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13 April 2015 Welcome Overview presentation Designs presentation Q&A Close.

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Presentation on theme: "13 April 2015 Welcome Overview presentation Designs presentation Q&A Close."— Presentation transcript:

1 13 April 2015 Welcome Overview presentation Designs presentation Q&A Close

2  Apolitical meeting  Stakeholder engagement  Background  Work to date  Specification  Public consultation  Call Options  Memorandum of Understanding  Legals  Finances  Timeline

3  Long term aspiration ◦ Theatre/Hall ◦ Community space ◦ Football pavilion ◦ Library ◦ Council offices ◦ More?  Involves partners  Create a strong community in Southborough  Regenerate the high street

4  Master planning – Allies Morrison  Legals ◦ Memorandum of Understanding ◦ Call options  High level specification  Designs – Options  Surveys

5  Based on the Memorandum of Understanding and Call Options  Concept designs complete (input from stakeholders to change the designs will follow once agreements are signed and partner funding is released)  Feedback on every aspect required

6  Consultation to happen once detailed specification of both options is finalised.  Why are we looking to engage?  What factors partners will consider?  How partners can consult?

7  Call Option - tool which enables partners to agree terms for acquiring land or property at a later date. This provides certainty to both partners going forward.  Call options are used when partners do not necessarily want to acquire the land immediately.  KCC is looking to enter into identical call options with both STC and TWBC to be able to call on their land when necessary.  Once the Hub is built STC gets back the Hub land

8 Call options will cover  The Royal Victoria Hall (STC land)  Football pavilion land (STC land)  Enabling development land including pitches (STC/KCC)  Yew Tree Road car park (TWBC)  137 London Road (TWBC)  Toilets adjacent to the Tesco land (TWBC)  Not covered by a call option but still part of the scheme – Ridgeway buildings (KCC)  Not covered by a call option and not contributing to the scheme – the old library building (KCC)

9 What will happen when KCC calls the land?  Football pitches could continue to be used  137 London Road will be leased to STC so that they can continue to operate from the councils offices  Yew Tree road car park will remain open and continue to serve the town  KCC would give three months notice prior to needing the land for the development  After five years if KCC has not been able to deliver the project everything reverts back to how it was

10  Sets out the proposed governance for the scheme  Sets out the requirements for what is to be delivered (theatre, football pavilion, etc…)  Is not legally binding but leads to a Development Agreement which is legally binding  Puts in place a project board with three elected members, one from each council.  Elected members will be: ◦ STC Chairman ◦ TWBC Cabinet Member for Communities and Wellbeing ◦ KCC Cabinet Member for Community Services

11 Project Board STC TWBC KCC Councils decision making processes Project team STC TWBC KCC

12  Voting is by majority (under certain circumstances casting vote to KCC if deadlock)  Project Board would be supported by officers  Subject to agreement by the project board, it maybe possible to allow additional persons to attend e.g. other Cllrs, stakeholders etc… but they will not be permitted to vote.  Any issues between the partners can be resolved by independent expert determination  The MoU and the call options will be signed at the same time  The MoU is not intended to answer every question and there is still a lot of detail that needs to be worked through and this will follow in the Development Agreement

13  This is not a takeover by KCC, more about using partners strengths  KCC will bring know-how, capacity, ability to take risk, potential VAT benefits etc…  Neither the MoU nor the Call Options will predetermine what happens to the RVH or what option will be pursued in the future

14  Spend to date £75k (£25k from each partner)  Subject to call options/ MOU being signed  £70k from each partner will be required  Work can then progress

15 Thank you Any questions? Jonathan White 07988375334

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