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Activation of Intrusion Alarm XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill Briefing for Controllers date.

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Presentation on theme: "Activation of Intrusion Alarm XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill Briefing for Controllers date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activation of Intrusion Alarm XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill Briefing for Controllers date

2 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Emergency Response – Security measures compromised Activation of Intrusion Alarm Drill D412

3 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Scope Date, time, location Aim Objectives Desired outcomes Controllers Players Materials Scenario Master Events List Controller Tasks Communications Safety Debrief

4 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Drill number: X/XX Date: Start Time: Location: Estimated End Time:

5 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Aim To enhance the proficiency of port facility security staff in responding to emergency situations.

6 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Objectives Respond to activation of intrusion alarm according to procedure in the PFSP.

7 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Desired outcomes Security staff will be able to: Detect activation of intrusion alarm. Perform the appropriate checks to verify the alarm. Respond correctly to the activation of an intrusion alarm.

8 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Control Team Chief Controller: PFSO, Mr. AAA Technician for sensor, Mr. BBB Controllers  Intruder – Mr. XXX Safety Officer

9 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Players Security staff on duty

10 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Materials surveillance system and alarm to be in working order

11 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Scenario Criminal syndicate is testing the security and the responsiveness of the security staff with the intention of exploiting any weakness in the system for their own gain. Security staff has to be alert to respond promptly to intrusion alarms.

12 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Master Events List S/NTimeEventFromToMeans of Delivery Expected Response Remarks 0010900All participants in position 0020905Drill commence Chief Controller AllWalkie TalkieNone“Drill Start” 0030955Sensor activated IntruderSecurity Staff Physically trigger alarm equipment Verify alarm and response to alarm Remain in location and record response 0041100Drill completed Chief Controller AllWalkie TalkieDispersal of personnel/ equipment “Drill End” 0051130Hot WashChief Controller All

13 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Controller Tasks “Intruder” will be pre-arranged to enter the port facility Proceed to chosen location to physically activate alarm. If physical activation is not possible, alarm to be activated remotely. Remain in location to record action of the security staff.

14 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Controller Tasks Carry the “Letter of Identification” and tender itif harassed

15 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Communications Mobile phone Walkie-Talkie  Player – Ch YY  Controllers – Ch ZZ

16 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Drill StartThe drill is to commence Drill SuspendThe drill is temporarily suspended Drill GoThe drill is to resume from where it was suspended Drill StopThe drill is to be terminated (prematurely) Drill EndThe drill is completed Drill, Drill, DrillThe message or statement that follows this preamble relates to the drill only, and is not to be confused with real activity Code words

17 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Safety Physical safety of personnel is paramount There is to be no physical contact between player and controllers acting as intruders, etc. Security staff are not to use abusive language when talking to controllers acting as “intruders” Do not neglect the safety of equipment

18 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Debrief Location: Secretary: Attendance 

19 Activation of Intrusion Alarm Any questions ?

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