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Published byAshlee Riley Modified over 9 years ago
Charts for Inflation Report 1/2002
Source: EcoWin Chart 1.1 GDP growth in the US, the euro area and Japan. Percentage change from previous quarter (annual rate)
Long rates Prices for industrials Wilshire 5000 Sources: Norges Bank, EcoWin, The Economist and Wilshire Associates Chart 1.2 Equity prices and long-term interest rates in the US and prices for industrials (USD). Index, Week 1 in 2001 = 100
Sources: International Petroleum Exchange and Norges Bank Chart 1.3 Oil price, Brent Blend. USD per barrel
Source: Norges Bank Import-weighted exchange rate (Week 1 1995=100) Trade-weighted exchange rate (1990=100) Chart 1.4 Effective NOK exchange rates. Import- weighted exchange rate and trade-weighted exchange rate
Source: Statistics Norway Volume Price Chart 1.5 Traditional merchandise exports. Volume and price. Percentage rise on same quarter previous year
Sources: Norsk Gallup Institutt AS and Norges Bank Combined confidence indicator Confidence in own financial situation Confidence in country's economy Chart 1.6 Consumer confidence indicator (level). Estimated trend.
1999 2000 Source: Statistics Norway 2001 Chart 1.7 Goods consumption index. 1995 = 100. Seasonally adjusted volume
Credit to households C2 C3 mainland Norway Source: Norges Bank Chart 1.8 The credit indicator (C2), credit to households and total credit to the non-financial private sector and municipalities, mainland Norway (C3). 12-month rise. Per cent
LFS unemployment 1) LFS unemployment: 3-month moving average Sources: Statistics Norway and the Directorate of Labour Registered unemployed and labour market programmes Registered unemployed Chart 1.9 Number unemployed (LFS), number of registered unemployed and persons in labour market programmes. In thousands. Seasonally adjusted 1)
Whole country Western Norway Eastern Norway Central and northern Norway Southern Norway Source: Directorate of Labour Chart 1.10 Change in unemployment on same month previous year. In thousands of persons
1) Norges Bank's estimates up to July 2000, thereafter figures published by Statistics Norway 2) Norges Bank's estimates Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Goods and services produced in Norway CPI-ATE Imported consumer goods Chart 1.11 Consumer prices adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE). Total 1) and distributed by imported and domestically produced goods and services 2). 12-month rise. Per cent
Source: Statistics Norway Services with wages as a dominant price factor House rent Transport services CPI Chart 1.12 Consumer prices by delivery sector. 12-month rise. Per cent
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Imported consumer goods Cars Clothing and footwear Chart 1.13 Consumer prices adjusted for tax changes. Cars, clothing and footwear and imported consumer goods. 12-month rise. Per cent
CPI-AT: CPI adjusted for tax changes CPI-ATE: CPI adj. for tax changes and ex energy products 1) Norges Bank's estimates up to July 2000, thereafter figures published by Statistics Norway Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank CPI CPI-AT 1) CPI-ATE 1) Chart 1.14 Consumer prices (CPI). Total and adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products. 12-month rise. Per cent
1) Electricity accounts for 3.3% of the total CPI. Fuel and lubricants account for 4.2% of the total CPI Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Fuel and lubricants Electricity Chart 1.15 Consumer prices. Energy-related products 1). 12-month rise. Per cent
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis and Norges Bank Chart 2.1 Quarterly change in US GDP, annualised. Contribution to growth in volume. Seasonally adjusted. Per cent Private consumption Private investment Gov’t consumption and investment Net export Inventories GDP
Saving ratio (left-hand scale) Net wealth (right-hand scale) Sources: Datastream, EcoWin, the Federal Reserve and Bureau of Economic Analysis Chart 2.2 Private saving and household net wealth in the US as a percentage of disposable income
Sources: EcoWin, the European Commission and The Conference Board US (left-hand scale) Euro area (right-hand scale) Chart 2.3 Consumer confidence indicators in the US and the euro area
Sources: EcoWin, ISM and the European Commission US (left-hand scale) Euro area (right-hand scale) Chart 2.4 Business sentiment indicators in the US and the euro area
Sources: EcoWin and Statistics Norway Sweden Euro area US Norway Chart 2.5 Industrial output. Seasonally adjusted indices, January 1997=0
Metals Mechanical Source: Statistics Norway Electronic and optical Chart 2.6 Unfilled orders in the technology industry. Value indices, 1995=100
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Chart 2.7 Gross investment in petroleum activities. In billions of NOK. Constant 1997 prices
1) The budget balance is the change on the previous year, expressed as a percentage of trend mainland GDP. Sources: National Budget and Supplementary Proposition 2002, Ministry of Finance Chart 2.8 Structural non-oil budget balance 1)
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Wealth ratio (right-hand scale) Saving ratio (left-hand scale) Chart 2.9 Household saving and net financial wealth. Percentage of disposable income
Source: Norges Bank Chart 2.10 Household loan debt as a percentage of disposable income and household interest expense after tax as a percentage of cash income Interest burden (right-hand scale) Loan debt (left-hand scale)
Source: EcoWin Financial IT All-share index Manufacturing Chart 2.11 Developments in some indices on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Daily figures, 01.01.00- 21.02.02. Indices, 3 January 2000 = 100
Source: Statistics Norway Chart 2.12 Manufacturing employment, 1970-2001. In 1000s of people employed.
