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Published byToby Short Modified over 9 years ago
The American Colonies and Their Government Chapter 4
Influences on American Colonial Government Lesson 1
Essential Questions: How does geography influence the development of communities? Why do people create, structure, and change governments? It Matters Because: Ancient peoples and the great thinkers of the Enlightenment influenced how the Founders shaped our government in ways that still affect us today
The Foundations of Democracy
Democracy- a government in which citizens hold the power to rule Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Direct Democracy- a form of democracy in which the vote first hand Representative Democracy- a government in which citizens choose a smaller group to govern on their behalf Republic Constitutional Monarchy
Ancient Democracies Ancient Greeks created the first direct democracy
400s B.C, Athens Men 18 and older could take part in the assembly Decisions made by council of 500 Citizens took turns serving on the council Members were paid for their services
Republic The Romans created the first republic-
a representative democracy where citizens choose their lawmakers Government was put in the hands of the senate Senate members were wealthy upper class members called patricians Senate elected two members called consults The consults lead the government
Early English Influences
Since the collapse of the Roman Empire (A.D 476) Kings and Queens and Lords ruled Europe for the next 700 years Lords- noblemen who usually inherited land, wealth and power Overtime the growth of towns as business and trade centers weakened the power of the lords Kings gained greater control of their kingdoms Nobles resisted this change In England they rose up against King John in 1215 He was forced to sign a document called the Magna Carta Latin for “Great Charter”
The Magna Carta Limited the power of the King
Forbade him from placing certain taxes on nobles without their consent It gave rights to free men Right to equal treatment under the law Right to trial by one’s peers Right to rebel if the King broke his part of the agreement
Limited Government Limited Government- the idea that a ruler or government is not all powerful At first the Magna Carta rights only protected the nobles Overtime those rights came to apply to all English people The Magna Carta established limited government
Parliament After King John, Kings were advised by noble and church officials Gradually these advisors grew to include representatives of the common people By the late 1300s the advisors had become a legislature Legislature- a group of people that make laws English monarch remained strong 1625- King Charles I dismissed Parliament and ruled alone Petitions of Right- like the Magna Carta, Charles I, was forced to sign it Civil war broke out when Charles I didn’t abide by the terms Charles I was removed as King, beheaded, and Parliament ruled for 20 years King James II the son was place back on the throne
The English Bill of Rights
In 1688 Parliament forced King James II from the throne The son of Charles I His daughter Mary and husband William were asked to rule This transfer of power was known as the “Glorious Revolution
The English Bill of Rights
Mary and William had to accept rules set by Parliament English citizens had rights that no king could violate Citizens had the right to a fair trial They could not be taxed unless Parliament agreed These Rights became known as the English Bill of Rights The signing of the English Bill of Rights brought an end to the struggles between Parliament and the monarch
Influence of the Enlightenment
Guiding Question: How did Europe’s Enlightenment influence ideas about government in what became the United States? The conflict between Parliament and the monarch produced new ideas about Government
Enlightenment Enlightenment- a large cultural movement in Europe driven by ideas 1600s, scientific discoveries led to the belief that God had created an orderly universe The laws that controlled the universe could be discovered through human reasoning Apply the laws that ruled nature to people and society This change in how some people saw their world is called the Enlightenment It had a great effect on political thinking in Europe and the Americas
Enlightenment Thinkers
Niccolo Machiavelli Renaissance writer , wrote the book The Prince “it is safer for a ruler to be feared than loved” Although he praised republics as the best form of government Many enlightenment thinkers look to Machiavelli
Enlightenment Thinkers
Thomas Hobbes Early enlightenment thinker (English) Experienced the English Civil War first hand Believed that a social contract existed between the people and the government People agreed to give up some freedom and be ruled by government Government had to protect the people’s rights He believe that people needed a strong leader because they were too selfish to be able to rule themselves
Enlightenment Thinkers
John Locke English Influenced by the events of the Glorious Revolution Published “Two Treatises of Government” A treatise is a long essay All people are born equal with certain God-given rights called natural rights Rights to life, freedom and to own property He also believed in a form of social contract If the ruler failed to protect the rights of people, the contract was broken
Enlightenment Thinkers
Jean-Jacques Rousseau He wrote “The Social Contract” -1762 “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is found in chains” He was referring to Europeans living with little freedom He believed that people should have right to decide how they should be governed
Enlightenment Thinkers
