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+ Linked Learning Certification Criteria and Process High School Principal and Leadership Team Institute August 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Linked Learning Certification Criteria and Process High School Principal and Leadership Team Institute August 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Linked Learning Certification Criteria and Process High School Principal and Leadership Team Institute August 18, 2011

2 + Certification Criteria and Rubric Two documents- Certification Criteria and Rubric ____ Share one thing you know about the certification criteria and rubric with your table. Write down one or more questions you have about the criteria and rubric and save for later.

3 + Instructions Form small groups of 2-3 people and Get role-play card Prepare for Role Play (part 1) Analyze Criteria- Place on Quadrant Chart Prepare for Role Play (part 1) Analyze Criteria- Place on Quadrant Chart Prepare for Role-Play (part 2) Prepare questions and read your criteria/rubric Prepare for Role-Play (part 2) Prepare questions and read your criteria/rubric Enact Role-Play Brag about your future certified pathway Certified Pathways meet or exceed the criteria Enact Role-Play Brag about your future certified pathway Certified Pathways meet or exceed the criteria

4 + Certification Criteria- After the Role Play At your table, address the original questions you had. Did the role play add to your questions? At your table, address the original questions you had. Did the role play add to your questions? At your table- looking at the Quadrant Chart What patterns emerge that surprise you? What patterns emerge that concern you? What elements of the criteria might need to be prioritized for professional development? How might this inform revisions to your 2011-2012 Professional Development Calendar? At your table- looking at the Quadrant Chart What patterns emerge that surprise you? What patterns emerge that concern you? What elements of the criteria might need to be prioritized for professional development? How might this inform revisions to your 2011-2012 Professional Development Calendar?

5 + Certification Process Roles, Responsibilities and Timelines LBUSD Linked Learning Page ked_Learning/

6 + Overview: Pathway Quality Review Pathway Reviews criteria initiates review Collects, analyzes evidence Submits evidence Determines agenda for visit Organizes focus groups (teachers, parents, students, leadership, advisory board) Hosts visit

7 + Overview: Pathway Quality Review District: Supports development of pathways Assists in collecting, analyzing evidence Coaching and Technical Assistance Attends required part of visit

8 + Overview: Pathway Quality Review Connect Ed: Processes Request for visit Connects Reviewers to Pathway Maintains Connect Ed Studios for evidence collection Assists pathways prior to visit Facilitates between Reviewers and Pathways

9 + Overview: Pathway Quality Review Final Report from Reviewer Contains: Overall rating Overall commendations, recommendations Rating for each of four main sections Commendations and recommendations for each section

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