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Leadership Styles Introduction to Peer Leadership Perspectives on Leadership August 28, 2012.

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1 Leadership Styles Introduction to Peer Leadership Perspectives on Leadership August 28, 2012

2 Warm-up 1.What does “peer leadership” look like? Informal Leading on the same level Self-satisfaction Positive Representative What is Peer Leadership? Objective: Identify and prioritize the ideal characteristics of effective leadership.

3 Discussion Last class… 1.What are various leadership styles that you have learned about/observed in the past? 2.What kind(s) of leader is/are the easiest for you (personally) to follow? Why? 1.Open minded 2.Leads from the front/back (In the time of the butterflies – Julia Alvarez) 3.Straightforward and organized, planned 4.Balanced – easy going but accomplished 5.Focused but willing to listen 6.Leads with humor 7.Considerate of ideas, compassionate 8.“Gets in mud” (on the same level) with those serving 9.Good communicator 10.Unique, self-motivated, confident 11.relatable 3.What kind of leader do you think you are? What makes you think so?

4 Please write the following terms and their definitions in your notes under Unit 1 “Group Dynamics and Communication”. distributed leadership – characterized by a trust and respect of each member’s contribution to the group. It happens most effectively when people at all levels engage in the action, accepting leadership and taking initiative in their particular areas of expertise. instrumental leader (task-oriented leader) - an individual who tries to keep the group moving toward its goals transformational leader – one who generates positive changes within the group and who is concerned with helping each member of the group authoritarian/autocratic leader - an individual who leads by giving orders while accepting little input from others Leadership Styles

5 Leadership Styles (cont’d) democratic leader - an individual who leads by trying to reach a consensus laissez-faire leader - an individual who leads by being highly permissive designated leader – one who is appointed or elected by the group emergent leader – one who arises to a leadership position from within the group

6 Questions to Consider 1.With these terms in mind what kind of leader would you like to be? 2.What are some practical things you do to lead in your various spheres of influence? 3.What are some pros and cons of each type of leadership role and leadership style? 4.What are some quick and easy ways to ensure a comfortable transition into your role as a peer leader?

7 Name/Traditions Activity

8 Other Ideas?

9 Homework Create a montage of words and pictures which describes yourself to your peers and your community. This should represent how you view yourself, not necessarily how you want others to view you, although the two will coincide. 8 ½ x 11” paper color No actual pictures of yourself Name on back

10 SCA Business 1. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE (September 2 – September 20) - competitions to encourage donations - collection - packaging - promote in your homeroom/classes - delivery – coordinate with school and advisors 2. STUDENT HUNGER DRIVE (September 23 – November 15) – calendar with specific dates of events to by posted on my wiki as soon as it becomes available. - Raise awareness and come up with new, creative ideas - Help with competitions and “fundraisers” - Go to events – see calendar -Delivering boxes to teachers (before school) -Packaging cans (before/after school)

11 SCA Business 3. HOMECOMING (September 23 – October 5) *see Homecoming doc Voting (Sep 23 – Oct 4) – contingent upon HR schedule - nominations (seniors only) - vote (whole school) - bios and pictures on ppt for each candidate Parade – Oct. 4 Pep rally – Oct. 4 Dance – Oct 5 - Tickets - DJ - decorations - see "dance setup" doc Ceremony – Oct. 4 - Cars - Flowers - ROTC - MC - Communicate info to nominees and families - Alumni

12 SCA Business 4. FRESHMAN ELECTIONS (Freshmen and Sophomore Class Advisors) (September 19 – October 7) Intro to SCA – calendar – interest meeting – why should they join? What are their ideas? Applications Declaration day Videos Campaigning Voting "Installation" – Officer Prep (after school)

13 SCA Business 3 committee roles/responsibilities Suggestions Meet with class councils and entire council to discuss new ideas, timeline, needs, etc. Send in announcements Start publicizing upcoming events Meet with committee advisors to discuss needs, timeline, meeting plans, etc. *

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