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FPB Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Department of Communications 20 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "FPB Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Department of Communications 20 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 FPB Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Department of Communications 20 April 2015

2 Presentation Outline Vision and Mission FPB Values 5 Year Priorities Central principles to regulation Strategic Outcomes and Strategic Initiatives Annual Performance Plan 2015/2016 Budget Observations and recommendations by Portfolio Committee

3 Vision and Mission Vision ‘A leading and Credible content classification authority in South Africa’ Mission To ensure efficient and effective consumer protection by classifying media and entertainment content, while empowering the public, especially children through education, information and stakeholder partnerships.’

4 5 Year Priorities Leading edge in content classification Informing and educating society to empower adults and protect children against harmful content Legislative review Develop and maintain local and international partnerships Research, Compliance and Monitoring & evaluation

5 Strategic Outcome 5: Partnership and Collaborations Strategic Outcome 5 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic ObjectivesStrategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Expand our footprint as the FPB through partnership and stakeholder relationships in pursuance of our mandate Partnerships and collaboration - Stakeholder relations strategy - Signed MoUs - Partnership assessment reports To form and maintain national and international partnerships with identified key stakeholders, other regulators, industry players and law enforcement agencies for improved regulation (effectiveness, resourcing and enforcement) To develop Strategic Partnerships and stakeholder relations To pursue International Regulatory Alignment Review and Implement stakeholder relations strategy Implement Cyber safety initiatives in Africa Host quarterly stakeholder engagement sessions Develop the partnership assessment report

6 Strategic Outcome 5: Partnership and Collaborations Strategic Outcome 5 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic ObjectivesStrategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Expand our footprint as the FPB through partnership and stakeholder relationships in pursuance of our mandate Partnerships and collaboration Stakeholder relations strategy Signed MoUs Partnership assessment reports To form and maintain national and international partnerships with identified key stakeholders, other regulators, industry players and law enforcement agencies for improved regulation (effectiveness, resourcing and enforcement) To pursue International Regulatory Alignment Initiate 8 strategic partnerships International engagement and benchmarking Attend 3 international seminars and present papers Attend 4 film and gaming festivals

7 Strategic Outcome 4:Online and Mobile Content regulation Strategic Outcome 4ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Ensure effective and innovative regulation of the content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms to protect children and inform the general public Online and mobile content regulation Number of registered online distributors Online regulatory system No of content submitted and registered online Development and implementation of a content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms, by 2017 To develop and implement an Online content regulation strategy and framework Implement strategy and policy Launch Online regulation Develop skill base for Online Classifiers and Monitoring Online regulation system and monitoring tools implemented according to ICT APP

8 Strategic Outcome 4:Online and Mobile Content regulation Strategic Outcome 4ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic ObjectivesStrategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Ensure effective and innovative regulation of the content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms to protect children and inform the general public Online and mobile content regulation No of complaints received Development and implementation of a content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms, by 2017 Implement initiatives to ensure Cyber safety / Child Online Protection Review and Implement online and telephonic tools for addressing cyber safety of children No of educators trained Train 300 Educators on cyber safety No of people accessing hub No of partners placing content in hub Info hub rollout as per project plan

9 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target 15/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisationa l Capacity Capability Vacancy levels Develop and maintain organisational capacity through implementation of the turnaround strategy To implement Turnaround Support Programme Review and implement approved TA Structure changes Review of TA Structure in alignment with Organizational Needs Implement Remuneration Strategy Competitive FPB Remuneration Strategy and Policy supporting the FPB Turnaround Structure. Evaluate impact of organisational change management programme Complete Management Coaching and Mentoring Programme Implement Organisational Culture Program Leadership, Values and Diversity Management Programme.

10 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability Vacancy levels Develop and maintain organisational capacity through implementati on of the turnaround strategy To develop and implement Skills Plan Implement organisational skills plan To implement the Internal Communicatio ns Projects Review, Draft and implement the internal communication plan To identify critical posts in the FPB Structure and ensure that contingencies are in place for relief and internal promotion To implement HR management improvement and compliance programme FPB Strategy implementation

11 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability % of Revenue Increase FPB revenue base by 2% through exploration of potential revenue generation streams and implement cost savings measures To amend regulation fees structure Implement revised tariffs as approved by Minister To identify and pursue divers / new revenue generation sources regulation fees: 4% of total revenue generated Facilitate the Acquisition of office accommodation Extend current lease (Head Office) and acquire new office space for regional Offices.

