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UNIT 15 (p.343) - Part V+VI 점수 쌓기 4 -. Pattern 15 - 접속사의 종류와 용법 - 명사절 ‘ 주어, 보어나 목적어 ’ 자리에 온다 형용사절 ‘ 명사 + 후치 수식 형용사 ’ 식으로 쓰임 부사절 의미상 동사와 연결되는 부사 기능.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 15 (p.343) - Part V+VI 점수 쌓기 4 -. Pattern 15 - 접속사의 종류와 용법 - 명사절 ‘ 주어, 보어나 목적어 ’ 자리에 온다 형용사절 ‘ 명사 + 후치 수식 형용사 ’ 식으로 쓰임 부사절 의미상 동사와 연결되는 부사 기능."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 15 (p.343) - Part V+VI 점수 쌓기 4 -

2 Pattern 15 - 접속사의 종류와 용법 - 명사절 ‘ 주어, 보어나 목적어 ’ 자리에 온다 형용사절 ‘ 명사 + 후치 수식 형용사 ’ 식으로 쓰임 부사절 의미상 동사와 연결되는 부사 기능

3 접속사의 종류 등위 접속사 and; but; or; so; yet 상관 등위 접속사 both A and B; either A or B 종속 접속사 that; who; when; because; if

4 시간 접속사 When S + V Whenever S + V While S + V Since S + V Before S + V After S + V Until S + V

5 Change the Two into One! The company moved to the new office last year. The director installed the new computer system. When =>When the company moved to the new office last year, the director installed the new computer system.

6 - 2 - You must inform the customers by telephone. You send them documents by fax. whenever =>You must inform the customers by telephone whenever you send them documents by fax.

7 양보 접속사 Although S +V Though S + V Even though S + V Even if S + V

8 Change the Two into One! Ms. Lee joined the company only a year ago. She ’ s already been promoted twice. Although =>Although Ms. Lee joined the company only a year ago, she ’ s already been promoted twice.

9 Change the Two into One! I can still remember. It was so long ago. even though =>I can still remember even though it was so long ago.

10 이유 접속사 Because S + V Since S + V As S + V

11 Change the Two into One! You should rest. You are tired. becausesinceas =>You should rest because/since/as you are tired.

12 - Since - It has been ten years. John joined the company. since =>It has been ten years since John joined the company.

13 - As - I was opening the door. A terrible noise came from within. As =>As I was opening the door, a terrible noise came from within.

14 조건 접속사 If S +V In case S +V Unless S + V Once S + V As long as S + V So long as S + V

15 Change the Two into One! I ’ ll go. It is fine tomorrow. if =>I ’ ll go if it is fine tomorrow.

16 Change the Two into One! I forget. Please remind me of my promise. In case =>In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.

17 Change the Two into One! We ’ ll go. It rains. unless =>We ’ ll go unless it rains.

18 Change the Two into One! Steve arrives. We can start. Once =>Once Steve arrives, we can start.

19 Change the Two into One! I don ’ t care what happens. You are here. whatas long as =>I don ’ t care what happens as long as you are here.

20 목적 접속사 so that S + may/can/shall + V in order that S + may/can/shall + V

21 Example We started early. We could get good seats. so that inorder that =>We started early so that / in order that we could get good seats.

22 예 10 The museum has undergone extensive renovation ----- Mr. Krane was appointed as director in 2001. (A) when (B) because (C) once (D) since

23 예 10 ----- The museum has undergone extensive renovation ----- Mr. Krane was appointed as director in 2001. (A) when (B) because (C) once (D) since

24 예 10 ----- The museum has undergone extensive renovation ----- Mr. Krane was appointed as director in 2001. (A) when (B) because (C) once (D) since

25 예 11 ----- Mr. Randall can ’ t find the book he wants at the bookstore, he himself is going to order it by mail. (A) I (B) Unless (C) While (D) So that

26 예 11 ----- ----- Mr. Randall can ’ t find the book he wants at the bookstore, he himself is going to order it by mail. (A) If (B) Unless (C) While (D) So that

27 예 11 ----- ----- Mr. Randall can ’ t find the book he wants at the bookstore, he himself is going to order it by mail. (A) If (B) Unless (C) While (D) So that

28 Pattern 16 - 등위 접속사와 상관 접속사 - 등위 접속사 두개의 절을 대등하게 연결 등위 상관 접속사 상관되는 접속사가 대등한 절을 연결 종속 접속사 의미상 동사에 종속되어 절을 연결

29 등위 접속사 and but yet or so

30 Change the Two into One & Compare! Christopher was promoted. He won the contract. because =>Christopher was promoted because he won the contract. Christopher was promoted. Harold was not. =>Christopher was promoted but Harold was not.

