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Strategic Planning Assessment and Development. Assessment: Club Attitude Membership declines Projects Become stale or less successful Struggles to gain.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Assessment and Development. Assessment: Club Attitude Membership declines Projects Become stale or less successful Struggles to gain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Assessment and Development

2 Assessment: Club Attitude Membership declines Projects Become stale or less successful Struggles to gain new members

3 Member Survey/Brainstorming Where to Begin? Where to Begin? –Assess member satisfaction –Determine what the members believe are the key points of Pilot membership Member Survey Member Survey Brainstorming Session Brainstorming Session

4 Brainstorming Exercise #1 What can you do through Pilot? What can you do through Pilot? What can Pilot do for you? What can Pilot do for you?Recorder: Write down every idea…no discussion

5 Brainstorming Exercise #2 Which club projects do you want to continue? Which club projects do you want to continue? –List several examples, noting whether they are: Hands-on service project Hands-on service project Collaborative project with another organization Collaborative project with another organization Signature project Signature project

6 Brainstorming Exercise #3 Which club fundraisers do you want to continue? Which club fundraisers do you want to continue? –For each fundraiser listed, note whether it is primarily designed to: Sell something Sell something Provide club visibility Provide club visibility

7 Brainstorming Results Membership Benefits Club Projects Club Resources

8 Developing a Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Development Assessment

9 Strategic Plan Step #1 Mission Statement – Keeping your brainstorming results in mind, write a Mission Statement. Mission Statement – Keeping your brainstorming results in mind, write a Mission Statement. –One sentence that describes your overall purpose. Be sure it is clear and concise. “To provide service to our community, focusing on brain-related disorders.”

10 Strategic Plan Step #2 Vision Statement – With your brainstorming results in mind, write a Vision Statement. Vision Statement – With your brainstorming results in mind, write a Vision Statement. –Define what you want your club to be. –Be positive and inspiring –“The sky’s the limit!” “To triple our membership with friendship, fun and laughter.”

11 Strategic Plan Step #3 Identify Stakeholders Identify Stakeholders –External: Individuals or groups of individuals over which your club has no direct control. –Internal: Individuals or groups over which your club has direct control. External: Pilot International, Southwestern District, Jeffco Action Center Internal: Members

12 Strategic Plan Step #4 Identify Strengths Identify Strengths –Find the positives in all three areas –Visualize how they benefit/complement each other Membership Benefits Club Projects Club Resources

13 Strategic Plan Step #5 Identify Areas of Improvement Identify Areas of Improvement –Think creatively about how you can improve –Recognize areas that are “on the fringe” Membership Benefits Club Projects Club Resources

14 Strategic Plan Step #6 Establish Goals and Objectives Establish Goals and Objectives –Goals are general statements about what you need to accomplish to meet your mission, or purpose. –Goals should address the strengths and challenges identified in the club assessment. –You should have at least one Goal for each area within your club.

15 Strategic Plan Step #6 Establish Goals and Objectives Establish Goals and Objectives –Objectives are specific actions that will support your goal statement.

16 Strategic Plan Step #6 - Example PROJECTS DIVISION GOALSOBJECTIVES Expand on partnership projects Seek out additional opportunities with Jeffco Action Center

17 Strategic Plan Step #7 Identify Strategies that will help you accomplish your goal. Identify Strategies that will help you accomplish your goal. –Strategies are specific activities that must be undertaken to ensure effective implementation and accomplishment of the goal.

18 Strategic Plan Step #7 - Example PROJECTS DIVISION GOALSOBJECTIVESSTRATEGIES Expand on partnership projects Seek out additional opportunities with Jeffco Action Center Obtain information on --Santa Shop --Spring Beautiful Junk Sale

19 Strategic Plan Steps #8 and #9 Identify who is Responsible Identify who is Responsible –Assign a member(s) to be responsible for each of your Strategies. Identify a Target Date Identify a Target Date –Establish a date when each activity should be accomplished

20 Strategic Plan Step #8 and #9 - Example PROJECTS DIVISION STRATEGIESRESPONSIBILITY TARGET DATE Obtain information on --Santa Shop --Spring Beautiful Junk Sale AlaynaLoriOctoberJanuary

21 Strategic Plan Repeat Step #7 - Step #9, developing specific Strategies for each Objective in your Plan. Repeat Step #7 - Step #9, developing specific Strategies for each Objective in your Plan. “Lather…Rinse…Repeat”

22 Revisiting your Strategic Plan Don’t let your strategic plan sit on a shelf and collect dust Don’t let your strategic plan sit on a shelf and collect dust Review your goals and objectives at mid- year and evaluate your progress Review your goals and objectives at mid- year and evaluate your progress Update your strategic plan each year in May/June Update your strategic plan each year in May/June –Keep what worked well –Revise/discard what was less successful –Leave the door open for new ideas

23 Strategic Plan Template

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