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Apple’s Friends – building on the success of Zippy’s Friends 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Apple’s Friends – building on the success of Zippy’s Friends 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apple’s Friends – building on the success of Zippy’s Friends 1

2 Mental illness: a growing global problem All mental illness: 13% of global disease Depression: 4.3% of global disease 120 million people suffer from depression 2 people commit suicide every minute One in five children and adolescents have mental health problems Sources: WHO, World Bank, American Psychological Association 2

3 Global spending on mental health is minimal 1% of all health spending is on mental health 1% of mental health spending is on mental health promotion 3

4 Mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness is very cost effective For each £1 spent, saving is at least £84 4 Source: Dept of Health, London: Mental health promotion and mental illness prevention: The economic case (2011)

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8 Evaluation of Zippy’s Friends Zippy’s Friends ‘significantly improved the emotional literacy and coping skills of the children, reduced their hyperactivity levels and led to improved relationships in the classroom.’ (Clarke & Barry, National University of Ireland, 2010) Zippy’s Friends improved children’s coping skills, reduces bullying in the classroom, increases academic skills and improved the climate of the classroom. (Holen et al, 2012) 8

9 Zippy’s Friends helps children adapt to primary school ‘Participation in Zippy’s Friends is related to better adaptation to the transition from kindergarten to first grade.’ (Monkevicienė, Mishara & Dufour, 2006) 9

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12 Apple’s Friends - content 6 modules:  Feelings  Communication  Friendship  Solving problems  Changes  Moving Forward 12

13 Apple’s Friends - structure  2 introductory sessions, then 4 sessions per module  In each module, 3 activity sessions and one unfinished story  Similar to Zippy’s Friends, but children contribute more  Can be used flexibly  CD and DVD 13

14 Teacher feedback on sessions:  95% ran successfully  98% achieved aims  91% rated ‘good’ or ‘excellent’  In 97% of sessions, ‘all’ or ‘the majority’ of children joined in 14

15 Teacher comments:  ‘Initially I liked it, now I love it’  ‘Children are really pleased to be doing Zippy things again’  Children related well to stories, especially on change, family break-up, friendship issues 15

16 Good mental health for children – for life 16

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