31 예 12 Mr. Franklin ’ s question was very embarrassing to me, ----- I refused to answer it. (A) became (B) when (C) so (D) but

32 예 12 Mr. Franklin ’ s question was very embarrassing to me, ----- I refused to answer it. (A) became (B) when (C) so (D) but

33 예 12 Mr. Franklin ’ s question was very embarrassing to me, ----- I refused to answer it. (A) became (B) when (C) so (D) but

34 예 13 Ceiling fans work to cool a room in the A B summer and warming it in the winter by C D circulating the air.

35 예 13 Ceiling fans work to cool a room in the A B summer and warming it in the winter by C D circulating the air.

36 예 13 Ceiling fans work to cool a room in the A B summer and warming it in the winter by C (=> and warm) D circulating the air.

37 상관 접속사 앞 / 뒤를 서로 상관해서 연결 앞 뒤를 연결하는 유형 결과 구문 유형 비교 구문 유형

38 앞뒤를 연결하는 유형 - 1 - Both A and B+ V A, B 둘 다 A + B 가 실질 주어 복수 동사 수반

39 Both A and B 의 변형 A and B ~ both A and B ~ alike

40 앞뒤를 연결하는 유형 - 2 - Not only A but also B + V A 뿐만 아니라 B 도 역시 B 가 실질적인 주어 B 가 동사의 수를 지배

41 앞뒤를 연결하는 유형 - 3 - Either A or B + V A, B 둘 중에 하나 B 가 실질적인 주어 B 가 동사의 수를 지배

42 앞뒤를 연결하는 유형 - 4 - Neither A nor B + V A, B 둘 다 아니다 B 가 실질적인 주어 B 가 동사의 수를 지배

43 Compare Bothand Both Mr. Lee and Mr. Choi are going to attend the conference. Not onlybut also Not only Mr. Choi but also Mr. Lee is going to attend the conference. Eitheror Either the manager or his two assistants are going to attend the conference.

44 원인 + 결과 유형 강조의 부사 + that S + V so + 명사 없음 + that S + V such + 명사 있음 + that S + V too 형용사 / 부사 + to do

45 Compare sothat Mr. Anderson worked so hard that he got promoted. such that Mr. Anderson was such a hard worker that he got promoted. too to Mr. Anderson ’ s performance was too poor to get promoted.

46 비교 형식 유형 as + 원급 형용사 / 부사 + as … -er ~ than … more ~ than …

47 Example asas John is as tall as Steve. erthan John is taller than Scott. morethan H-Man is more intelligent than George.

48 예 14 The next shipment will get here neither at A B C the end of this month or at the beginning D of next month.

49 예 14 neither The next shipment will get here neither at A B C or the end of this month or at the beginning D of next month.

50 예 14 neither The next shipment will get here neither at A B C (either) or the end of this month or at the beginning D of next month.


52 Q 1 ----- signing any partnership agreement, thoroughly examine all options. (A) Before (B) Next (C) Whereas (D) Finally

53 Q 1 ----- signing any partnership agreement, thoroughly examine all options. (A) Before (B) Next (C) Whereas (D) Finally

54 Q 1 ----- signing any partnership agreement, thoroughly examine all options. (A) Before (B) Next (C) Whereas (D) Finally

55 Q 2 We will begin processing Mr. Vallejo ’ s loan application ----- we receive the supporting documents. (A) just (B) once (C) upon (D) still

56 Q 2 We will begin processing Mr. Vallejo ’ s loan application ----- we receive the supporting documents. (A) just (B) once (C) upon (D) still

57 Q 2 We will begin processing Mr. Vallejo ’ s loan application ----- we receive the supporting documents. (A) just (B) once (C) upon (D) still

58 Q 3 The special offer on Lumex copy paper is valid at participating stores ----- supplies last. (A) during (B) until (C) while (D) after

59 Q 3 The special offer on Lumex copy paper is valid at participating stores ----- supplies last. (A) during (B) until (C) while (D) after

60 Q 3 ----- The special offer on Lumex copy paper is valid at participating stores ----- supplies last. (A) during (B) until while (C) while (D) after

61 Q 4 Helmets must be worn at the excavation site ----- all times. (A) of (B) by (C) on (D) at

62 Q 4 Helmets must be worn at the excavation site ----- all times. (A) of (B) by (C) on (D) at

63 Q 4 Helmets must be worn at the excavation site ----- all times. (A) of (B) by (C) on (D) at

64 Q 5 ----- the recent recession, management of the corporation decided to go ahead with the project. (A) Despite (B) Even if (C) Nevertheless (D) Although

65 Q 5 ----- the recent recession, management of the corporation decided to go ahead with the project. (A) Despite (B) Even if (C) Nevertheless (D) Although

66 Q 5 ----- the recent recession, management of the corporation decided to go ahead with the project. (A) Despite (B) Even if (C) Nevertheless (D) Although

67 Q 6 The company succeeded in reducing costs -- --- investing heavily in technology. (A) by (B) for (C) into (D) so that

68 Q 6 The company succeeded in reducing costs ----- investing heavily in technology. (A) by (B) for (C) into (D) so that

69 Q 6 The company succeeded in reducing costs ----- investing heavily in technology. (A) by (B) for (C) into (D) so that

