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$100 $500 $400 $200 $300 $200 $300 $500 $400 Presidential Blunders! The 1950s The 1960s The 1970s This and That CLICK HERE FOR FINAL JEOPARDY.

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3 $100 $500 $400 $200 $300 $200 $300 $500 $400 Presidential Blunders! The 1950s The 1960s The 1970s This and That CLICK HERE FOR FINAL JEOPARDY

4 This president pardoned Richard Nixon when many wanted justice.

5 Who is Gerald Ford? $100

6 At the end of this man’s term, the US had terrible inflation, many were out of work, and Iran was holding 53 Americans hostage.

7 Who is Jimmy Carter ? $200

8 This leader landed 1500 men at the Bay of Pigs and didn’t provide promised support.

9 Who is John F. Kennedy? $300

10 This president “obstructed justice” by not turning over tapes of oval office conversations.

11 Who is Richard Nixon? $400


13 This president sold weapons to Iran (not a friend!) without Congressional approval in order to give money to the Contras in Nicaragua.

14 Who is Ronald Reagan? $???

15 The Korean War ended with the country split at this location.

16 What is the 38 th parallel? $100

17 The suburbs grew during this decade thanks to home construction by this man.

18 $200 Who is William Levitt?

19 The arms race resulted in these new safety measures for an atomic attack.

20 What are fallout shelters and “duck and cover” rehearsals? $300

21 This organization was originally created to create better missiles.

22 What is N.A.S.A.? $400

23 Young people, known by this term, grew their hair long and listened to that crazy Rock N Roll.

24 $500 What are “babyboomers”?

25 This president challenged the nation to land on the moon.

26 $100 Who is John F. Kennedy ?

27 This attack by the North Vietnamese on the New Year was a turning point in the Vietnam War.

28 $200 What was the Tet Offensive?

29 The decade ended when this singer performed the final act at Woodstock.

30 $300 Who is Jimi Hendrix?

31 This president was overwhelmed by the Vietnam War and sought not to run for reelection.

32 $400 Who is Lyndon Johnson?


34 When mistakes made in Vietnam were released to the press through these documents, Nixon decided he needed “plumbers” to fix White House leaks.

35 $??? What are the Pentagon Papers?

36 This president sent a team of ping-pong players to China as part of a cultural exchange.

37 $100 Who is Richard Nixon?

38 Nixon hoped meeting with China and the USSR might result in this.

39 $200 What is make both countries nervous so he could gain power in negotiations.

40 Nixon believed in Eisenhower’s Cold War philosophy, thinking it would happen in Southeast Asia.

41 $300 What is the “domino theory”?

42 Bringing these two leaders to an agreement at Camp David was Carter’s biggest achievement.

43 $400 Who are Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin?

44 This leader took over in Iran when the shah sought medical care in the US.

45 $500 Who is the Ayatollah Khomeini?

46 This Soviet leader made “the fear disappear”.

47 $100 Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?

48 The Berlin Wall came tumbling down when this president was in power.

49 $200 Who is George Bush Sr. ?

50 Reagan believed in this, typically Republican, economic theory.

51 $300 What is “trickle- down” economics?

52 At this meeting, Gorbie and Reagan discussed eliminating ALL nuclear weapons; it fell apart over STAR WARS.

53 $400 What is the Reykjavik summit meeting?

54 This man played a large role in developing Nixon’s policy of détente.

55 $500 Who is Henry Kissinger?

56 World Leaders

57 Many believe this current Russian leader is taking too much control and acts like a communist!

58 What is Vladmir Putin?

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