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AfNOG 2004 Workshop on Network Technology Track 2 Scalable Network Infrastructure Introduction, Logistics, Schedule, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "AfNOG 2004 Workshop on Network Technology Track 2 Scalable Network Infrastructure Introduction, Logistics, Schedule, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 AfNOG 2004 Workshop on Network Technology Track 2 Scalable Network Infrastructure Introduction, Logistics, Schedule, etc.

2 What you will learn zInternet protocol stack zIP addressing zBasic routing zOSPF routing zBGP routing zManagement of router configuration zNetwork operations and monitoring zExchange points between networks

3 Instructors zAlan Barrett (South Africa) zSunday Folayan (Nigeria) zGeert Jan de Groot (Netherlands) zIsatou Jah (Gambia) zBrian Longwe (Kenya) zMark Tinka (Uganda)

4 Students zPlease introduce yourselves

5 Let us know! zIf we speak too fast, please say so! zIf you can’t see, please say so! zIf you don't understand, please ask!

6 Safety zBe very careful when moving about, so you don’t ztrip on power cords zpull cables out of sockets zknock equipment off tables zlean back too far in your chair

7 Additional materials zBooks zCD-ROMs zWeb site z zMailing list zSubscribe via

8 Daily schedule zFour sessions, two hours each z08:45 - 10-45 z11:00 - 13:00 z14:00 - 16:00 z16:15 - 18:15 zAbout 1 hour for lunch - 13:00 to 14:00 zMorning, afternoon breaks (15 minutes) z10:45 to 11:00 z16:00 to 16:15 zDinner from 18:15 to 20:00 zOptional evening sessions - 20:00 - 22:00

9 Time keeping zPlease try to be on time zWe have a lot of material to cover, and will not get through it all if breaks are longer than scheduled

10 Email and web access zPlease do not read email or browse the web during class. zWireless internet access should work if you have a laptop computer zYou may use the classroom in the evenings

11 Evening sessions zThere might be optional evening sessions zThe classroom will be open in the evenings for you to experiment with the equipment

12 Meals zBreakfast downstairs in Ngor hotel zremember classes start at 08:45 zLunch and dinner in event room near swimming pool zLunch 13:00 to 14:00 zDinner 18:15 to 20:00 zUse meal tickets

13 Extra charges zAfNOG will not pay for any extra charges on your hotel room, such as: zphone calls, zfood and drinks, zlaundry.

14 Classroom layout z10 “cells” - labeled A B C D E F G H I J zEach cell has: z2 students z1 PC with FreeBSD-4.9 z1 cisco router z1 cisco console cable z1 hub/switch z1 ethernet cable to central switch zExtra cables

15 Classroom layout A C B FE I G D H J RouterPC HUB RouterPC HUB RouterPC HUB RouterPC HUB RouterPC HUB Router PC HUB Router PC HUB Router PC HUB Router PC HUB Router PC HUB

16 PC Configuration zFreeBSD-4.9  login as “ t2 ”, password “ afnog ”  root password is “ @fnog5 ” zDon't change passwords zDon’t install resolvers zDon’t ‘close security holes’

17 Keyboards zPCs have french keyboards zAZERTY... zQSDFG... zWXCV… zFreeBSD expects US keyboard zQWERTY… zASDFG… zZXCVB…

18 Schedule - Monday zIP and networking overview zIP addresses / binary mathematics zpacket forwarding zARP zoverview of cisco router configuration zstatic routes zdefault routes

19 Schedule - Tuesday zdynamic routing protocols zOSPF zResilient network design principles

20 Schedule - Wednesday zBGP

21 Schedule - Thursday zExchange points zMore BGP

22 Schedule - Friday zNetwork operations and management zRegistries zTear down - pack all equipment neatly in boxes

23 Optional evening sessions zMonday zNetwork devices: hubs, switches, routers, cabling zWednesday zIP telephony (voice over IP)

24 Open questions zFeel free to ask any questions. zList near door.

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