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Physical Development of the Toddler

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1 Physical Development of the Toddler
Chapter 11 Physical Development of the Toddler

2 Growing After the first year, babies continue to grow quickly, however, they do NOT grow as quickly as they did in the first year.

3 Height and Weight Toddlers grow at different rates. This is due to environment and heredity. Heredity affects a babies height. It affects how fast the baby grows taller. Because genes determine height, they also influence weight. (taller people usually weigh more than short people. The environment affects their weight more than genes (lifestyle)

4 Growth Body growth begins to slow after the first year.
Babies grow about half as much in height during the 2nd year compared to the first. They triple their birth weight in the first year vs one- fourth in the second. After 24 months, children grow at a slower but steady rate.

5 Other body changes Body proportions of a 2 year old still differ than that of an adult. The head is one-fourth of the total height vs one-tenth as an adult. Chest and abdomen are about the same size vs chest larger than the abdomen later. Bones continue to harden. Less likely to break. Fontanels fill in. Spine becomes s shaped rather than c-shaped. And shortly after 2 years have all of the teeth. Fact: The degree of ossification (hardening of bones) is not eh same throughout the body.

6 Brain – By the end of the 1st year, the brain is 4/5 of it’s adult weight. The brain is now closer to maturity than any other organ. Fat and muscle tissue – Fat deposits under then skin decrease between 9 and 30 months loose baby fat. Muscle development – the lengthening and thickening of muscles is slow during the toddler stage.

7 Motor development Toddlers improve the motor skills they developed as infants AND they learn many new skills. Large-muscle development – the development of the trunk and arm and leg muscles. Walking – most toddlers begin to walk without support within two or three months before or after their 1st birthday. Some are frustrated or fearful of walking. Pushing a baby to walk will not help and could possibly delay this skill. All stand with their feet wide apart They turn their feet outward Some walk on tip-toes Look like staggers Arms are often held out The flat spine causes them to lean forward a bit

8 Large motor dev cont Running jumping
True running begins around 2 years of age They don’t run well due to arm placement They cannot start or stop quickly jumping Stepping off at about 18mo is how they learn At 2 years they will be able to jump off low objects with both feet

9 Climbing Throwing and Catching
Babies begin to climb as soon as they can crawl Between 15 and 18 mo they will climb on furniture Stairs with support – up is good, down not so much Alternating feet is difficult. So going down the stairs with alternating feet would be very difficult Throwing and Catching Infants begin throwing by accident They forget to hold onto something while swinging it They enjoy seeing it fall and the noise it makes when it hits Usually toddlers show almost no weight shift in throwing. Toddlers will close their eyes while playing catch. Catching would be done by “capturing” the object between legs and hands while sitting.

10 Small muscle development
Small muscle development refers to the development of small muscles, especially those in the hands and fingers. Also depend on hand eye coordination (coordinate what they see with the why they move their hands) At the end of the 1st year, babies can hold objects between the thumb and forefinger; between 12 and 18 months, toddlers can fold spoons in their fists, feed themselves and drink from cups. They can hold crayons or pencils in fists and have a favored hand. By 2 years, most children show a definite hand preference.

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