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ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION – R.I.A.- Connecting through intermodality!

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1 ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION – R.I.A.- Connecting through intermodality!

2 Romania – actual situation 1 Intermodal transport A. Railway - Fragmentation - Very low volume of freight – there is not assured a constant flow of cargo - Low quality with regards to transit times and equipment - Low efficiency due to transit times and fragmentation of the flows - Still competitive because low prices B. Road - is the dominant mode for exports - preferred by most traders - machinery and general cargo is transported on road - congestion

3 Romania – actual situation 2 Intermodal transport C. Inland navigation - still infant in terms of volumes and technology - transhipment facilities are old and need improvements - but increasing trend Giurgiu- Belgrad by Bulgarian River Shipping Company- reached 2600 TEUs in 2007; started in 2005; Constanta-Belgrade by ZIM Romania; during 2006, route over 1.000 TEU; weekly service; Constanta –Giurgiu by Mainromline SRL Bucharest - two barges with 100 TEU capacity- weekly service D. Sea transport - is the dominant mode for imports and also exports, cost efficient for large volumes - preferred for large quantities of cargo and destined to far east or other ports in the Black Sea Constanta is the only regional hub at the Black Sea – container terminals, new projects for port development (Pier II – CSCT and Pier III), bulk, general cargo, Ro - Ro, network of railway and roads, hinterland;

4 Bottlenecks in intermodal transport I. Infrastructure : a) Railway infrastructure - technical status is on average not good - status of the network is fair, - electrification would be desirable on some links, - freight transport including intermodal transports has low priority of time slot b) Inland waterway network - water level fluctuation on Danube - air clearance constraints - navigation restrictions during nights or fog c) The terminal network - is quite dense. The usage and their quality are poor. Needs investments d) The road access to the terminals for local collection and distribution of intermodal cargo - in poor condition in some areas II. Infrastructure charges - Are levied to rail users in order to cover costs of periodical maintenance - In road transport part of these costs are covered by Eurovignete. - In inland navigation, no charges are imposed

5 Bottlenecks….. III. Infrastructure ownership a) railway - mainly under CFR governance - links operated by private entities b) road access - operated by private entities (sometimes a road is owned by a number of companies located on the road) c) Ownwership of the land for terminal development and the access roads are not clear and transparent IV. Equipment a)rolling stock - age of old locomotives and wagons is high but recent procurements are changing it. a)Inland barges - availability of barges is not a constraint - for container services, conventional barges are sufficient performers c) Trans-shipment – cranes are old and not fitted for intermodal services

6 Bottlenecks….. V.Lack of transport demand - intermodal transport services are only viable beyond a certain demand; - potential is increasing; - demand for transport in the segment of continental services is increasing due to continuous trade. VI. Little orientation on quality - high tolerance for long transit times - poor punctuality. VII. Port efficiency – hindered by business behavior: -Road traffic to the terminal is concentrated around few peak hours; -The dwell time of containers in the port area is very high; -The level of communication between actors in the chain is rather poor; -Customs operations uphold traffic.

7 Potential of intermodal transports- SOPT Strenghts -ROMANIA location – point of entrance to and for EU -Extensive railway network with innovative private operators providing local services - Danube and other inland navigation waterways are well connected to provide new potential for low cost bulk freight, development container traffic and leisure use - waterway network is environmentally friendly and an alternative to road/rail transport Weaknesses -Transport infrastructure design and construction does nor meet EU standards -Low investments in new constructions and maintenance of fluvial and maritime ports infrastructure, including handling facilities; - restrictions of depth and width on Danube; - Low maintenance investments of rail infrastructure resulting in speed restrictions and high transit times - No flexible pricing and excessive documentation Opportunities -Sustained econimic growth will lead to greater internation trade -Strengthening of the business climate will lead to greater transport demand -Restructuring of operational services for increasing the use of the cost-effective multimodal transport modes for transit, international and domestic container traffic -Supporting the less polluting transport will contribute to human health, the environment improvement and to economical competitiveness Threats -International transit flows could choose to avoid Romania - delays in carrying out priority projects. Preparation and feasibility studies and land acquisition issues last long times - the insufficient response to customer demand may deprive rail and waterway transport of the opportunities to expand and develop

8 Recommendations to remove bottlenecks Increase capacity of terminals Transport infrastructures for better access of terminal Investments in modern standardised intermodal equipment (cranes, …… Harmonization of opening hours and of loading units Overcome mental bottlenecks Improved border procedures for intermodal transport A unique office for customs, borders police, port authorities Consideration of intermodal transport in technical, operational and administrative procedures Development of a reliable logistic industry

9 Impact of European Projects on intermodal transports Marco Polo II - transfer of large quantities of cargo from road to other alternative ways of transport. Estimation – aprox. 20.5 bil tones-km transferred until 2013. Budget of 450 mil. euro to be spent between 2007 si 2013. Novelties: Elimination of barriers between member states and non-members of UE Sustains the private entities in getting funds based on well structured projects Stresses the importance of services Research, infrastructure and studies projects will not be financed ; There were 3 new measures introduced: Action of common learning, Motorways of the sea, traffic avoidance Priority to Motorways of the sea and traffic avoidance

10 Impact of European Projects on intermodal transports (RIA) DACIA = DAnube Corridor of Intermodal Afreightment - One EU grant for a promotion project PLATINA = Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES (promotion of inland navigation–financed under FP 7 program); EWITA II = European Webplatforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway TrAnsport (training modules – financed under Marco Polo II) RISING = RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway Transports into Intermodal Chains (RIS as unique platform for all actors – FP 7) COLD = Container Liner Service Danube

11 WHAT IS R.I.A. ? The ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION (R.I.A.) was founded in december 2006, upon an initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism together with public authorities and private companies acting in the field of transports. The center is a professional non- profit entity addressing to all interested parties in promoting and developing the field of intermodal transports and its auxiliary activities.

12 MEMBERS The National Company Maritime Ports Adminstration, Constanta The National Company Administration of Navigable Canals, Constanta The Romanian Association of Inland Owners and Ports Operators, Galati Romanian Naval Authority, Constanta Romanian Maritime Training Center,Constanta Navlomar Maritime, Constanta Focus Group Romania, Bucharest Maersk Romania S.R.L., Bucharest RomMarine Consult, Constanta Nord Marine Shipping, Constanta Mainromline SRL Bucharest The Administration of Free Zones - Giurgiu

13 2007 Activities Setting up the office; distribution of RIA brochures, meetings with the Romanian MoT, meetings with intermodal operators; Attracting members (12, at the present moment); Establishing contacts within EU promotion centers network (EIA, INE, Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria); Starting a web-page; Involvement in EU funded projects; Developing national funded projects (feasibility study for marina port in Tulcea, partner with CERONAV in the project: “Safety in the intermodal transports through continuous learning”); Organising the national seminar on the “Logistics of intermodal transports –challenges, problems and solutions”, 12 decembrie 2007

14 Constanta Port, Gate 2 Building “Bursa Noua” Floor 1, Room 125, Constanta, 900900, Romania Tel: +40.241.601502, Fax: +40.241.601503 Thank you for attention! Created by Nicoleta Apostol – PR&Communication Constanta Port, Gate 2 Building “Bursa Noua” Floor 1, Room 125, Constanta, 900900, Romania Tel: +40.241.601502, Fax: +40.241.601503 E-mail: Thank you for attention! Created by Nicoleta Apostol – PR&Communication

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