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Leisure Service Providers 特色和差異. Public 公共部門 Voluntary 志工團體 Commercial 商業界 Leisure Service Providers.

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Presentation on theme: "Leisure Service Providers 特色和差異. Public 公共部門 Voluntary 志工團體 Commercial 商業界 Leisure Service Providers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leisure Service Providers 特色和差異

2 Public 公共部門 Voluntary 志工團體 Commercial 商業界 Leisure Service Providers

3 差異點 Philosophy of Service 服 務哲學 Objectives of Services 目 標 Type of Agencies Finance 財源 Facilities 設施 Leadership 領導模式 Membership 會員

4 Philosophy of Service PUBLIC Enrichment of the life of the total community 全社區 by providing opportunities for the meaningful use of leisure. Nonprofit in nature. PRIVATE Enrichment of the life of participating members by offering opportunities for meaningful use of leisure, emphasis on the group 團體 & individual. Nonprofit in nature. COMME RCIAL Attempt to satisfy public 大眾 demands 需求 for recreation experiences and services in an effort to produce profit.

5 Objectives of Services PUBLIC To provide leisure opportunities that contribute to the social, physical, educational, cultural, and general well-being of the community and its people. PRIVATE Similar to public, but limited to the membership 會員 it serves. Emphasis on citizenship, behavior, and life philosophy value; provide activities that appeal to members. COMMER CIAL To provide activities or programs which will appeal to customers 消費者. Seeks to meet competition; net a profit 獲利 while serving the public.

6 Type of Agencies PUBLIC Governmental units such as park and recreation departments, recreation and park districts, state park departments. PRIVATE Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, “Y” organizations, tennis clubs, neighborhood recreation associations 協會. COMMER CIAL Corporations, private ownership. Examples: motion picture, television, and radio companies; resorts; theme parks; professional sports.

7 Finance PUBLIC Primarily by taxes 稅收. Also by gifts, grants, trust funds, fees, and charges. PRIVATE By gifts, grants, endowments, donations, drives, and membership fees 會費. COMMERC IAL By 投資 of the owner or promoters. By the users admission and charges.

8 Facilities PUBLIC Community buildings, parks, athletic fields, playgrounds, playfields, stadiums, camps, beaches, museums, zoos, golf courses. PRIVATE Settlement houses, youth centers, athletic facilities, play areas, clubs, camps, and aquatic areas. COMMER CIAL Theaters, clubs, taverns, night clubs, lounges, race tracks, bowling lanes, amusement parks, and stadiums.

9 Leadership PUBLIC Professionally prepared to provide and manage comprehensive recreation programs; frequently subject to Civil Service regulations. Uses volunteers as well as professionals. PRIVATE Professionally prepared to provide programs, frequently on a social group-work basis; volunteers as well as professionals.

10 COMME RCIAL Professionally prepared to design and manage services which will produce a profit, in compliance with state and local laws; no volunteers. Business and sales oriented personnel.

11 Membership PUBLIC Unlimited – open to all. PRIVATE Limited by organizational restrictions, such as age, sex, or religion. COMMER CIAL Limited by law; traditions and customs; and economics (those who have the price to pay).

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