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THE EPSU Youth Network YOUNG WORKERS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN ROMANIA Popa Florin President of Publisind youth Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EPSU Youth Network YOUNG WORKERS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN ROMANIA Popa Florin President of Publisind youth Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EPSU Youth Network YOUNG WORKERS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN ROMANIA Popa Florin President of Publisind youth Organisation

2 Unemployment rate in Romania According to Internationl Labour Office: unemplyment rate was estimated in march at 7.5%. this numer is higher than last month with 0.4pp (procentual points). the number of unemployed persons (age between 15-74), for march is estimated at arround 700 000, increasing than last month/last year. unemployment rate for men and women in Romania: 8% -men and 6.8% -women. the unemployed persons according to BIM, are the persones aged 15-74 years old, who don t have a work place, are availeble to start work in 2 months maximum and who were looking for a job for 4 months maximum.

3 Minimum wage in Romania In December 2011 the Government established that the minimum wage will be 700 lei (arround 160 euro).

4 Young workers unemployment rate in Romania In 2011 it riched the highest level since last 15 years: 23,7%

5 Actions taken by the government to raise employment rate Implementing the National Program for Employment:  Labor mediation  Information and professional counseling  Employment thru training courses  Compensation for persons that are looking for a job while they have an unemployment compensation.  Different compensations for employers that hire persons from vulnerable groups (young people, students etc.)

6 Public pension system vs. private pension system Only 5 years ago Romania adopted the private pension system. Since this month the private pension system was adopted for military, police workers and other civil servants (eg:prison workers).


8 Publisind Youth Organisation is a youth body consisting of members and supporters of Publisind, aged up to 35 years all over Romania and it was created about 2 years ago.

9 The goals of the youth organization aim to promote:  development of cooperation between the relevant actors of the labour market to ensure the transition from school to the active live  the labour market integration of the youth and of people from vulnerable groups  promoting and supporting the rights and specific interests of young people  employment retention of workers and youth in particular, for a long period.

10 The current priorities of the Youth Organizations include the increased involvement of the youth in trade union activities, at all levels of decision-making and leadership.

11 We believe that there are several steps which should be supported in terms of policies and measures to protect and improve opportunities for young people: Young people should be encouraged to join unions and collective bargaining should be supported to promote: protection for young people within employment access to learning opportunities equality within work and in access to training opportunities, including work-based learning The Government should ensure that young people are given enough information and opportunities to allow them to make choices about their working lives without feeling constrained by traditional views about appropriate areas of work for women or men.


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