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WWI A Review. WWI – Long Term Causes NationalismNationalism MilitarismMilitarism The Alliance SystemThe Alliance System ImperialismImperialism.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI A Review. WWI – Long Term Causes NationalismNationalism MilitarismMilitarism The Alliance SystemThe Alliance System ImperialismImperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI A Review

2 WWI – Long Term Causes NationalismNationalism MilitarismMilitarism The Alliance SystemThe Alliance System ImperialismImperialism

3 Leaders Kaiser Wilhelm IIKaiser Wilhelm II Woodrow WilsonWoodrow Wilson Georges ClemenceauGeorges Clemenceau David Lloyd GeorgeDavid Lloyd George Vittorio OrlandoVittorio Orlando Vladimir Lenin (overthrew Czar Nicholas II)Vladimir Lenin (overthrew Czar Nicholas II) Archduke Franz FerdinandArchduke Franz Ferdinand General John J. PershingGeneral John J. Pershing

4 Alliances – be able to name the countries Triple AllianceTriple Alliance Central PowersCentral Powers Triple EntenteTriple Entente Allied PowersAllied Powers

5 Fighting the War Schlieffen Plan Total War Trench Warfare Convoy System Lusitania Christmas Truce

6 Horrors of Warfare “No Man’s Land”“No Man’s Land” Trench FootTrench Foot DysenteryDysentery Shell Shock (battle fatigue)Shell Shock (battle fatigue) Mustard GasMustard Gas New Technologies (have them list at least 4 types, such as machine guns, tanks, airplanes, submarines, gas, etc.)New Technologies (have them list at least 4 types, such as machine guns, tanks, airplanes, submarines, gas, etc.)

7 America at War 3 things that brought us in3 things that brought us in –Zimmerman Note –U-boats (Lusitania) –End of Russian monarchy (democracy vs. monarchy) Selective Service Act (draft)Selective Service Act (draft) Espionage & Sedition Acts (Civil Liberties)Espionage & Sedition Acts (Civil Liberties) Roles of Women & Blacks (military and at home)Roles of Women & Blacks (military and at home)

8 Treaty of Versailles Armistice (when?)Armistice (when?) Fourteen PointsFourteen Points League of NationsLeague of Nations ReparationsReparations War-guilt ClauseWar-guilt Clause Legacy of the War (what changed that won’t go back to “normal”)Legacy of the War (what changed that won’t go back to “normal”) Who was invited, and who wasn’tWho was invited, and who wasn’t

9 On the Home Front IsolationismIsolationism Influenza EpidemicInfluenza Epidemic Great Migration (who, and 3 reasons why)Great Migration (who, and 3 reasons why) LAST ONE

10 WWI TEST MONDAY!!! Spend the rest of the class time finishing: –MAPS Will be due & collected on Monday –STUDY GUIDES Extra copies are on the cart in the front of the room These are worth extra credit on the test Will be due & collected on Monday Know which countries were involved in the war & where those countries are located Take home your WWI notes & maps to study!

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