Baron de Montesquieu , French Developed the idea that the power of government should be divided into branches He believed no one branch would become to strong and threaten peoples rights The idea of separation of powers
Enlightenment Thinkers
Francois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) People should have liberty Supported freedom of religion and freedom of trade Social contract, natural rights, and separation of powers influenced the writers of The Declaration of independence U. S. Constitution
The First Colonial Governments
Guiding Question: How were first English colonies in America shaped by earlier ideas about democracy and government? Colony- an area of land in one place controlled by a country in another place Early colonists were loyal to England They brought to America the traditions, beliefs, and changes that had shaped England’s government Individual rights and representative government
Jamestown First permanent English settlement
Located in what is now Virginia Founded in 1607 by the Virginia Company A business owned by a group of London merchants Ruled by a governor and a council The company appointed the officials
Jamestown Government In 1619 the Virginia Company allow the colony to make their own laws This attracted more settlers Colonists elected leaders to represent them in an assembly Leaders were called burgesses The assembly was called the House of Burgesses The beginning of self-government and representative democracy in colonial America
Plymouth Settlement Pilgrims arrived in 1620
They set sail for Virginia on the ship Mayflower They were seeking religious freedom Blown off course by a storm Landed off the coast of Massachusetts To survive they needed to form their own government
Mayflower Compact Before they went on land they drew up the Mayflower Compact Written agreement They agreed to choose leaders and work together to make their own laws for the colony They agreed to obey the laws The people in Plymouth held town meetings to discuss problems and make decisions
Lesson 2 Settlement, Culture, and Government of the Colonies
Essential Question: How does geography influence the development of communities ? Why do people create, structure and change governments? It matters Because: The reasons early settlers came to America and the economies and governments that grew helped to shape the new United States and continues to influence American culture today.
Settling the English Colonies
Settlers mostly came from England Others came from: Scotland, Ireland, and Wales Germany Africa (Slaves) Amsterdam (Dutch) Sweden
Economic Opportunity Most settlers settled here for a chance to earn a living The colonies had land for farming and other jobs Those who could not afford to pay for the voyage came as indentured servants Indentured servants- a worker who contracted with American colonists for food and shelter in return for his or her labor They worked for 4-7 years or until the debt was paid
Religious Freedom There was much religious unrest in England
Some groups were persecuted or treated harshly because of their religious beliefs Some groups decided to come to the English colonies for religious freedom Puritans founded Massachusetts They were called Puritans because they wanted to reform or purify the church in England Puritans were dissenters- one who opposes official or commonly held views
Religious Freedom Puritans wanted to worship God in their own way
They did not allow others the same freedom They forced others to leave their colony Rhode Island- founded by Roger Williams Known for its religious freedom Connecticut- founded by Thomas Hooker Connecticut developed America’s first written constitution The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Colonists would elect an assembly of representatives from each town They also elected a governor
Colonial Life Guiding Question: How was life in the colonies shaped by where people lived? People lived in different ways depending on where they settled The features of its geography influenced each colony’s economy By 1733 England had 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast Three economic regions were developed
New England Colonies Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Located farthest north Most people lived in towns Cold climate and rocky soil made farming difficult Many of the colonists were Puritans Their religion stressed the value of thrift and hard work Worked as shopkeepers, and other small businesses Shipping and fishing Hunting for fur, trading with Native Americans
Middle Colonies New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware
Located south of New England Climate and soil were better for agriculture Cash crops- are grown in large quantities to be sold, not just to feed family Many crops were sold oversees Many businesses were owned by colonists from Germany, Holland and other European countries Rich in Natural resources Lumber, metals and natural harbors Sawmills, mines, ironworks and other businesses grew
The Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Warm climate, long growing season, and rich soil Large-scale agriculture Tobacco and rice became the main cash crops Plantation- large farms Many workers were needed Indentured servants were used at first Plantation owners became dependent on labor of enslaved Africans Smaller farmers- further inland Poorer soil and they mainly grew what they needed Depended less on enslaved labor
Colonial Government Most colonies shared their English heritage and were loyal to England England was far away Colonists began to depend on their own governments and legislatures Colonists began to think of themselves as Americans rather than English subjects
Governing the Colonies
