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Introducing The Warwick Commission Ian Rowley. Warwick’s international reputation Carried out in 6 key markets: China, India, US, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing The Warwick Commission Ian Rowley. Warwick’s international reputation Carried out in 6 key markets: China, India, US, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing The Warwick Commission Ian Rowley

2 Warwick’s international reputation Carried out in 6 key markets: China, India, US, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore Awareness/understanding of Warwick - reasonable familiarity, but little detailed understanding.

3 Warwick’s international reputation Brand recognition - probably about average - vague but generally positive - Clear sense of Warwick as a dynamic institution, distinct from older institutions - Determinedly international focus (generated from Singapore investigation and Indian Scholar Hunt) - WBS leads awareness of Warwick’s “centres of excellence”

4 Global Media Index

5 1. Oxford (5)1236 2. Cambridge (19)771 3.LSE (23)659 4.UCL (30)478 5.Leeds (40)259 6. Imperial (42)276 7.Edinburgh (44)246 8.Warwick (47)232 9.Bristol(56)205 10.OU (59)200

6 Continue to produce The Warwick Commission, and in time a series of other related high-level international policy activities, that will explore major global problems and offer potential solutions. (3.2)

7 The Warwick Commission(s) Enquiries into issues of global importance Raise Warwick’s international profile Showcase for Warwick’s research excellence Exploit, and further enhance, Warwick’s excellent international networks

8 ‘The Future of the World Trade System after Doha’ – International Perspectives January – December 2007 Chair: Hon Pierre Pettigrew PC Director: Prof Richard Higgott 16 Commissioners from 4 continents 4 meetings: Warwick (2), Toronto, New Delhi

9 ‘The Future of the World Trade System after Doha’ – Programme Evidence gathering (Mar – Oct) Report writing, including recommendations (May – Nov) Report presentation at WTO (Dec) Post-report dissemination strategy

10 ‘The Future of the World Trade System after Doha’ – Administrative Support RSS and CSGR: Commission administration Communications: website development and management; iCasts; media relations International Office: support for Delhi meetings

11 ‘Stakeholder Engagement Dialogues with new “publics” Use of website to encourage wider participation Dissemination strategy to influence public policy


13 ‘The Future of the World Trade System after Doha’ – An Initial Assessment The Commission is working well The Commission is a hot topic in the ‘trade policy community’ The Commission generated great publicity in Canada Patchy involvement of non-professional “publics”

14 The Warwick Commissions The 2007 Commission is one possible model The next Commissions …

15 Now over to you… You have been asked to make a proposal about the second Warwick Commission. Working in small groups you should comment on the overall theme, partner organisations, possible commissioners (including a chair person), the shape of the Commission and timetable.

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