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Immigration & the Market Revolution. Young Republic In the 1850s, half of Americans were under the age of 30. In the 1850s, half of Americans were under.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration & the Market Revolution. Young Republic In the 1850s, half of Americans were under the age of 30. In the 1850s, half of Americans were under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration & the Market Revolution

2 Young Republic In the 1850s, half of Americans were under the age of 30. In the 1850s, half of Americans were under the age of 30. Western immigration was booming during this time. Western immigration was booming during this time. Fur trapping was thriving, until many animals were almost driven to extinction. Fur trapping was thriving, until many animals were almost driven to extinction.

3 March of the Millions By the mid-1800s, the population was doubling every 25 years. By the mid-1800s, the population was doubling every 25 years. By 1860, there were 33 states, and was the 4 th most populous nation in the western world. By 1860, there were 33 states, and was the 4 th most populous nation in the western world. What consequences do you think there were for such rapid population growth??

4 Consequences of Population Growth Slums Slums Lacking sewage systems Lacking sewage systems Violence Violence Dirty water Dirty water Rats Rats Dirt/Garbage Dirt/Garbage

5 Why did so many immigrants come? Europe was running out of room for their growing population. Europe was running out of room for their growing population. America was seen as the “land of freedom and opportunity” America was seen as the “land of freedom and opportunity” The apparent opportunity for farmland, endless food, and opportunity. The apparent opportunity for farmland, endless food, and opportunity.

6 Irish Immigration The great Irish immigration of the 1840s was particularly stimulated by the potato famine in Ireland. The great Irish immigration of the 1840s was particularly stimulated by the potato famine in Ireland. Over 2 million people died. Became known as the “Black Forties” Over 2 million people died. Became known as the “Black Forties” Generally moved to big cities because they were too poor for westward migration. Generally moved to big cities because they were too poor for westward migration. Were shoved into slums and worked in difficult jobs, where thousands were killed. Were shoved into slums and worked in difficult jobs, where thousands were killed.

7 Irish Immigration Cont… The Irish were hated by native workers. The Irish were hated by native workers. Irish hated blacks, who they had to compete with. Irish hated blacks, who they had to compete with. Nearly 2 million Irish arrived in the US between 1830 and 1860. Nearly 2 million Irish arrived in the US between 1830 and 1860. YearsIrishGerman 1831-1840207,381152,454 1841-1850780,719434,626 1851-1860914,119951,667 1861-1870435,778787,468 1871-1880436,871718,182 1881-1890655,4821,452,970 1891-1900388,416505,152 Total3,818,7665,000,519

8 German Immigration From 1830-1860, 1.5 million Germans came to the United States. From 1830-1860, 1.5 million Germans came to the United States. Mostly farmers who left due to crop failures and political collapse. Mostly farmers who left due to crop failures and political collapse. Were better off than the Irish, and often migrated to the Midwest. Were better off than the Irish, and often migrated to the Midwest. Were largely in favor of isolationism. Were largely in favor of isolationism.

9 German Immigration Cont… Contributions: Conestoga Wagon, Kentucky Rifle, and Christmas tree. Contributions: Conestoga Wagon, Kentucky Rifle, and Christmas tree. Strong supporters of education and enemies of slavery in the years before the Civil War. Strong supporters of education and enemies of slavery in the years before the Civil War. Had heavy drinking habits that helped spur the temperance movement. Had heavy drinking habits that helped spur the temperance movement.

10 Antiforeignism “Native” Americans were afraid these new immigrants would overpower them. “Native” Americans were afraid these new immigrants would overpower them. Fear of jobs being taken, and the spread of religion unknown to them. Fear of jobs being taken, and the spread of religion unknown to them. Roman Catholics were becoming a stronger group, pushing for their own education system apart from the Protestant ways of American life. Roman Catholics were becoming a stronger group, pushing for their own education system apart from the Protestant ways of American life. Creating one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world. Creating one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world.

11 The Market Revolution 1837 – Samuel Morse builds first electromagnetic telegraph. Could send signals 10 miles with copper wire. 1837 – Samuel Morse builds first electromagnetic telegraph. Could send signals 10 miles with copper wire. Congress granted him $30,000 to build a 40-mile telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington D.C. Congress granted him $30,000 to build a 40-mile telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington D.C. Why is this so significant? Why is this so significant?

12 Agricultural Changes Agriculture shifted from subsistence, to specialization, raising one or two crops that could be sold for profit. Agriculture shifted from subsistence, to specialization, raising one or two crops that could be sold for profit. Created a market revolution, where people bought and sold goods instead of making them for their own use. Created a market revolution, where people bought and sold goods instead of making them for their own use.

13 Economic Changes In the 1840s, the economy grew more than it had in the previous 40 years!! In the 1840s, the economy grew more than it had in the previous 40 years!! Economic growth was dependent on capitalism, the system in which private businesses and individuals control the means of production to earn profits. Economic growth was dependent on capitalism, the system in which private businesses and individuals control the means of production to earn profits. Investors began risking their own money in new industries, and became known as entrepreneurs. Investors began risking their own money in new industries, and became known as entrepreneurs.

14 Regional Dependence New forms of transportation made regions interdependent. New forms of transportation made regions interdependent. Each region could specialize in certain goods that could be sold and traded. Each region could specialize in certain goods that could be sold and traded. Manufactured goods became less expensive, and better quality Manufactured goods became less expensive, and better quality Farming became quicker and more efficient due to new farming tools. Farming became quicker and more efficient due to new farming tools.

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