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Standard Deviation and Variance (Class 2) OBJ: Find range, measures of central tendency, and construct tables and graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Deviation and Variance (Class 2) OBJ: Find range, measures of central tendency, and construct tables and graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Deviation and Variance (Class 2) OBJ: Find range, measures of central tendency, and construct tables and graphs

2 Below are the algebra test scores for a class of 25 students: 56575860616567687071747577 7982878889929596979899

3 Calculator commands: (at the bottom of the second page of notes) STAT, 1 (for EDIT), 50,ENTER (repeat for all data), STAT,  (for CALC), 1 (for 1-VAR STAT), ENTER (To clear data,▲L1, CLEAR, ENTER) 2ND STAT (for LIST),  (for MATH), 8, (for VARIANCE), 2ND 1 (for L1)

4 Give the mean, median, and mode Mean 78.4 Median 77 Mode 99

5 Give the standard deviation and variance Standard deviation 14.8 Variance 218.1

6 Below are the algebra test scores for a class of 25 students: 50646870 727375 7678 79 808182 8588 89909293

7 Below are the algebra test scores for a class of 25 students: 56575860616567687071747577 7982878889929596979899

8 Give the mean, median, and mode. Give the standard deviation and variance Class 1 Class 2 Mean 78.4 Median 79 Mode 82 Standard deviation 9.8 Variance 95.2 Mean 78.4 Median 77 Mode 99 Standard deviation 14.8 Variance 218.1

9 Give range and class width Range 99-56 43 Class Width 43 6 7 1/6 → 8

10 Construct a frequency table and a cumulative frequency table with 6 classes 5656 5757 5858 6060 6161 6565 6767 6868 7070 7171 7474 75757 7979 8282 87878 8989 9292 9595 9696 9797 989899 Class Relative Frequency

11 Construct a frequency table and a cumulative frequency table with 6 classes Class Relative Frequency Class Relative Frequency 56-635 64-715 72-794 80-872 88-954 96-1035

12 Construct a frequency table and a cumulative frequency table with 6 classes Class Relative Frequency 56-635 64-715 72-794 80-872 88-954 96-1035 CumulativeFrequency Class < 56 # % 0

13 Construct a frequency table and a cumulative frequency table with 6 classes Class Relative Frequency 56-635 64-715 72-794 80-872 88-954 96-1035 Cumulative Class Frequency # % < 560 0 % < 645 20 % < 7210 40 % <8014 56 % < 8816 64 % < 9620 80 % < 10425 100%

14 Construct a histogram. Clearly mark axes. F r e q u e n c y Test Scores ClassRelative Frequency 56-635 64-715 72-794 80-872 88-954 96-1035 25

15 Go to frequency polygon at the top of the next page of notes. Give all class marks. 56 + 63 2 59.5 64 + 71 2 67.5 59.5 67.5 75.5 83.5 91.5 99.5

16 Construct a frequency polygon, mark axes F r e q u e n c y Test Scores Class Mark 51.5 Relative Frequency 59.55 67.55 75.54 83.52 91.54 99.55 107.525

17 Construct an ogive. Clearly mark both axes R C F e u r l m e a u q t l u i a e v t n e i c v y e Test Scores Cumulative Class Frequency # % < 560 0 % < 645 20 % < 7210 40 % <8014 56 % < 8816 64 % < 9620 80 % < 10425 100%

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