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U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program December 5, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program December 5, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program December 5, 2001 eGovernment Executive Council & Working Group Chris Niedermayer, USDA eGovernment Executive Barbara LaCour and Dennis Egan, USDA eGovernment Project Mgrs

2 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2 Thank You  Thank you for attending today’s working group meeting.  In this presentation are the revised objectives decided upon in today’s meeting.  Please send any comments on the objectives or the analysis of USDA programs by Goal 1 (Citizens) to the eGov mail box (  Additionally, please send any concerns or updates regarding this week’s scorecard to the eGov mailbox.

3 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3  Welcome  Gameboard  Finalize Strategic Objectives  Goal One Visioning  Mission Area Best Practices Template  Next steps & Wrap up Agenda

4 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Evaluate External Market Evaluate USDA customer, partner, and stakeholder current usage/needs Focus Groups Legislative imperatives Internet Best Practices mapped to USDA core processes Recommend eGov Strategy and Tactical Roadmap Mission Area eStrategy Visioning Workshops List of e-Opportunities Draft and Finalize USDA eStrategy and Tactical Plan Conduct Internal Baseline Conduct eStrategy interviews with CIOs Develop mission/vision & goals/objectives Kickoff Agency eGov Steering Committees Document current eGov capabilities, projects, and initiatives Tech Readiness Assessment Employee survey Capture USDA Vision Align eGov objectives with USDA strategy & mission Strategy IT/OCIO initiatives Business Plans Conduct eStrategy Interviews with top USDA business execs including UnderSecs Kickoff eGov Working Group and Exec Council Refine and Evaluate Opportunities Develop Hi-level Business Cases Prioritize Initiatives Assess Capabilities/ Gaps 3 4 7 Governance and Policy Recommendations Document eGovernment Strategic Planning Processes for Methodology/Guidebook 8 *Includes Workplan, Project Scorecard, Status Reports, quality assurance and general project management activities **GPEA, eFILE and 4 th Quarter Report 2 6 Agency eGov Tactical Plan Development & Project Management* 5 October 2001 November 2001 December 2001 January 2002 1 Gameboard Program Monitoring** Marketing and Communications (e.g., communication plan, brochures, billboards, etc.)

5 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5  Welcome and Introductions  Gameboard  Finalize Strategic Objectives  Goal One Visioning  Mission Area Best Practices Template  Next steps & Wrap up Agenda

6 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 eGovernment Strategic Plan Pyramid eGovernment Initiatives eGovernment Strategic Goals Objectives eGovernment Initiatives Budget Numbers are approximations of Program Level 2001 “Transform and enhance the delivery of USDA’s programs, services and information.” eGovernment Mission eGovernment Vision “USDA, electronically available any place, any time.” Goal 1: Citizens Goal 2: Public and Private Sector Organizations Goal 3: Internal Efficiency Objective 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Objective 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 eGovernment Mission/ Vision

7 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 USDA Revised eGovernment Goals Improve citizens’ knowledge of and access to USDA to enhance service delivery. (Finalized with Executive Council) Enhance collaboration with public and private organizations to develop and deliver USDA’s mission. (Finalized with Executive Council) Involve and empower employees to perform successfully in an accountable, responsive enterprise. (DRAFT with Exec Council) Stakeholder Groups Citizens Public and Private Organizations Internal Efficiency eGovernment Goals The revised eGovernment goals have been reviewed once by the Executive Council. They will be wrapped up today by the EGWG and submitted to the EC for final vote.

8 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 “Transform and enhance the delivery of USDA’s programs, services and information.” eGovernment Mission eGovernment Vision “USDA, electronically available any place, any time.” Goal 1: Citizens Improve citizens’ knowledge of and access to USDA to enhance service delivery. In the objectives, try not to repeat wording in the mission, vision and goals. Also try not to go beyond 4 objectives. Remember, objectives should realize the goals, and specific initiatives at the Agency and Department level will support these objectives. Goal 2: Public and Private Organizations Enhance collaboration with public and private sector organizations to develop and deliver USDA’s mission. Goal 3: Internal Efficiency Involve and empower employees to perform successfully in an accountable, responsive enterprise.(DRAFT)

9 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 1.1 Promote and improve nutritional habits and food security. 1.2 Enhance efficiency, profitability and commercial viability of agriculture producers and expand agriculture trade 1.3 Increase the capability of rural communities to benefit from eGovernment to improve their livelihood. 1.4 Provide the tools and resources the American public needs to benefit from and preserve natural resources and the environment. Goal 1: Citizens Improve citizens’ knowledge of and access to USDA to enhance service delivery. USDA Revised eGovernment Goals and Objectives Goal 1: Objectives Group 1: Final Versions for EC Approval 1.1 Promote a stable, secure, and affordable food supply and improve nutritional habits. 1.2 Enhance the efficiency and commercial viability of agricultural producers and promote the expansion of agricultural trade. 1.3 Increase the capability of rural citizens to benefit from eGovernment. 1.4 Provide the public with information and services to benefit from and preserve natural resources and the environment.

