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Frequently Asked Questions about the Union Rules and Regulations The union organizer told me this union is a democracy because the members vote for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Frequently Asked Questions about the Union Rules and Regulations The union organizer told me this union is a democracy because the members vote for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frequently Asked Questions about the Union Rules and Regulations The union organizer told me this union is a democracy because the members vote for the officers. So the officers have to answer to us, right? Answer: It depends. Most union officials run for office unopposed or win by very wide margins. This may mean that the union makes it difficult to run against those already in power. Ask the union representative about local union elections – what the vote totals have been, how elections are conducted – and decide for yourself if the members really seem in charge. The union representative said the union’s constitution is mostly rules about meetings and the union really never puts members on trial or fines them anymore. Is this true? Answer: Find out for yourself. On a union’s LM-2 report, the “Receipts and Disbursements” section will have a line for “Fees, Fines, Assessments and Work Permits.” Fines against members would be reported there, and make sure to check both the international and the local union. A union supporter told me the union’s constitution is a thing of the past and you are just trying to scare us with it, right? Answer: Wrong. Ask someone from the union the last time the union’s constitution was revised and voted on at a convention. Chances are very good convention delegates voted to adopt a version of the constitution some time in the past ten years. Why, if the constitution doesn’t matter anymore? A union’s constitution is typically the tool union officials use to control a union and its assets. Read it carefully and you will most likely find it gives little or no power directly to members and a great amount of power to union officers, including the power to overturn any vote by the members. So where can I get a copy of the union’s constitution and bylaws? Answer: Every union is supposed to file a copy of its constitution and local bylaws with the Department of Labor. Check here Of course you can call the union local’s office to see how you can obtain a copy of the constitution and especially the local’s bylaws which are often difficult to find online. I’ve got these people that keep coming out to my house, saying they are from the union wanting to talk to me. Is there any way I can get them to stop coming around? Answer: That’s up to the union. As you know your employer was required by law to give your contact information, including your home address, to the union. As a result, a representative of the union could be coming by your home attempting to talk to you, if someone hasn’t already. They can sometimes be quite persistent in trying to talk to you. You have the right to talk to the union and the right not to. You are free to tell anyone who comes on your property that you do not want them coming around again, or you can put a note on the door instructing the union you do not want home visits. It is then up to the union if they will comply with your request. If you feel harassed or threatened in your home you should consult your local police.

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