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CP violation measurements with the ATLAS detector E. Kneringer – University of Innsbruck on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration BEACH2012, Wichita, USA “Determination.

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Presentation on theme: "CP violation measurements with the ATLAS detector E. Kneringer – University of Innsbruck on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration BEACH2012, Wichita, USA “Determination."— Presentation transcript:

1 CP violation measurements with the ATLAS detector E. Kneringer – University of Innsbruck on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration BEACH2012, Wichita, USA “Determination of  S and  S from the Decay B S  J/   ”

2 Motivation Main physics aim of this work of doing a time dependent angular analysis of B S  J/   decays in ATLAS: Measurement of  CP violating weak mixing phase  S  precise measurement of  S  decay width difference between the mass eigenstates B H and B L which could point to BSM physics. 2 K-K- p p BSBS K+K+ J/  --  ++

3 Outline Introduction  CP violation and B S Phenomenology ATLAS Detector The Measurement  Angular Correlations  Unbinned Maximum Likelihood Fit Results  Fit Projections  Systematic Uncertainties  Comparison with other Experiments Conclusions 3

4 CP violation and the CKM matrix Unitarity of CKM matrix  constraint from 2 nd and 3 rd columns: 4 Wolfenstein parametrization:

5 CP violation: neutral B S system 5 ++  K+K+ KK ++  K+K+ KK s bb s c ss cc t,c,u t,t, s c ss cc b W +W + W W  bb s c,c, uu  S : This diagram justifies the name weak mixing phase.

6 6

7 The ATLAS detector 7 data used muon triggers The ATLAS collaboration 38 Countries 185 Institutions 2866 Scientific Authors every year: several new applications and expressions of interest for membership

8 The measurement 1. Trigger  using 4.9 fb  1 of data collected 2011  events selected by muon triggers (single, di-, J/  )  p T threshold for muons: 4 – 10 GeV 2. Selection cuts  different J/  (  +   ) mass windows for barrel/endcap regions  since mass resolution depends on |  | of muons   (K + K  ) invariant mass window: 22 MeV  p T (kaons) > 1 GeV  B-meson secondary decay vertex fit:  2 /dof < 3  mass m i, proper decay time t i (computed in transverse plane), decay angles 3. Acceptance calculated on large samples of signal and background Monte Carlo events  e.g. B 0  J/  K 0*, bb  J/  X, pp  J/  X 8 ++  K+K+ KK J/   BSBS

9 9

10 Kinematics of the decay Transversity basis  x-axis = direction of decay in B rest frame  x-y plane = decay plane of K + K  (K +  +y)   T = angle between x-axis and K + direction (  r.f.)   T and  T are the polar and azimuthal angles of the  + in the J/  rest frame 10 Transversity angles  (=  T,  T,  T ) are used to describe the angular distributions of the different CP (+1,-1) final states. plots by S. Palestini

11 Angular and proper time distributions Differential decay rate 11 CP +1  1 interference terms Terms related to non-resonant and via the f 0 state K + K  production (S-wave)  small Normalization: |A 0 (0)| 2 + |A || (0)| 2 + |A  (0)| 2 + |A S (0)| 2 = 1 Each amplitude A X comes with its strong phase  X. Define strong phases relative to A 0 (0): choose  0 = 0  3 amplitudes + 3 strong phases = 6 parameters for the fit! polarization state long. trans. sin  S   S cos  S = 1 + O(  S 2 )

12 Symmetries  S enters the likelihood via the 10 functions describing the proper decay time distribution, e.g. terms: f(  S ) cos (     || ) sin  S e  s cos  S  e +  s cos  S Likelihood is invariant under the transformations {  S,  ,  ||,  S,  S }  {   S,    ,   ||,   S,  S } but also {  S,  ,  ||,  S,  S }  {    S,    ,   ||,   S,  S } and the combination of the two.  4-fold symmetry of the fit result ATLAS is not yet able to resolve the ambiguities 12 needs external input SS  S S   S (-1)

13 13

14 Result of the fit: fit projections 14 B S meson massproper decay time  S =  L   H

15 Fit projections – transversity angles 15 Important for measuring the absolute values of the transversity amplitudes A 0, A ||, A , A S.

16 Systematic uncertainties They are calculated using different techniques, including changes in detector simulation (alignment), data based studies (efficiency), Monte Carlo pseudo experiments (mass models) and variations in analysis methods and assumptions. 16

17 Results of the fit in numbers Statistical error for  S rather large because of limited proper decay time resolution of ATLAS  but still competitive with Tevatron results 17

18 & correlation matrix  Largest correlation between  S and  S  B S meson parameters are practically uncorrelated with the amplitudes. 18

19 Likelihood contours:  S -  S plane 19 Agreement with the Standard Model prediction!

20 Comparison 20

21 Conclusion 21

22 References  SM expected values for  S,  S  UTFit Collaboration, PRL 97, 151803 (2006)  Decay time an angular correlation formalism  A. Dighe, I. Dunietz, R. Fleischer, EPJ-C 6 (1999) 647  Results from other experiments (LHCb, CDF, D0)  CDF Collaboration: CDF-Public-Note-10778  D0 Collaboration: PRD85, 032006 (2012)  LHCb Collaboration: LHCb-CONF-2012-002; PRL 108, 101803 (2012); PRL 108, 241801 (2012)  This ATLAS analysis  ATLAS Collaboration, ALTAS-CONF-2012-xxx 22

23 backup slides

24 ATLAS result on strong phases 24 Input: Likelihood fit:

25 Maximum Likelihood fit 25 10 O (k) -functions angular sculpting Gaussian constraint signal: background:

26 Uncertainty distributions P s,b (  m,t ) 26 Mass and decay-time measurements enter the likelihood with event-by- event uncertainties. The error distributions are extracted from data. Checks done  no significant systematics. Mass uncertainty distribution from data, the fits to the background an the signal fractions and the sum of the two fits. Same for: Proper decay time uncertainty distribution.

27 Mass distributions 27

28 Contour plot 28

29 on a lager scale 29

30 Comparision of measurements  compiled by S. Palestini 30

31 Would change the off-diagonal element M 12 of the mass matrix (but not significantly affect the corresponding decay matrix element  12 )  parametrization:  correction adds linearly to the weak phase, like in  for small  S only contributes quadratically to  S :  magnitude measurable through oscillation frequency: 31

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