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Part V October 13, 2009.  Sources of reform within the Catholic Church were beginning to appear.  Women also began to assert influence on the church.

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1 Part V October 13, 2009

2  Sources of reform within the Catholic Church were beginning to appear.  Women also began to assert influence on the church in the area of reform.

3  The broad success of the Reformation led to the Pope being forced to call a council to reassert church doctrine.  This council lasted for 18 years and was frequently interrupted by war, plague and politics.  In the end, it reasserted church teachings but also reformed areas such as:  Requiring bishops to live in their parishes and preach often  Curtailed the sale (benefices) of church offices  Reaffirmed the strict celibacy of the priesthood

4  Family life was under a variety of social and economic changes in the 16 th and 17 th centuries  There were changes in the timing and duration of marriage, family size and infant and child care

5  Later marriages  Between the 1500’s-1600’s, people married later in life because it was expensive to maintain a household  Men: Mid to late twenties  Women: Early to mid twenties  Required a public vow in church  Arranged Marriages  Most marriages began with the parents meeting first  Most marriages were made on a number of factors such as love, wealth and social standing

6  Family Size  Western families were nuclear consisting of a father, mother and 2 to 4 children  The average wife had 6-7 children  1/3 of kids died by age 5  ½ by 13  Birth Control  Birth control had existed since ancient times  The church opposed any birth control such as:  Condoms  Coitus interruptus  Sponges/acidic ointments

7  Wet Nursing  Most physicians and the church condemned the use of wet nurses  Most wet nurses were used by the upper classes  Increased infant mortality  Vanity and convenience contributed to this  The church forbade nursing women from engaging in intercourse.  Loving Families?

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