10 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10 Goal 2: Public and Private Sector Organizations Enhance collaboration with public and private sector organizations to develop and deliver USDA’s mission. Goal 2: Objectives 2.1 Enable business transactions with partners through one point of access and seamless integration across the Department. 2.2 Empower USDA industry partners with intelligent data for real-time decision-making. 2.3 Improve reporting, oversight and regulatory activities with standardized electronic solutions. 2.4 Lead and engage in intergovernmental initiatives to improve service delivery to similar business partners and citizen groups. * Includes state/local governments, nonprofit entities, educational institutions including land-grant universities and all other organizations that deliver USDA programs and services. USDA Revised eGovernment Goals and Objectives Group 2: Final Versions for EC Approval 2.1 Empower organizations by providing appropriate and meaningful data and knowledge for timely decision-making. 2.2 Enable business transactions with partners through user-friendly applications and seamless integration across the Department. 2.3 Streamline oversight, regulatory, and cooperative activities with standardized electronic solutions. 2.4 Provide leadership in intergovernmental initiatives to improve service delivery,

11 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Goal 3: Internal Efficiency Involve and empower employees to perform successfully in an accountable, responsive enterprise. (DRAFT) Group 3 Final Versions for EC Approval Goal 3: Objectives 3.1 Foster seamless collaboration across the enterprise to make informed decisions, minimize redundancy and achieve desired results in a timely manner. 3.2 Increase USDA employees’ understanding and usage of eGovernment applications. 3.3 Develop administrative and support functions that satisfy employee needs in an efficient, one-stop shop manner. 3.4 Create and maintain an infrastructure capable of supporting USDA’s eGovernment vision. USDA Revised eGovernment Goals and Objectives 3.1 Foster seamless collaboration to make informed decisions and minimize redundancy to achieve USDA’s mission. 3.2 Increase USDA employees’ skills, understanding, use and (ownership) of available tools. 3.3 Develop and enhance administrative and support functions that satisfy employee needs in an efficient and interoperable manner. 3.4 Create and maintain a management and technical infrastructure capable of supporting USDA’s eGovernment vision. Goal 3 Employees and the Enterprise: Improve internal efficiency by involving and empowering employees.

12 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12  Welcome and Introductions  Gameboard  Finalize Strategic Objectives  Goal One Visioning  Mission Area Best Practices Template  Next steps & Wrap up Agenda

13 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 Visioning for Goal 1: Citizens Consider Needs Brainstorm Potential Solutions Refine Prioritize Identify Primary Citizen Customers For visioning and prioritizing ideas, we will follow a structured approach. EGWG/EC meetings, Interviews, Mission Area Visioning Sessions, Focus Groups, and Research are all inputs into this process.

14 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14 Major USDA Programs by Customer Groups Note: Because some customer groups and programs may overlap, ‘dollars received’ amounts do not add up to the total USDA budget. Budget streams are not entirely mutually exclusive and may not be collectively exhaustive (very small programs may have been missed). Attempted to exclude internal salaries and overhead and focus as exclusively as possible on benefit streams.

15 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 15  Welcome and Introductions  Gameboard  Finalize Strategic Objectives  Goal One Visioning  Mission Area Best Practices Template  Next steps & Wrap up Agenda

16 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 16 Next Week’s Agenda: Current USDA Best Practices Meeting Topic Next Week: Share current eGovernment best practices by Mission Area  Will require collaboration amongst Exec Council member, EGWG and full-time Mission Area rep to fill in template  3 - 5 examples per Mission Area of existing Internet/Extranet/Intranet/ Customer Call Centers initiatives (not prospective opportunities)  Things agencies are most proud of  Complete attached slide template  Send to by COB  EC members will present at next meeting w/ Q&A  Important to learn from each other - share and leverage best practices  Beginning of the visioning process  USDA has a good story to tell  The latest GPEA report  EBT success, etc.  Marketing internally and externally will be key to change journey  Web site, brochure, billboards, etc  Top down and bottom up Rationale Action Items

17 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 17 eGovernment Best Practices Template Mission Area Name of initiative/ best practice: Best Practice description: Agency or agencies involved: Goal or purpose of initiative/needs met: Type of initiative:  Government to Citizen  Government to Partner  Government to Government/Employees/Internal Efficiency Web site URL: Benefits: cost savings awards won time saved errors reduced feedback from users, etc. Number and Description of users: Time to create/costs: Future directions planned: Lessons learned: Applicability to other Mission Areas/Agencies:

18 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 18 Agenda  Welcome and Introductions  Gameboard  Finalize Strategic Objectives  Goal One Visioning  Mission Area Best Practices Template  Next steps & Wrap up

19 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 19 Next Working Group Meeting  Wednesday the 12 th from 10-12 in Room S-107 South Building  Best Practices Presentations by EC member and Discussions Need your slides and/or faxes by Monday the 10 th – we’ll beautify, you worry about content Future EGWG meetings  Visioning sessions based on goals Executive Council will begin meeting separately, in shorter meetings focused on review and decision-making Schedule Mission Area Visioning Sessions  Invite Agency Steering Committees, EGWG members, and key business people (e.g. program directors)  EC and FT reps need to set up and coordinate with Carole Tactical Planning at Agency Level  To maintain focus on Departmental strategic planning effort, agency tactical planning will occur once Departmental Strategic and Tactical Plan is complete. Scorecard  Handout of current draft  As always, opportunity to respond with updates until COB Friday  Finalize and distribute to Senior Staff on Monday Immediate Next Steps & Wrap Up

20 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 20 Other items  First focus group  First visioning session tomorrow  Web site  Employee Survey eGovernment Mailbox   Let us know how we’re doing, thoughts on improving project and Program  Send us good eGovernment resources you think others would benefit from on new eGovernment Web site  Send us thoughts on eGovernment ideas/initiatives that should be implemented  We promise a timely response Immediate Next Steps & Wrap Up

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