12 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability To adopt and apply advanced ICT Technologies for the automation of the core functions of the organisation To ensure sound IT governance throughout the organisation 50% implementati on of the ICT Strategy Implemented systems integration

13 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability To adopt and apply advanced ICT Technologies for the automation of the core functions of the organisation To implement IT initiatives geared towards improvement of IT value and Performance Automated business processes Service Management implementation and review Service level management Level of KIM Compliance Develop a compliant KIM system To develop and implement a compliant Knowledge Management System 50% Compliance to KIM Framework Quarterly Records Management audit assessments Quarterly records management audit reports

14 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic ObjectivesStrategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability Research reports Conduct industry research to enhance regulation To implement research programs to inform regulation policy Annual Research plan developments Rollout of research programs Child Pornography in SA: A study among professionals working with Children's rights Desktop study on Anti-Child Pornography initiative in SADC region

15 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic ObjectivesStrategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisation al Capacity Capability Classification trend statistics To implement research programs to inform regulation policy To conduct regular trends analysis Conduct quarterly trends analysis Implementation of an efficient Customer Care Centre Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Implement customer care initiatives that improves efficiency in customer service Implementation of call centre system to ensure efficient service delivery. Decentralise administration of distributor license applications to regional offices Implement fully functional integrated Client Support Administration Systems Enhance automated processes in the customer service value chain to improve service efficiency Accurate and timely distributor licenses issued within the set turnaround time.

16 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Mantain Acceptable queries management standards number of rejected applications Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Ensure prompt response and full resolution to queries received Conduct quarterly client satisfaction surveys to assess quality of service rendered targeting 150 respondents Marketing and Publicity of the contact centre Number of people reached in marketing plan Marketing and Publicity of the contact centre Marketing and Publicity of the contact centre in line with the communication strategy Administration and Compliance Organisation compliance levels To ensure effective and efficient administration of the FPB and ensure compliance with applicable legislative and other requirements To develop and implement an Organisational Compliance and Risk Management strategy (includes fraud prevention and response, business continuity management and disaster recovery) Compliance management reporting

17 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic ObjectivesStrategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Effective and efficient manageme nt of FPB Operations Administration and Compliance Adequacy of risk management processes, performance planning and reporting To ensure effective and efficient administration of the FPB and ensure compliance with applicable legislative and other requirements Risk maturityIncreased organisational risk maturity levels Fraud prevention Implementation of fraud prevention strategy and plan Effectiveness of fraud prevention strategies Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Annual update and implementation of Business Continuity Management plan and disaster recovery plans Continued operations for critical business units during and after a disaster occurrence

18 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic ObjectivesStrategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability Policy Compliance To ensure effective and efficient administration of the FPB and ensure compliance with applicable legislative and other requirements To implement an Organisational Performance Planning, Management and reporting initiative including automating the process Implement the organizational Performance Planning Management. Conduct annual strategic planning process To implement relevant Finance and Supply chain management initiatives 100% compliance with SCM policy. Implement Contract Management directive Accountability of all assets and quarterly physical verification.

19 Strategic Outcome 3:Organizational Capacity and Capability Strategic Outcome 3 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target 2015/16 Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations Organisational Capacity Capability Policy Compliance To ensure effective and efficient administration of the FPB and ensure compliance with applicable legislative and other requirements Ensure sound governance of Council and it's committees 100% compliance with the Corporate Governance Framework Develop a Council Annual Programme 100% implementati on of the Annual Programme

20 Strategic Outcome 2: Branding and Marketing Strategic Outcome 2 ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic Objectives Strategic InitiativesTarget 2015/16 Consumers, general members of the public and industry informed about the mandate of the FPB Branding and marketing FPB Brand awareness levels To inform consumers, society and industry about the FPB To develop and position the FPB's brand and corporate identity Improve FPB brand identity and issue 4 quarterly copies of The Scene Newsletter. Issue 4 newsletters of The Scene, shifting to digital per quarter and there will be 100 print copies per quarter. Number of opinion pieces published To improve FPB's relationship with the media Develop media relations plan for FPB programmes and Units. Opinion pieces written and pitched to media.