Sources: Statistics Norway, the Technical Reporting Committee on Income Settlements and Norges Bank Local currency Common currency Chart 2.13 Relative labour costs in Norwegian manufacturing compared with trading partners. Index, 1990=100
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Unemployment rate (left-hand scale) Employed (right-hand scale) Chart 2.14 Change in number employed from previous year (in thousands) and LFS unemployment rate
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Labour force participation (per cent, left-hand scale) Change in LFS labour force (thousands, right-hand scale) Chart 2.15 Change in labour force from previous year, and labour force as a percentage of population aged 16-74 (labour force participation rate)
1) Hourly labour costs in mainland Norway including the costs of additional vacation days. For 2001 we have excluded extraordinary pension payments to KLP (the municipal sector pension fund) in local government Sources: Statistics Norway and the Directorate of Labour Registered unemployment and persons on labour market programmes Rise in labour costs Chart 3.1 Rise in labour costs 1) and unemployment rate. Per cent
1) Labour costs as a percentage of value added 2) Result for the year + net interest and financial costs as a share of total assets. Excluding oil companies Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Return on total assets (left-hand scale) Wage share (right-hand scale) Chart 3.2 Profitability in manufacturing. Wage share 1) and return on total assets 2)
Sources: EcoWin, Datastream, the OECD and Norges Bank Consumer prices Producer prices Chart 3.3 Producer and consumer prices for Norway's trading partners. 12-month rise. Per cent
Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Goods and services produced in Norway CPI-ATE Imported consumer goods Chart 3.4 Consumer prices adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE). Total and distributed by imported and domestically produced goods and services. 12-month rise. Per cent
CPI CPI-ATE Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Chart 3.5 Consumer prices (CPI). Total and adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI- ATE). 12-month rise. Per cent
Forward rates 21 February 1) 3-month money market rates up to 21 February. Three-month forward rates are estimated using four money market rates and five government bond yields with different maturities as observed on 21 February. Source: Norges Bank Forward rates 25 October Chart 3.6 Expectations concerning short-term money market rates 1). Per cent
Source: Norges Bank 21 February 25 October Chart 3.7 Forward rate differential against Germany. Percentage points
Household saving ratio 1) OECD estimates for 2001 Sources: OECD and Bureau of Economic Analysis Current account Chart 3.8 Household saving as a percentage of disposable income and the current account balance 1) as a percentage of GDP in the US
Sources: International Petroleum Exchange and Norges Bank Futures prices 20 February IR 1/2002 Chart 3.9 Oil price, Brent Blend. USD per barrel
2.5 1) Adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE). The bands in the fan indicate different probabilities for consumer price inflation. Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank 30%50%70%90% Chart 3.10 Consumer price inflation 1). Projection and uncertainty. 12-month rise. Per cent
Chart 3.11 Evaluation of the risks to the inflation projection for the first quarter of 2004 Probability density Source: Norges Bank 2½ 50%
To annex:
Source: Norges Bank Deposit rate Assumption Overnight rate 3-month money market rate
Source: Norges Bank Import-weighted exchange rate (Week 1 1995=100) Trade-weighted exchange rate (1990=100) IR 1/02: 101.8 IR 1/02: 94.4
Source: Norges Bank Credit to households C2 The credit indicator (C2), credit to households and total credit to the non-financial private sector and municipalities, mainland Norway (C3). 12-month rise. Per cent C3 mainland Norway
Source: Norges Bank CPI Consumer prices (CPI and CPI-ATE). 12-month rise. Per cent CPI-ATE
Sources: EcoWin and Norges Bank Euro area US Japan 3-month rates in the US, the euro area and Japan
Box: Evaluation of Norges Bank's projections for 2000
1) Level 2) Including the costs of additional vacation days Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Chart 1 Projections for some key variables for 2000 published at various times. Annual increase. Per cent Mainland demand Unemploy- ment 1) Wage growth 2) Price inflation Mainland GDP Projection for 2000 published in 1998 Projection for 2000 publ. in 1999 Actual figure 2000
Sources: Consensus Economics Inc., Statistics Norway (SN), Ministry of Finance (FIN) and Norges Bank Chart 2 Estimates for some key variables for 2000 published in December 1999 by various institutions. Annual increase. Per cent Consumer price inflation Mainland GDP
Box: Wage growth
1) For 2001 we have excluded extraordinary pension payments to KLP (municipal pension fund) in local government Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Actual wage growth Estimated wage growth Labour costs per person-hour, mainland Norway. Actual 1) and estimated. Percentage change from previous year.
Box: Have Norges Bank’s interest rate decisions been anticipated?
Source: Norges Bank Change in money market rates following Norges Bank's monetary policy meetings. 1 July 1999 - 25 January 2002. Percentage points Change in deposit rate Change in 3-month interest rate Change in 1-month interest rate
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