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1960’s Kennedy and the New Frontier 1960  Election of Kennedy- image on TV- looks, charm, youth, elegance, intelligence  Deals with Cold War  New Frontier-

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Presentation on theme: "1960’s Kennedy and the New Frontier 1960  Election of Kennedy- image on TV- looks, charm, youth, elegance, intelligence  Deals with Cold War  New Frontier-"— Presentation transcript:

1 1960’s Kennedy and the New Frontier 1960  Election of Kennedy- image on TV- looks, charm, youth, elegance, intelligence  Deals with Cold War  New Frontier- little changes –Stimulate economy- defense spending –Foreign aid –Space  Assassination, Nov 22, 1963 LBJ- Great Society  war on poverty- economic opportunity act  money for schools  Medicare/ medicaid  HUD- housing and urban development  Immigration act

2 1960s Counter Culture HIPPIES!!  Anti-establishment  Mainstream values are hollow  Sex (sexual revolution) drugs and rock n roll- peace and love  Ragged jeans, tie dye, long hair  Communes, Zen Buddhism Mainstream culture adopts styles –Pop art –Longer hair, jeans –Rock music- Beatles- Woodstock Nixon- Conservative Government  Decrease in Federal govt spending –Transfer to state local govt –Trouble with congress –Increase in some social services  FBI/ CIA- gather info on Americans  Slows desegregation  Change in Supreme court

3 Civil Rights Cont… Latinos & Native Americans  Population growth- Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, etc  Cesar Chavez- (Dolores Huerta) National Farm Workers Assoc-1965-grape boycott- Ca, La Causa, 3 week fast, meets Kennedy –UFWOC- united farm workers –Cultural pride/ brown power/ Chicano movement- Bilingual ed. –Brown berets (David Sanchez)- 1968- LA school walkout  La Raza Unida- increase Latin American participation in govt. Mexican American political assoc.  Native Americans- 1961- Declaration of Indian Purpose –AIM- American Indian movement- violence- seize Alcatraz, marches- wounded knee, trail of broken treaties –Gains- 72, more control over reservations/ education, court cases- compensation and returned land

4 Women –Growth in work force- low paying jobs –Feminism- economic, political, social equality  Betty Friedan- Feminine mystique –Civil Rights Act 1964, Gender included –National Organization for Women  Pushes EEOC (employment equality)  Gloria Steinem- political organization –1970, march on New York (50th for voting) –1972, equality in education –Roe V. Wade- Abortion –Equal Rights Amendment/opposition- conservative fears

5 1970s cont Economy  Stagflation- inflation and unemployment  National debt  World competition  More workers  Oil/ OPEC- War- support of Israel Foreign policy-  Withdrawl with honor- Vietnam  From containment to détente- reducing of tensions –Visits China- settle disputes peacefully –Visits USSR- SALT- nuke limitations Watergate  growth in power of presidency 1930’s- 1970’s –power of advisors  do anything for reelection 1971-72 –tap phones –stop leaks to press –steal/ collect illegal info

6 Watergate cont  Nixon’s administration tries to cover up burglary at Democratic National Convention Headquarters, 1972 –Buglary leader- Nixon’s reelection committee, controlled by Nixon’s advisors –Paper shredding –Whitehouse request stop of investigation –Burglar breaks silence –Washington post reporters- links to whitehouse –Senate Investigation 1973  John Dean- advisor tells all  Whitehouse tapes- people get fired- court order for tapes  Advisors charged  Public appalled –Impeachment hearing 1974 –Resigns August 8, 1974  Distrust of Government and Government officials

7 Ford  Continued economic problems- little action –Inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, reduced govt spending  Continued negotiation with communists Carter  Outsider- honesty, integrity  Energy crisis- govt incentive  Economic crisis gets worse  Foreign policy/human rights- communist tension grows –Middle East  Camp David, treaty between Israel, Egypt –Israel left Sinai Peninsula, self rule for Palestinians  Iran hostage Crisis- revolution/ Shah/ US support- Revolutionaries storm US embassy hold US hostages for 444 days The Environment Activism- 1970’s  Publications of problems  Earth day/ Environment protection agency –Clean Air Act, pesticide, mining limits, Alaska  Nuclear energy/ 3 mile island

8 1980’s  economic problems/ tax burden of social programs/ want smaller govt/ no affirmative action Reagan  Conservative coalition- intellectuals, businessmen, middle class, Christians –Traditional values, small govt/less spending, reduce regulations/taxes on business, strengthen national defense  Reganomics- tax cuts for business/supply side economics  Military spending- SDI- Strategic Defense Initiative- Star Wars  Economy improves, stock market, inflation, unemployment, interest rates lower  More national debt

9  Supreme court conservative- limited abortion, civil rights rulings, rights of arrested people  Deregulation of business/ cut in environment action Problems of the 80’s  Health- AIDS, pro-choice vs. pro-life, drug use  Education- A Nation at Risk, low scores  Inner cities- poor schools, crime, unemployment Civil Rights  More women/minorities in office –Pay equity/ Flexible hours, family health benefits, child care  Bilingual education  Native American gambling  Gays/Lesbians gain a voice

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