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Mark your homework: a)i) B ii)55ºC iii)A- solid D- liquid b) conduction c) Water boils at 100 ºC, so the stearic acid in the water cannot get hotter than.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark your homework: a)i) B ii)55ºC iii)A- solid D- liquid b) conduction c) Water boils at 100 ºC, so the stearic acid in the water cannot get hotter than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark your homework: a)i) B ii)55ºC iii)A- solid D- liquid b) conduction c) Water boils at 100 ºC, so the stearic acid in the water cannot get hotter than 100 ºC. d) 1.Condensing2. Evaporating 3. Melting4. Freezing

2 Cells and Reproduction On your mini white boards draw a picture of a plant cell and an animal cell, labelling as many of the parts as you can.

3 a b c d e f

4 CellsTissues1 Organ


6 Growth is an increase in …………... it happens when new cells are made by ……… ……………………... In Adolescence cell division happens very …………… to make lots of new cells. In adults cells are made at the ………… speed as the old cells are dying so adults grow less. ………………. changes normally happen before physical changes and are triggered by ……………… released from the brain. EmotionalQuickly Cell divisionSize SameHormones

7 Secondary sexual characteristics Pubic hairs grow Hips get wider Voice deepens Become angry, upset or depressed easily Muscles develop Facial and body hair grows Breasts enlarge Sudden increase in size Penis enlarges Stronger body smell

8 sperm

9 Egg cell & sperm cells

10 Sperm or Egg?

11 a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e a b a

12 Sperm tube Glands Sperm tube a b c d e Scrotum a b c d e a b c d e

13 Male

14 Female

15 Summary of menstruation: In pairs match each red card to the correct blue card. All girls do not start to ovulate At exactly the same age When an egg is released from the ovaries We say ovulation has happened Maturation happens When an egg ripens in the ovary before ovulation When the uterus lining breaks down and passes out of the body We say a woman is having her period Hormones control the menstrual cycle and can Make a woman feel tense a few days before her period

16 Recap: These 4 statements are in the wrong order. Correct them. (just write the letters in order) (A) Sperm and ovum nuclei fuse – “fertilisation” – normally in the oviduct. (C) This embryo then travels down oviduct towards uterus. (B) It is implanted into the wall of the uterus – “implantation” (D) The fertilised egg begins to divide – into 2 then 4 then 8….then 156 then 512… it becomes an embryo Pregnancy



19 Foetus Placenta Umbilical cord Amniotic Fluid

20 Mother  baby O 2 and food Baby  mother CO 2 and wastes


22 Childbirth A strong muscle in the ………… must relax. The muscles in the uterus wall must …………. to pull the cervix open. The woman must contract the muscles in her …………. to push the baby out. Later the uterus wall muscles will contract to push out the ………… we call this the …………

23 FoetusUmbilical cordPlacenta

24 Testes Scrotum Glands Penis Sperm tube Uterus Cervix Oviduct Ovary Vagina Identical twins Non-identical twins Ovulation Puberty Foetus Umbilical cord Placenta Amniotic fluid Fertilisation Implantation Menstruation Carbon dioxide Cigarette smoke Sperm Egg

25 Reproductive System

26 Word Check




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