70 Q 7 All the arrangements should be completed --- -- to the departure of the delegation. (A) prior (B) before (C) earlier (D) ahead

71 Q 7 All the arrangements should be completed ----- to the departure of the delegation. (A) prior (B) before (C) earlier (D) ahead

72 Q 7 All the arrangements should be completed ----- to the departure of the delegation. (A) prior (B) before (C) earlier (D) ahead

73 Q 8 ----- further information, please contact one of our representatives during our business hours, nine to six, Monday through Friday. (A) In order (B) So that (C) For (D) On

74 Q 8 ----- further information, please contact one of our representatives during our business hours, nine to six, Monday through Friday. (A) In order (B) So that (C) For (D) On

75 Q 8 ----- further information, please contact one of our representatives during our business hours, nine to six, Monday through Friday. (A) In order (B) So that (C) For (D) On

76 Q 9 We are going to receive a special bonus this month because sales----- the second quarter reached a record high. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) to

77 Q 9 because We are going to receive a special bonus this month because sales----- the second quarter reached a record high. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) to

78 Q 9 because We are going to receive a special bonus this month because sales----- the second quarter reached a record high. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) to

79 Q10 The new plant in China allows the manufacturer to produce ----- 150,000 units per year. (A) in (B) at (C) over (D) among

80 Q10 The new plant in China allows the manufacturer to produce ----- 150,000 units per year. (A) in (B) at (C) over (D) among

81 Q10 The new plant in China allows the manufacturer to produce ----- 150,000 units per year. (A) in (B) at (C) over (D) among

82 Q11 New members ----- the health club are eligible for special benefits. (A) of (B) on (C) with (D) through

83 Q11 New members ----- the health club are eligible for special benefits. (A) of (B) on (C) with (D) through

84 Q11 New members ----- the health club are eligible for special benefits. (A) of (B) on (C) with (D) through

85 Q12 Employees can choose to attend a one-week workshop ----- taking evening classes for two months. (A) in case of (B) instead of (C) in observance of (D) in front of

86 Q12 Employees can choose to attend a one- week workshop ----- taking evening classes for two months. (A) in case of (B) instead of (C) in observance of (D) in front of

87 Q12 Employees can choose to attend a one- week workshop ----- taking evening classes for two months. (A) in case of (B) instead of (C) in observance of (D) in front of

88 Q13 ----- you need further information, feel free to contact us. (A) So that (B) If (C) For (D) Because

89 Q13 ----- you need further information, feel free to contact us. (A) So that (B) If (C) For (D) Because

90 Q13 ----- you need further information, feel free to contact us. (A) So that (B) If (C) For (D) Because

91 Q14 Even though the office needs new computer systems, the manager decided to wait ----- prices go down. (A) until (B) since (C) for (D) if

92 Q14 Even though ----- Even though the office needs new computer systems, the manager decided to wait ----- prices go down. (A) until (B) since (C) for (D) if

93 Q14 Even though ----- Even though the office needs new computer systems, the manager decided to wait ----- prices go down. (A) until (B) since (C) for (D) if

94 Q15 To aid us in updating our records, we ask A that all employees return the blue B personnel forms since April 10. C D

95 Q15 To aid us in updating our records, we ask A that that all employees return the blue B personnel forms since April 10. C D

96 Q15 To aid us in updating our records, we ask A that that all employees return the blue B personnel forms since April 10. C D (=> by)

97 Q16 Tired although frustrated with the failure A to reach a consensus, Dr. Pellas left the B C negotiations early D

98 Q16 Tired although frustrated with the failure A to reach a consensus, Dr. Pellas left the B C negotiations early D

99 Q16 Tired although frustrated with the failure A (=> and) to reach a consensus, Dr. Pellas left the B C negotiations early D

100 Q17 Because tighter world supplies, the export A B price of soybeans is expected to increase C D 25% this year.

101 Q17 Because tighter world supplies, the export A B price of soybeans is expected to increase C D 25% this year.

102 Q17 Because tighter world supplies, the export A(=> ~ of) B price of soybeans is expected to increase C D 25% this year.

103 Q18 The oil company has neither merged with, A B C or acquired three competitors in the last D five years.

104 Q18 The oil company has neither merged with, A B C or or acquired three competitors in the last D five years.

105 Q18 The oil company has neither merged with, A B C (=> either) or or acquired three competitors in the last D five years.

106 Q19 The next lunch meeting will be held on the A B C new French restaurant on Old South Street. D

107 Q19 The next lunch meeting will be held on the A B C new French restaurant on Old South D Street.

108 Q19 The next lunch meeting will be held on the A B C (at) new French restaurant on Old South D Street.

109 Q20 The company ’ s focus is on develops new A B C medicines to cure cancer. D

110 Q20 The company ’ s focus is on develops new A B C medicines to cure cancer. D

111 Q20 The company ’ s focus is on develops new A B C(developing) medicines to cure cancer. D


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