synch reports Missing 867 Report – for TDSPs to inform they have sent ERCOT the scheduling transactions and have not sent the meter read – Information is available via transactions, Siebel Service Order Extract and is ultimately reflected in ESIID Service History & Usage Extract

12 12 Where Can I Find the Information? Synch reports MIMO Exception & Missing 867 – where else can the information be found? Transactions – 997s (remember those?) Siebel Service Order Extract - Must be scheduled by MP –Provides customer registration information on ESIID Service Orders within the Siebel registration system. Also provides REPs and TDSPs with the ability to verify ESI ID information where they are the current or pending REP of Record or applicable TDSP ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract (SCR727) – Must be scheduled by MP –Provides Market Participant ESI ID level data that ERCOT uses in Market settlements as well as data needed to perform shadow settlements

13 13 Recommendation #2 Synch reports – –Would recommend discontinuing the following as of Mar 2011 MIMO Exception (all 7 types) Missing 867 reports ERCOT would also retire corresponding user guides ERCOT would also update corresponding training materials –This would allow 6 months for Market Participants to adjust their business processes, and if necessary, make programming changes

14 14 Recommendation #3 Synch reports – –Would recommend continuation of the following 867RCSO Mapping Status Reject Report –Need to draft market guide language

15 15 Recap of Recommendations 1.RMS background reports – –Recommend discontinue as of Oct 2010 2.Missing 867, MIMO Exception – –Recommend discontinue as of Mar 2011 3.867RCSO, Mapping Status Reject Report – –Continue reports, need to draft market guide language

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