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Cosmic collisions: dark matter, dark energy & inflation Max Tegmark, Penn/MIT.

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2 Cosmic collisions: dark matter, dark energy & inflation Max Tegmark, Penn/MIT

3 100dpi

4 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Smorga sbord

5 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Measuring clustering

6 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 exp 9911 CMB 1992-94 2004

7 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 105dpi February 11, 2003: Add WMAP results CMB

8 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom De Bernardis et al 2000, Lange et al 2000 CMB

9 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Tegmark, Jr., 2001 CMB

10 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496

11 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 CMB FRONTIERS: Polarization Small scales (AKBAR, CBI, Planck, APEX, ACT, SPT, …)

12 Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT): 150 GHz SZ Simulation MBAC on ACT 1.7’ beam w/ 2X noise PLANCK 1.4° = 145, 225 & 265 GHz. Ground based experiment at Atacama desert, Chile. Sensitivity/pixel ~ 2, 8 & 16mK (64 nights of quality data). FWHM=1.7, 1.1 & 0.93’. Scans only in azimuth with the ability to cross-link elevations. More info at Team: D. Benford, S. Boughn, J. Chervenak, A. de Oliveira-Costa, M. Devlin, R. Doriese, L. Ferrarese, J. Fowler, M. Halpern, D. Hughes, J. Hughes, K. Irwin, B. Jain, N. Jarosik, R. Jimenez, J. Klein, A. Kosowsky, R. Lupton, A. Miller, H.Moseley, B. Netterfield, L. Page (P.I.), B. Partridge, H. Quintana, A. Reiseneggar, U. Seljak, D. Spergel, M. Spergel, S. Staggs, C. Stahle, M. Tegmark, L. Verde, T. Williams, G. Wilson, E. Wollack.

13 Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT): 150 GHz SZ Simulation MBAC on ACT 1.7’ beam w/ 2X noise PLANCK 1.4° Measure the primary anisotropy beyond the WMAP & Planck resolution limits. Measure the amplitude of the CMB gravitational lensing, and therefore probe the mass power spectrum at 1Mpc scales at z~1-2. Find galaxy clusters at z<1 through SZ effect. Detect signature of reonization at z~15 through Vishniac effect. Find all extragalactic mm-wave point sources in 100( o ) 2 to a sensitivity of 1mJy. = 145, 225 & 265 GHz. Ground based experiment at Atacama desert, Chile. Sensitivity/pixel ~ 2, 8 & 16mK (64 nights of quality data). FWHM=1.7, 1.1 & 0.93’. Scans only in azimuth with the ability to cross-link elevations. More info at

14 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom z = 1000

15 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001 z = 2.4

16 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001 z = 0.8

17 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001 z = 0

18 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)

19 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies LSS

20 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

21 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies LSS Clusters CMB Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

22 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

23 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lyman Alpha Forest Simulation: Cen et al 2001 You Quasar Ly  F

24 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

25 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

26 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lensing Gravitational lensing

27 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lensing

28 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lensing

29 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lensing

30 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom Lensing

31 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 distorti on Lensing

32 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

33 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)

34 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

35 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl

36 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Mark Whittle 2004

37 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl

38 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 LSS frontiers/SDSS propaganda

39 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 APO SDSS

40 100dpi

41 Cmbgg OmOl

42 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004

43 100dpi


45 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl LSS Cool new/imminent LSS-measurements: P(k) from full 2dF data set (~250k gals) SDSS DR3 goes public this fall P(k) from SDSS DR3 (>300k gals) P(k) from SDSS LRG’s (Eisenstein et al) Angular galaxy clustering from SDSS Clustering dependence on SDSS galaxy properties (Zehavi et al) SDSS Ly  F analysis (McDonald et al, Seljak et al) See also Pope et al (2003), Budavari et (2004)

46 Cmbgg OmOl LSS Data & image processing by Robert Lupton & David Schlegel

47 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl LSS Angular clustering

48 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl LSS Angular clustering

49 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Tegmark et al 2002, for SDSS collab. Dodelson et al 2002, for SDSS collab. This was from just 400 square degrees: Now we have an order of magnitude more, and photometric redshifts.

