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Where is Rosie ? or When are robots going to be part of our lives ?

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Rosie ? or When are robots going to be part of our lives ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Rosie ? or When are robots going to be part of our lives ?

2 Introduction –In 1962 TV sitcom “The Jetsons” showed a futuristic family that owned a household humanoid robot maid called Rosie –Rosie is the ultimate utilitarian slave machine –working 24 hours –able and eager to do everything we tell her without making us feel guilty

3 Introduction When will we be able to buy or lease a mass-produced Jetsons’ Rosie? Why does Moore’s law apply for PCs and not for Robots ? Does Rosie need AI or should she be controlled by a remote affordable 3rd world human operator? Who would we sue if Rosie damaged our property? Will video games evolve into real robotic battlegrounds that will drive the evolution towards Rosie’s commercialization?

4 Robot History The word Robot First Robot (Westinghouse) Walking robot line Honda

5 What Is a Robot ? Actuators and Manipulators Sensors Brain

6 Home Robotics Automating the (mobile) house chores What robots would you buy ?

7 Robotic Pool Cleaners

8 Robotic Lawn Mowers

9 Robotic Floor Cleaner

10 Education Robotics Lego Mindstorm Robot Kits Robocup

11 Entertainment Robotics Japanese showcase projects Robo-one Robowars

12 ToysToys Sub - $100 WowWee i-Cybie Aibo

13 Military Robots Surveillance Bomb disposal Patrols Donkey

14 Public Service Robots Hospitals Train stations Nuclear plants Mining

15 Space Robots Mars explorers

16 Industrial Robots $100b industry

17 Grand Challenge DARPA Grand Challenge –10 x $1M to make an autonomous car drive 60 miles in urban area Google Moon challenge –$25M to land a robotic rover on the moon and beam back a gigabyte of images and video to Earth

18 Other Robots

19 Where is Rosie? Obstacles –The Need –Commercialization –Technology? –Psychology…

20 Emotional Reaction Men – Wow! cool Women – how does it help me?

21 Commercialization Price (Retail = 4 x Mnfc) Distribution – who will stock and sell a new robot? Safety and certification Marketing

22 Liability Who is responsible for Damages Remote Operator

23 So… Technology is here Price and risk are a challenge

24 So… Technology is here Price and risk are a challenge It is easier to monetize Web2.0 ideas…

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