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Parent Program Module 3. Inform parents about experiences their students may encounter while at the University Partner and assist parents in a successful.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Program Module 3. Inform parents about experiences their students may encounter while at the University Partner and assist parents in a successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Program Module 3

2 Inform parents about experiences their students may encounter while at the University Partner and assist parents in a successful transition of independence for their students Encourage learning & involvement through extra curricular and various academic experiences Purpose

3 Roles of a Parent Leader Represent the University of Windsor in a positive manner Provide accurate information. If you don’t know it, refer them to someone who does Help parents feel comfortable with their students’ decision to go to the University of Windsor Convey information by linking it to your own experiences at the university Goals of the Parent Program Provide information to parents about the services available to them and their students (OL’s) Familiarize parents with the stages of personal development (EDC staff) Relieve parents’ anxieties and concerns Talk about the financial considerations of University

4 Schedule of the Day Meet in the Boardroom (2 nd floor of CAW Centre) at 7:45am When the opening ceremonies is complete in Ambassador Auditorium parent leaders will leave to set up for the Info. Fair (main floor of CAW Centre) Meet back at Ambassador to listen to the remaining first presentation and then be ready to present (beginning at 10:30) on: – Campus services – Misc questions, transportation, getting involved, – Campus safety, health services, – Financial aid and paying for university

5 Taking the time to click on the blue links in the next slides will enable you to have as much information as you can while completing this module. This will make you a more informed presenter

6 While Presenting Project your voice, speak clearly and not too quickly Provide only information that you know to be 100% accurate Use positive body language Avoid fillers -keep the “uhhs, umms, likes” to a minimum Be friendly and SMILE!

7 To make it even better! Know the Parent section of the manual! Be familiar with services and support areas on campus (check the UWindsor website for details) You’ll be more at ease if you are familiar with the materials in the manual and you can relate them to your own experience as a student Arrive on time everyday and take the time to discuss your plan with your co-presenters Be energetic and personable Make sure you focus on the positives about the University but be genuine in your responses Allow parents to complete their questions before you respond THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!

8 KNOW ABOUT THESE SERVICES! Click on the names below to link to the website to find out what each of these provide to students VIP Advising Centre SOS Windsor Welcome Week (contains information about dates & activities offered last year –this year’s events will appear in July) Windsor Welcome Week Educational Development Centre Centre for Career Education –job/experiential opportunities Centre for Career Education Work Study –through Student Awards Office Work Study Student Awards Office

9 Don’t skip these… Welcome Tent U Crew STEPS and Campus Life Line Workshops STEPSCampus Life Line UWindsor Portal (Features and benefit?) UWindsor Portal UWinCARD UWindsor Alert Textbook and Technology Grant Ontario Distance Grants

10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARENTS AND STUDENTS PARENTSSTUDENTS Focus on Student Health Services Safety Focus on St. Denis Centre The Pub/Thirsty Scholar Presentation will focus on Money matters, health & safety Staying in contact with student Services for students Clubs/societies/extra-curricular Presentation will focus on Class information Services Clubs/societies/extra-curricular

11 Parent Presentation This year, the sessions will be less structured than they were last year, although the same information will be covered, you will not be as bound by time limits and “sessions”. However, you should still be providing all of the information so you will need to stay focused to get through the information. Your presentation of the information will include fewer slides than in the past years (so you need to know your stuff), and will also be supplemented with short video clips and questions and answers. Parents may ask questions throughout your session, but it’s important to balance the number of questions with the information you are presenting (ie. Many of the parents’ questions will likely be answered during the presentation of your information)

12 Parent Presentations – Transition to University (SDS Staff): This session is presented by the full time Student Development and Support staff and will focus on helping parents to foster a sense of responsibility in their students by preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead. We will focus on helping them to assist their students in becoming more independent and understanding how university students are more successful when they can navigate and recognize the changes from high school to the new university environment.

13 Student Leader Presentation & Discussion -Topics – Academics – You will need to know the following information in detail – Campus Services including: All areas within Student Development & Support –know the individual areas and the services they provideStudent Development & Support Student Information System SIS the student Portal (My UWindsor)My UWindsor Leddy Library Registrar’s Office –services offered Registrar’s Office Advising Centre Professors expectations –what have you learned?

14 Campus Safety – Safety on campus Campus Community Police ERT (Emergency Response Team) –trained student volunteers respond to emergencies on campus prior to EMS arrival Emergency Poles (Blue lights and call boxes linked to CCP UWindsor Alert Don’t Be That Guy / Don’t Be That Girl Don’t Be That Guy Don’t Be That Girl

15 Student Leader Presentation & Discussion -Topics Financial Implications and Tips for Saving Money – Parents will be informed of the financial portion of university: – Student Awards and Financial Aid Student Awards and Financial Aid OSAP SCHOLARSHIPS BURSARIES PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT (Work Study and other)(Work Study – Give advice on how to save money Textbooks –used if available Traveling around (in or out of town)

16 Health & Wellness – Talk about the services on campus available to students Student government and the health benefits offered –opt out optionhealth benefits offered Part-time students’ organization OPUSOPUS Student Disability Services (Chronic medical, psychiatric, LDs, temporary, mobility, sensory disabilities) Student Disability Services Student health services, pharmacy, dentist and chiropractor Student health services Student Counselling Services Campus Rec, Forge Fitness, Intramural sports, fitness classes Campus Rec

17 Hidden Treasures – CJAM Radio station CJAM – GLIER GLIER – The LeBel Gallery–art school The LeBel Gallery – Computer Centre – Favourite study areas – (share your own hidden treasures about UWindsor)

18 Transportation – City bus pass (fares for students $1.70 month $55.00 monthly) City bus pass – cabs – Parking passes (purchase early! approx $288.00 per 8 months for students, option to purchase a $35.00 hard pass allowing them to get into faculty lots after 3:30 p.m.) **this is pending final approval by the board – ISIC - – Going to Detroit –tunnel bus, in groups, safety, good things Michigan has to offer –concerts, sports, etc – Areas of interest in Windsor and Essex County

19 Student Development Opportunities for Learning Outside the Classroom – Share experiences of what you have learned being involved in campus activities – Inform parents about various opportunities available for the students S.O.S WWW (Windsor Welcome Week) WWW Clubs & Societies & UWSA St. Denis Centre & Campus RecCampus Rec TLC (Transitional Leadership Conference) or VIP (Volunteer Internship Program) TLC (Transitional Leadership Conference) VIP (Volunteer Internship Program) What have YOU been involved with and how has it helped you to develop new skills?

20 Technology, Communicating & Staying Connected – Hot websites for communication (Facebook, Skype, Twitter) – Cell phones and texting – Managing distractions – Parents and friends – the differences –checking in too often – Advice for your students – Modes of communication – what’s right for you and your student? – Let Parents know that UWindsor has Facebook fan pages for them “Parents of UWindsor Students” and their students “New at UWindsor 2010” to keep them informed about events and services

21 If asked to be a presenter for parent program Your session will begin at 10:30am While the EDC staff is presenting the Transition to University, you will help set up the information fair. It is in your best interest to return to Ambassador after table set up to listen to the SDS staff presenting so that you know what has been covered in that session to avoid repetition.

22 TEST TIME!! GET READY! You can do it! Don’t be scared… Your answers will be submitted to Beth…if you think you are not ready…Please start over

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