In the beginning England’s government paid little attention to the colonies Parliament was in a political struggle with the King The purpose of the colonies was to benefit England 1650s Parliament began passing laws to regulate the colonies’ trade These laws were hard to enforce Colonists began to resent having less rights than people living in Great Britain
Lesson 3 Disagreements with Great Britain
Essential Question: Why do people create, structure, and change government It Matters Because: The events that led American colonists to declare independence affected the choices they made about a new government
Social and Political Changes in the Colonies
Guiding Question: What events and movements affected colonial attitude? The Great Awakening- religious movement from 1740s to 1760s Swept across the colonies Fiery preachers stressed the value of personal religious experience They rejected the teachings of church leaders Urged people to build a direct relationship with God Pressed colonists to question traditional religious, and political authority
Liberty The Great Awakening movement created a strong spirit of liberty or personal freedom Colonists wanted the same rights as people in Great Britain Parliament created laws for colonists and most governors where appointed by the king Growing resentment in the 1760s towards British rule
The French and Indian War
Colonies were expanding westward (1750s) France claimed those lands (Ohio Valley) The tension led to war The French and Indian War In Europe England and France were at war The war in Europe spread to America The British won the war and took control of French lands The war was over so the colonists expected the British troops to leave The British troops did not leave
New Laws and Taxes French and Indian war left Britain in a lot of debt
Colonists caused the war by moving west King George decided the colonists should pay for the war He issued new taxes He wanted to keep peace with the Native Americans He issued an new proclamation or official statement that forbade the colonists from settling in the land won from the French He placed over 10,000 British troops in the colonies to keep order These actions enraged the colonists
New Taxes King George asked Parliament to tax the colonies to pay for war debt In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act Colonists had to buy and place tax stamps on many kinds of documents Colonists protested and called for a boycott, refused to buy, British goods The believed only their representatives had the right to tax them 1766 Parliament repealed or canceled the Stamp Act
Colonial Dissatisfaction Grows
Guiding Question: What events increased colonists’ anger toward British rule? Townshend Acts- placed duties (taxes) on a variety of goods the colonists imported from overseas Colonists again resisted with boycott and protests Parliament repealed all duties except for a tax on tea
General Search Warrants
One of the Townshend Acts allowed for general search warrants Combat smuggling- illegally moving goods in or out of a country Warrants were called writs of assistance Could enter any business or home to look for smuggled goods Colonists were greatly angered John Hancock’s ship –The Liberty
Tea Act- 1773 The Tea Act of 1773 was not a tax
It allowed a British company that grew tea in India to import tea into the colonies without paying existing taxes Colonies still had to pay taxes on their tea Made the British companies tea cheaper December Boston Tea Party Colonists boarded British ships in Boston Harbor In protest they dumped 342 chests of the British company’s tea into the water
Parliament Response to Boston Tea Party
Parliament passed the Coercive Acts These laws were meant to punish Massachusetts, especially Boston They closed Boston Harbor The laws were so harsh, colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts
Steps Toward Independence
Guiding Question: What ideas about government influenced the Declaration of Independence? Parliament thought that the Coercive Acts would frighten the colonists Instead they had the reverse affect The other colonies banded together to help Massachusetts and challenge British authority Boston Massacre –Engraving by Paul Revere
The First Continental Congress
September Delegates from 12 Colonies met in Philadelphia They met to plan a united response to the Coercive Acts What should be done about the issues with Great Britain They decided to send a letter to the King Asked that Britain respect the colonists’ rights as British citizens They also organized a total boycott of British goods, and a ban on all trade with Britain King George’s response was for stronger measures “Blows (a fight) must decide whether they are subject to this country or independent.”
Second Continental Congress
The delegates met again in May 1775 April 1775, British troops and colonial militiamen had fought at Lexington and Concord, in Massachusetts Congress had to decide whether to work towards peace or to split with Great Britain They debated for months Support for independence grew in the colonies January 1776, Thomas Paine published a pamphlet titled Common Sense –more than 500,000 sold He used John Locke’s ideas to make a case for independence By spring more than half of the delegates favored independence
The Declaration of Independence
A committee was chosen to explain why the colonies should be free John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman The committee chose Thomas Jefferson to write the document He was influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire The Declaration of Independence was approved July 4, 1776 John Hancock was the first to sign the document
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