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Digital Image Compression via Singular Value Decomposition Robert White Ray Buhr Math 214 Prof. Buckmire May 3, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Image Compression via Singular Value Decomposition Robert White Ray Buhr Math 214 Prof. Buckmire May 3, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Image Compression via Singular Value Decomposition Robert White Ray Buhr Math 214 Prof. Buckmire May 3, 2006

2 The Problem High resolution digital images are dense files and take up lots of bandwidth Cost of: time spent online accepting large files capable machinery

3 The Solution Using Singular Value Decomposition, we can reduce the size of the image’s matrix Eliminates the end SVDs Cuts out the boring parts

4 The Matrix/Image Matrix represents a grayscale image (126x128) Each component is represented by a # 0-255

5 The Process A = U* Σ *V T ∑= the normalized singular values (√ λ for A T A) V= columns are eigenvectors of A T A U= columns are eigenvectors of AA T [U,S,V]=svd(A) factors A in Matlab

6 For Example A = 4 x 4 = 3078 5570 2749 5969

7 -0.421990.332350.842790.034276 -0.34099-0.879590.18727-0.27383 -0.523850.33928-0.36806-0.68921 -0.65669-0.02749-0.345210.66995 22.495000 07.082400 006.09010 0000.83996 U = ∑ = -0.3246-0.50153-0.50572-0.62238 -0.40379-0.32057-0.372540.77162 0.16461-0.779460.60210.053009 0.83934-0.1953-0.492880.12012 V T =

8 Taking Care of Business SVD, singular values = rank(A) A = σ 1 u 1 v T 1 + …σ k u k v T k + 0*u k+1 v T k+1 Approximate A by eliminating small singular values

9 The Pictures The original, k=126 k=4

10 The Pictures k=8 k=20

11 The Pictures k=50 Original, again, k=126

12 The Results How much space is this process saving? 4 + 4(126) + 4(128) = 1020 8 + 8(126) + 4(128) = 2040 20 + 20(126) + 20(128) = 5100 (~31.6%) 50 + 50(126) + 50(128) = 12750 (~79.0%) (126)*(128) = 16128! x + x(126) + x(128) = 16128, x ≈ 63.247

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