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Earth Science Hook. Clouds How do Clouds Form? In order for clouds to form you need the following: – Low Pressure – Relatively “humid” air – Condensation.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Science Hook. Clouds How do Clouds Form? In order for clouds to form you need the following: – Low Pressure – Relatively “humid” air – Condensation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Science Hook

2 Clouds

3 How do Clouds Form? In order for clouds to form you need the following: – Low Pressure – Relatively “humid” air – Condensation Clouds form when water vapor in the air becomes liquid water or ice crystals

4 At what height do clouds form? Clouds form at various heights. One thing that scientists know is that cloud formation is based on the DEW POINT!! So clouds form at the dew point temperature in the air. Because the earth does not warm up evenly, clouds don’t all develop at the same height!

5 Three Major Types and Height Stratus Cumulus Cirrus

6 Stratus Latin word meaning “to spread out” Horizontal, layered clouds that stretch out across the sky like a blanket. Form when warm-moist air passes over a layer of cool air. Low-level clouds

7 3 kind of Low Level clouds Stratus Nimbostratus Stratocumulus


9 Rain comes out of these clouds!!


11 Cumulus Latin word meaning “heap” or “a pile” Puffy in appearance – Large cotton balls Form when warm, moist air is forced upward. Mid-Level clouds

12 Middle Level Clouds Cumulus Altocumulus Altostratus

13 Cumulus

14 Altocumulus

15 Altostratus

16 Cirrus Latin word meaning “tuft” or “curl of hair” Very wispy and feathery looking Form in very high altitudes!! – 7km above earth’s surface Composed of ice crystals and are so thin the sunlight can pass right through them

17 High Level Clouds Cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus

18 Cirrus



21 Cirrostratus

22 2 extra ones… Contrails Cumulonimbus

23 Contrails Clouds that are created by airplanes Planes leave CO 2 and steam from their giant tailpipes These cool and become clouds!!



26 The mother of them all….. Cumulonimbus!!! – Commonly known as Thunder Heads! – Vertical development is caused by temperature difference between the clouds and the air around it… – This unstable air is what causes THUNDERSTORMS






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