21 Strategic Outcome 2: Branding and Marketing Strategic Outcome 2 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Consumers, general members of the public and industry informed about the mandate of the FPB Branding and marketing Number of media dialogues hosted To inform consumers, society and industry about the FPB To improve FPB's relationship with the media 2 media dialogues hosted 4 TV features and 4 Radio features Number of TV interviews broadcast 7 television interviews secured in broadcast media 15 print/online articles Public education and awareness Number of outreach activities and people reached Campaigns and Community outreach University Dialogues UJ/UNISA/Unive rsity of Limpopo Develop and implement outreach and public education campaigns. Leverage stakeholder events, industry conferences & exhibitions, film festivals, music festival, creative arts, activations.

22 Strategic Outcome 2: Branding and Marketing Strategic Outcome 2 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic InitiativesTarget Consumers, general members of the public and industry informed about the mandate of the FPB Public education and awareness No social media accounts Number of people reached on account To inform consumers, society and industry about the FPB To improve FPB's digital and social media platforms, engagement, outreach, M&E Develop and implement digital and social media strategy. Increase Face book fans by 20 % Increase Twitter followers by 20 % Establish a PR/Marketing Agency for high visibility, high impact Produce online and broadcast material to increase brand visibility, promote engagement and awareness of campaigns.

23 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance -Automated classification system -- Number of reports captured on system Implement a Content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable material submitted; whilst ensuring broad convergence with societal norms and values To implement a Content Classification and labelling system (includes, industry regulation model and content labelling and verification) Implement automated processes Industry Audit reports Conduct a Review of the FPB ONLINE Audit Process % content classified Classify 100% of legible submissions

24 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance Approved governance framework Implement a Content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable material submitted; whilst ensuring broad convergence with societal norms and values To implement a Content Classification and labelling system (includes, industry regulation model and content labelling and verification) Review Classification Governance Framework Number of trained classifiers Implementation of Classifier's and Contracted Online distributors training program material labelledDevelopment and approval of the labelling system - Review and approval of the labelling system

25 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic ObjectivesStrategic InitiativesTarget Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance Approved Online Policy Implement a Content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable material submitted; whilst ensuring broad convergence with societal norms and values To implement a Content Classification and labelling system (includes, industry regulation model and content labelling and verification) Approval and Implementation of the online policy Classification Guidelines development plan To Review and gazette classification guidelines Design and implement a Guidelines Review plan Develop and implement marketing strategy on finding of Children's study Impact of media material on children

26 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram IndicatorsStrategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance number of convergence surveys conducted Implement a Content regulation framework that ensures 100% classification and labelling of classifiable material submitted; whilst ensuring broad convergence with societal norms and values To continuously evaluate the convergence of societal norms and values to FPB classification ratings Conduct convergence surveys - 3000 respondents Number of focus groups held Develop project plans, convene focus groups and compile focus group reports per quarter with FPB stakeholders on implementation of Guidelines FPB compliance levels To review Films and Publications Act to appropriately regulate the FPGs industries Implement regulation and ensure compliance to FP Act

27 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance Number of unregistered distributors identified Implement relevant initiatives geared towards ensuring at least 75% industry compliance including extending compliance monitoring initiatives throughout the value chain of production, creation, distribution of the FPGs by 2017 To implement measures to ensure Compliance with the Films and Publications Act, by the FPGs industry Identification of unregistered distributors on physical platforms:2500

28 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE Strategic Outcome 1 ProgramProgram Indicators Strategic Objectives Strategic Initiatives Target Effective and visible monitoring of films games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public Industry Compliance No of new distributors identified Implement relevant initiatives geared towards ensuring at least 75% industry compliance including extending compliance monitoring initiatives throughout the value chain of production, creation, distribution of the FPGs by 2017 To implement measures to ensure Compliance with the Films and Publications Act, by the FPGs industry Online compliance monitoring to ensure compliance of 2600 online distributors as well as attending to at least 90% of queries reported on RMS No of raids conducted Conduct 24 Raids with Law enforcement to enforce compliance with the Act No of inspectionsInspection of existing distributors (Targeted) to physical platforms:6000

29 Principles central to FPB regulation Protecting children from early exposure to adult material and use in child pornography productions – child pornography punishable by law Provide consumer advice on media content – ‘We inform, you choose ’

