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Lea Ann Sutherland Edited By: Tatiana Richards. Objective  Discuss plant germination, growth, and development.

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Presentation on theme: "Lea Ann Sutherland Edited By: Tatiana Richards. Objective  Discuss plant germination, growth, and development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lea Ann Sutherland Edited By: Tatiana Richards

2 Objective  Discuss plant germination, growth, and development

3 Seeds  Are _______ to the survival of many plant species  The ___ ____of a plant species begins with the seed  The seed contains an embryonic plant composed of _____(baby root), ________(seed leaf), true leaf, & seed coat.

4 Seed Parts

5 5 Necessary Conditions for seeds:  ____________  Germination medium  Moisture  Optimum ____________  ________

6 Germination- ( process causing seed to sprout and grow) Steps to germination: 1. The seed absorbs ______ and _______ 2. The seed coat ________ permitting the young root (radicle) to emerge and _____ downward to anchor the plant 3. The above soil surface portion of the plant emerges 4. New _____ form and photosynthesis begins


8 Photosynthesis  The process by which the plant __________ food  “photo”- light “synthesis”- putting together  Chemical Terms- process whereby certain living plants ______ carbon dioxide (CO2) & water(H2O) in the presence of ____, chlorophyll, and enzymes to form carbohydrates, mostly glucose(C6H12O6, a simple sugar)

9  ____________ A plant uses food produced during photosynthesis to form energy ○ which is stored and released  ___________ Release of water vapor through plant leaves

10 Plant People  1 knee high  1-2 tablespoons seed  About 1 cup of soil  2 eyes  Decorations  Hot glue (be very careful)

11 Plant people continued…  1 st pour seed into hose  pour soil into hose, enough to make the size of a baseball  tie hose in a knot so the soil and seeds are compacted and not loose  Hot glue eyes on Nose and mouth if wanted After dry submerge the head in water until completely saturated

12 Plant people continued…  Set aside the head  Decorate cup (body) as desired  Fill cup ½ full w/ water  Stick hose down into cup to absorb water w/ head resting on top  Now you have your very own Plant Person!!! Check water daily & watch it’s hair grow

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