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Global Social Floor: a Universal Social Pension Silvia Stefanoni Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Programmes HelpAge International.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Social Floor: a Universal Social Pension Silvia Stefanoni Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Programmes HelpAge International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Social Floor: a Universal Social Pension Silvia Stefanoni Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Programmes HelpAge International

2 Social security: a right and a public service  Universal Declaration of Human Rights:  Art 22: Everyone …… has a right to social security  Art 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well- being of himself and his family  Art 25: …and the right to security in the event of….old age

3 Poverty reduction in OECD countries % of Population

4 Challenging the development paradigm  Little success in reaching MDG 1 – income poverty and hunger  In a market economy, families need cash to live  Development practitioners – and governments – promote work (eg. livelihoods programmes; micro-credit)  But, many cannot work or get enough income  Global social floor provides a means of achieving MDG 1 through provision of comprehensive social security to complement work

5 Social Security – an essential public service  Four essential public services:  Health  Education  Safe water and sanitation  Social security  A system of regular and predictable cash transfers aimed at tackling poverty and promoting economic growth

6 Coverage of contributory pensions

7 Coverage of social pensions

8 Impact of social pensions on poverty in South Africa 96% 54% 21% 98% 71% 32% 0%20%40%60%80%100% Households only with older people Households including older people All households Poverty gap reductionDestitution gap reduction

9 Impact of social pension in Mauritius

10 Investment in children  Nutrition:  Pensions associated with a 3-4cm increase in height among children in South Africa  Education:  South Africa pension led to 8% increase in enrolment among poorest 20% of children  Similar impact in Brazil among girls aged 12- 14

11 Why universal social pensions?  Poverty targeting is difficult in developed countries – large inclusion and exclusion errors  Administratively more complicated and expensive  In developing countries, we do not know how to target – therefore, errors will be much greater  Benefits often captured by the better-off (eg. India and Bangladesh)  Community targeting causes discord in communities  Targeted social pensions will be denounced as corrupt  Poverty targeting will create disincentives to save and contribute to other pension schemes  Greater political acceptability for universal benefits  Amartya Sen: “A benefit for the poor is a poor benefit”

12 World Bank model of pension system Social Pensions Rich Poor

13 Model of the pension system RichPoor


15 Social pensions are part of a broader package  We need to look at the whole life cycle and associated vulnerabilities  Social pensions need to complement child benefits, disability benefits, support for the unemployed and free access to health services  Politically, however, social pensions are likely to be the easiest to introduce  Example of southern Africa – initial political support for social pensions  Happens where governments have more meaningful accountability to citizens  Where governments are accountable to donors, there is a preference for targeted social assistance programmes (eg. Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kyrgyzstan) which are driven by northern consultants  Global Social Floor need to challenge this approach and advocate for universal approaches

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