50 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

51 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Measuring parameters

52 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB

53 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl + CMB LSS

54 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl + CMB LSS

55 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004

56 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB

57 Cmbgg OmOl

58 CMB + LSS

59 Cmbgg OmOl

60 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 What’s the Matter?

61 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl How much dark matter is there?

62 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl

63 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB How much dark matter is there?

64 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS How much dark matter is there?

65 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom No direct detection No accelerator detection No bulge annihilation detection No astrophysically observed departures from vanilla CDM DARK MATTER:

66 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom DARK MATTER: Redshift z 0 1 2 Growth factor (obs/theo)

67 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Dark energy

68 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl

69 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl How much dark energy is there? flat closed open

70 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB flat closed open How much dark energy is there?

71 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS How much dark energy is there? WMAP + SDSS: lots flat closed open

72 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS How much dark energy is there? flat closed open

73 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS How much dark energy is there? flat closed open

74 Late Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect detected by Boughn & Crittenden 2003, Nolta et al 2003, Fosalba et al 2003, Scranton et al 2003, Afshordi et al 2003, Padmanabhan et al in prep Illustration by Albert Stebbins

75 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Equation of state?

76 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Nature of the dark energy

77 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB Nature of the dark energy

78 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS Nature of the dark energy

79 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS Nature of the dark energy

80 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom From Saul Perlmutter’s web site

81 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom THE NATURE OF DARK ENERGY: Density relative to now (Yun Wang & MT, astro-ph/0403292, PRL, in press)

82 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom THE NATURE OF DARK ENERGY: Density relative to now (Using SN Ia “gold” data from Riess et al 2004) (Yun Wang & MT, astro-ph/0403292, PRL 2004)

83 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom THE NATURE OF DARK ENERGY: Density relative to now (Using SN Ia “gold” data from Riess et al 2004) (Yun Wang & MT, astro-ph/0403292, PRL, in press)

84 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom THE NATURE OF DARK ENERGY: Density relative to now (Using SN Ia “gold” data from Riess et al 2004) (Yun Wang & MT, astro-ph/0403292, PRL, in press)

85 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom THE NATURE OF DARK ENERGY: Density relative to now (Using SN Ia “gold” data from Riess et al 2004) (Yun Wang & MT, astro-ph/0403292, PRL, in press)

86 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom w(z) =-1, w’=w’’=…=0 No dark energy clustering DARK ENERGY: Redshift z 0 1 2 Dark energy density

87 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Inflation

88 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Testing inflation I: How flat is space? Prediction  tot =1.00000  0.00001 Observation  tot =1.01  0.02 (WMAP+SDSS)


90 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints








98 CMB polarization missions Dark Energy missions

99 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Testing inflation II: SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591

100 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Testing inflation II: SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591

101 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB Testing inflation II: SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591

102 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl CMB + LSS Testing inflation II:

103 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Planck + SDSS:  n=0.008,  r=0.012 n s =0.96 r=0.15 SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591 + LSS

104 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004

105 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Planck + SDSS:  n=0.008,  r=0.012 n s =0.96 r=0.15 SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591 + LSS

106 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl Planck + SDSS:  n=0.008,  r=0.012 n s =1 r=0 SDSS collaboration, astro-ph/0310723, PRD 68, 193591

107 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Boom zoom n=1, dn/dlnk=d^2ndlnk = … = 0 No gravity waves detected INFLATION: Wavenumber k [1/Mpc] Primordial power spectrum P*(k)/k

108 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 Cmbgg OmOl

109 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004 My wish list: get at the underlying physics by measuring four cosmologicalfunctions: 1) cosmic expansion history H(z) ==> Nature of dark energy 2) linear growth factor g(z,k) ==> Nature of dark energy, dark matter, neutrinos 3) primordial scalar power spectrum P * (k) ==> Inflation 4) primordial tensor power spectrum P * T (k) ==> Inflation Note that 1 predicts 4 and (for most inflation models) 3

110 Max Tegmark Univ. of Pennsylvania/MIT Physics in Collision June 29, 2004

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