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Animal Farm Quiz Study Guide 5/11/10 quiz guide. Socialism  A system of government in which all means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Farm Quiz Study Guide 5/11/10 quiz guide. Socialism  A system of government in which all means of production are owned and controlled by the state."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Farm Quiz Study Guide 5/11/10 quiz guide

2 Socialism  A system of government in which all means of production are owned and controlled by the state. There is no private property. Marx described this as ideal.

3 Communism  A totalitariarian system of government in which a single authorian party controls state- owned means of production. Goods are available as needed.

4 Democracy  A government where the power rests in with the people and they make their own free elections. Direct Democray Representative Democracy The people vote directly on laws The people chose representatives to vote in their behalf on laws

5 Russian Revolution

6 Karl Marx  Old Major  Wrote Das Capital  Explains socialism

7 Czar Nicholas II  Ruled Russia 1894-1917

8 Lenin  Leader of Bolsheviks  made new economic program  Secret police headed by him

9 Trotsky  Snowball  Wanted communism  Was an idealist

10 Stalin  Napoleon  Wanted power for himself, not country  Took over 1922  Corrupt opportunist  Did not contribute to revolution

11 Bloody Sunday  Battle of the Cowshed

12 The Great Purge  People “confess” to crimes and were slain.  7 million sent to labor camps and 90% died there.

13 Five Year Plans  Plans headed by Stalin (Napoleon) to try to industrialize  1. get rid of small farms and replace with collectives- this led to famine because of loss of food  2. send Russians to labor camps to train for their jobs- most died

14 Bolsheviks  Lead by Lenin  Wanted violence  Restricted party membership


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