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Chris Harrow, Hawken School

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1 Chris Harrow, Hawken School

2  CAS & thinking of algebra and functions as objects to be manipulated  FAMILIES of functions ◦ Sliders on graphs

3  Game-changer for me over a decade ago  USACAS-1: Speaker asked us about standard form quadratics ◦ We all know what happens when a & c change. ◦ What happens when you change b? ◦ Can you prove it?  Nspire file: Quad Explore

4  Don’t think of as a fixed transformation. Imagine a dynamic, oscillating, bouncing curve  Ceilings and Floors  Apply this to graphs of polar functions  Nspire file: Intro Polar

5  We had a more dynamic understanding of polar graphing and explored  Sliders gave a surprise ◦ Looks almost like  Nspire file: Polar Fractions

6  Convert to Cartesian  Slide ½ left  Convert back to Polar.  Are they the same?


8  Surprisingly easy with a CAS

9  So, for  Is ?

10  Can all four conics show with only  Assume no rotations and only horizontal.  Nspire file: Hidden Conic Behavior


12  Complete the square to identify center and stretch  Let  Center is


14  Either way, the distance from the center to the foci is  The foci are at


16  You can show that ◦ When the original was a horizontal ellipse (A<C and same sign), so are these denominators making this focus graph a hyperbola. ◦ When the original was a horizontal hyperbola (A>C and opposite signs), so are these denominators making this focus graph an ellipse ◦ QED.

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