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Reproductive Systems and Pregnancy

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1 Reproductive Systems and Pregnancy

2 Bladder Seminal vesicles Vas deferens penis Prostate gland Cowper’s gland urethra Testicles (or testes) anus scrotum epididymis

3 Fallopian tubes ovary uterus cervix bladder vagina clitoris anus urethra labia

4 menstrual cycle


6 Terms to Know Menstrual Cycle Menstruation Ovulation
A monthly series of hormone controlled changes that prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy Menstruation Breakdown and discharge of the uterine lining out of the vagina Ovulation Release of an egg from a follicle in the ovary

7 Hormones Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
The hormones that cause the maturation and release of an egg Estrogen Levels increase to cause uterine lining to thicken. Lining nourishes and supports the growing human during pregnancy Progesterone Further thicken and maintain uterine lining following ovulation

8 Male Reproductive System

9 Terms to Know Testosterone Ejaculation
Male hormone that influences sperm production Ejaculation When sperm is released from the penis

10 Seminal Fluid Gland Approximate % Description Testes 2-5%
Approx mill. Sperm Seminal Vesicle 65-75% Releases fluids that provides nourishment and protection Prostate 25-30% Releases fluids that provides protection Bulb urethral Gland (Cowper’s Gland) <1% Releases fluids that increase the mobility Contributes to the cohesive jelly-like texture of semen


12 Pregnancy Terms to Know
Zygote genetic material of the egg and sperm combine to form one cell (fertilization) Embryo first 8 weeks Implantation Embryo is embedded in the uterine wall Fetus 9the week and after


14 1st Trimester The baby's heart has begun to beat! (week 6)
The spinal column, brain, heart, spleen, kidneys and liver have all developed Arms develop into hands, fingers, and finger nails form The baby's face is develops (nose, eyes, eyelids, ears, and teeth) Gonads have formed

15 2nd Trimester Baby’s face is more defined, including eye lashes and eyebrows and facial muscle can move Reflexes are operating Baby can hear, has a sense of smell and taste buds are operating Bowl movement can occur Baby can see and experiences rapid eye movement while sleeping

16 3rd Trimester The baby’s skin is fully developed
The baby has developed it’s hair color and eyelashes The baby's bone marrow has now taken over production of red blood cells. It is possible for the baby to cry real tears, even within the womb. The lungs are the last organs to reach maturity, but they should be ready to go now.

17 Complications and Pregnancy
Miscarriage Death of fetus from natural complications before the 20th week Still Birth A stillbirth is defined as the death of a fetus after the 20th week of pregnancy up to birth. Premature Birth Early birth due to abnormal uterus, bleeding behind placenta, STI, multiple pregnancy, or other causes

18 Complications and Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes Mother gets diabetes during the pregnancy Rh incompatibility A condition in which mother’s immune system reacts against the fetus’s blood due to an incompatibility in blood cell type Toxemia toxemia is characterized by sudden elevated blood pressure and the presence of excess protein in the urine (common in pregnant teens) If untreated can lead to death

19 Complications and Pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Set of birth defects that affect a fetus that has been exposed to alcohol during pregnancy

20 Complications and Pregnancy
Effects of Smoking Premature birth Low birth weight Miscarriage Developmental Issues SIDS

21 Complications and Pregnancy
Effects of Drug use Low Birth Weight Premature Birth Developmental Problems SIDS Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Baby goes through withdrawal symptoms

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