30 DoC Priorities and FPB Priorities DoC PrioritiesFPB Priorities Broadcasting and Digital MigrationSingle content classification system and content labelling on digital platform (uniformity of standards) Overarching Communications PolicyTo inform consumers, society and industry about the FPB mandate and strengthen relationships with them and create a positive public image Media TransformationOpportunity for new entrants in online content distribution fields. Broadcasting Policy ReviewSingle content classification system and content labelling on digital platform Improving Capacity of entity to deliverICT capacity for FPB to better regulate the sector and emergence of online regulation

31 SO1 : Industry Compliance (Effective and visible monitoring of industry throughout the entire value chain) Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiatives 1.Content Classification and labelling 2.Review and gazetting classification guidelines 3.Develop and implement games classification system 4.Continuously evaluate the convergence of societal values and norms 5.Review FP Act Implement a content Classification framework that ensures 100% classification whilst ensuring continuous evaluation of values and norms Implement initiatives geared towards ensuring at least 75% industry compliance 1.Distributor identification and registration 2.Compliance inspections and industry audits 3.Cyber safety / child online protection Form and maintain national and international partnerships 1.Implement strategic partnership and stakeholder relations strategy 2.Establish SADC partnerships to ensure regulatory alignment 3.Public awareness and consumer education

32 SO2 : Public Awareness and Education (Consumer, general members of the public and industry informed about the mandate of the FPB) Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiative 1.Develop and position the FPB’s brand and corporate identity 2.Implement communications strategy and media relations plan 3.Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of campaigns and projects 4.Conduct community and outreach campaigns on cyber safety and piracy 5.Improve FPB’s digital and social media platforms To inform consumers, society and industry about the FPB mandate and strengthen relationships with them and create a positive public image

33 SO3 : Capacity, capability and sustainability enhancement (Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations) Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiatives 1.Develop an annual research plan 2.Implement research programmes to enhance child online protection measures 3.Conduct regular trends assessments on the latest trends in industry, impacting on FPB regulations Conduct industry research to enhance regulation and monitoring industry trends

34 SO3 :Administration and Governance Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiatives 1.Develop and implement an Organisational Compliance and Risk Matrix 2.Management Strategy (including fraud prevention and response, business continuity management and disaster recovery) 3.Implement organisational performance planning, management and reporting including automation of the process. 4.Develop and implement information security measures 5.Strengthen the role of the legal support and facilities management units Ensure effective and efficient administration of the FPB and ensure compliance with applicable legislative and other requirements

35 SO4 : Online and Mobile Content Regulation (Effective and innovative regulation of the content distributed online, mobile and related platforms for the protection of children and adults though information ) Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiatives 1. To develop and implement an Online content regulation strategy and framework 2. Implement programmes to ensure Cyber safety / Child Online Protection Develop and implement a content regulation framework that ensured 100% classification and labelling of the classifiable content distributed online, mobile and related platforms by 2017

36 SO5 : Partnership and collaboration (Expand FPB footprint through effective partnerships and stakeholder relations in pursuance of our mandate) Strategic ObjectiveStrategic Initiatives 1.Expand existing partnerships with film commissions, industry self-regulatory bodies, industry regulators 2.Increase international collaborations and partnerships 3.Review existing MoUs 4.Conduct impact assessment of key partnerships 5.Industry awards and incentives Partner with industry, enforcement agencies, other regulators and relevant stakeholders locally and internationally to ensure regulatory effectiveness and efficiency

37 Budget Statement of financial performance Audited Outcome Revised estimate Medium-term estimate R thousand 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/162016/172017/18 Revenue Non-tax revenue 7 527 5 896 4 439 5 059 6 133 6 979 6 501 Transfers received 65 458 69 835 82 675 78 901 82 359 86 472 91 684 Total revenue 72 985 75 731 87 114 83 960 88 492 93 451 98 185 Expenses Current expenses 69 031 87 489 81 680 83 960 88 492 93 451 98 185 Compensation of employees 27 250 31 299 36 116 36 503 40 153 44 168 48 585 Goods and services 38 896 53 522 42 381 44 274 45 156 46 100 46 417 Depreciation 2 831 2 668 3 183 Interest, dividends and rent on land 54 – – – – – – Total expenses 69 031 87 489 81 680 83 960 88 492 93 451 98 185 Surplus/(Deficit) 3 954 (11 758) 5 434– – – –


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