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Choosing a statistical What are you trying to do?.

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing a statistical What are you trying to do?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing a statistical What are you trying to do?

2 Describe a sample or population Measures of Central Tendency Mean, Median, Mode Measures of Dispersion Range, standard deviation

3 Infer about a population from a sample What level of data ? Interval Ordinal Nominal Chi Square Goodness of fit Nonparametric tests Infer about a population from a sample What level of data ? Interval Ordinal Nominal

4 Interval Ordinal Nominal Chi Square Goodness of fit

5 Interval Ordinal Nominal Nonparametric tests Mann Whitney U ( 2 samples) Kruskal Wallace H Test (3 or more samples)

6 Interval Ordinal Nominal Relationship or Difference ?

7 Relationship or Difference? Pearson r correlation 2 dependent variables

8 Relationship or Difference How many variables?

9 How many variables? One Variable Two Variables

10 One Variable or Two Variables 2 way ANOVA

11 One Variable or Two Variables How many groups?

12 One group Two groups More than two Groups

13 One group Two groups More than two Groups t test for single  is known  is unknown

14 One group Two groups More than two Groups t test for 2 samples independent samples or matched samples

15 One group Two groups More than two Groups One way ANOVA 3 or more levels of the ind. Var.

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