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Mother 母亲 mother mom mommy mama One every year on second Sunday in May Show your mother how much you love her.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother 母亲 mother mom mommy mama One every year on second Sunday in May Show your mother how much you love her."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mother 母亲 mother mom mommy mama

3 One every year on second Sunday in May Show your mother how much you love her.

4 12 Months of the Year 1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December

5 May SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930 Second Sunday

6 Mother’s Day Story

7 1. I love my father and mother. 2. It’s almost Mother’s day! 3. I want to show my mom how I love her.

8 1.I’ll paint a little box. 2. I’ll put a Teddy Bear in it.

9 It shows how I like a bear hug.

10 1. I’ll put a bar of chocolate in it. 2. How good it is to be loved.

11 Don’t forget… Mom. I’ll love you forever!

12 What can you do to make your mother happy?

13 Mother’s Day Song I love you mommy My dearest mommy You make me happy When I am sad I want to tell you I really love you! When I'm with you I am so glad!

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