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Status of Delta-DOR interoperability Berlin October 14 th, 2008 Mattia Mercolino ESA/ESOC,

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Presentation on theme: "Status of Delta-DOR interoperability Berlin October 14 th, 2008 Mattia Mercolino ESA/ESOC,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of Delta-DOR interoperability Berlin October 14 th, 2008 Mattia Mercolino ESA/ESOC,

2 Summary  ESA  DOR support to Phoenix  Mixed baseline  DOR support to Phoenix  ESA  DOR support to Hayabusa  ESA-JAXA  DOR tracking on MEX  ESA-JAXA  DOR tracking on VEX

3 ESA  DOR support to Phoenix

4 ESA support and results  ESA-only baseline (New Norcia – Cebreros 35 m antennas)  20 passes: 19 operational (4 of which critical passes with delta-DOR reduced data delivery within 24 hours) 1 test pass Results indicates a post-fit residual of 0.12 ns  ESA – JPL mixed baseline (New Norcia – Robledo)  6 passes: 5 operational passes (among the 19 operational passes with ESA-only baseline) 1 test pass (carried out on December 1 st 2007) Results  Pre-fit residuals in the order of 0.3 ns  Post-fit residuals in the order of 0.1 ns

5 ESA translator to VSR validation  ESA – JPL and JPL – only data were used to validate the ESA data translator and correlator vs. JPL data correlator  Data acquired on three different DOYs (and different baselines) were translated into VSR format and shipped to JPL  Data Correlation was performed with identical settings (start time, integration time, block accumulation time) with both JPL and ESA correlators  Results indicate that the single DOR differs always for less than 0.1 ns, below the theoretical accuracy achievable with the used settings

6 ESA  DOR support to Hayabusa

7 Hayabusa observations (1)  Prerequisites:  ESA to be authorised to track Hayabusa  no authorisation needed  Steps to be done:  Check whether the possibility to track Hayabusa from either Cebreros or New Norcia exists, in the frame of the NASA/JAXA yearly cross-support  ok  Provision from JAXA of OEM data of Hayabusa  ok  Capture data from New Norcia (simultaneously with Usuda and Goldstone)  on August the 11 th a first tracking test was executed for New Norcia  ESA to translate captured data to VSR format and transfer them to JAXA  TBD  JAXA to translate collected data into either Mk5 or VSR and to transfer them to ESA (if Usuda is used)  ok  ESA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to JAXA Orbit determination Group  TBD  JAXA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to JAXA Orbit determination Group  TBD  JAXA to perform an end-to-end validation, at Orbit Determination level

8 Tentative schedule  Hayabusa DDOR tracking June 2008 November 2008 November + 6 months Jan 2008 Campaign preparation Tracking campaign Data processing and validation JAXA / ESA agreement Translator readiness

9 ESA-JAXA  DOR tracking on MEX

10 MEX observations  The following steps need to be foreseen:  Capture data from New Norcia and Usuda (and possibly Cebreros)  JAXA to translate collected data into either Mk5 or VSR and to transfer them to ESA  ESA to translate collected data into VSR and to transfer them to JAXA  ESA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to ESA Orbit determination Group  JAXA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to ESA Orbit determination Group  ESA to provide information on final validation, based on MEX known orbit  What do we achieve with that?  Validation of mutual raw data capture  Validation of the mutual translation function  Validation of the mutual correlation function  Validation of a pre-operational environment  ESA to check possible dates for a MEX tracking in the timeframe end 2008 beginning 2009

11 Tentative schedule  MEX DDOR tentative tracking:  JAXA to confirm whether a JAXA/ESA agreement is needed as a prerequisite  No agreement needed November 08January 09TBD 09 Translators readiness Tracking campaign October 2008 Data processing and validation

12 ESA-JAXA  DOR tracking on VEX

13 VEX observations  VEX is currently being observed monthly (once per month) by ESA in order to provide JPL with plane-of-the-sky measurement of the S/C  The following steps need to be foreseen:  Capture data from New Norcia and Usuda (and possibly Cebreros)  JAXA to translate collected data into either Mk5 or VSR and to transfer them to ESA  ESA to translate collected data into VSR and to transfer them to JAXA  ESA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to ESA Orbit determination Group  JAXA to correlate the raw data and to provide the results to ESA Orbit determination Group  ESA to provide information on final validation, based on MEX known orbit  What do we achieve with that?  Validation of mutual raw data capture  Validation of the mutual translation function  Validation of the mutual correlation function  Validation of a pre-operational environment  ESA to provide JAXA the dates for a VEX tracking in the timeframe end 2008 beginning 2009

14 Tentative schedule  MEX DDOR tentative tracking:  JAXA to confirm whether a JAXA/ESA agreement is needed as a prerequisite  No agreement needed November 08January 09TBD 09 Translators readiness Tracking campaign October 2008 Data processing and validation

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