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Meet Pete. Pete is fascinated by… Pete asks… how can…

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Presentation on theme: "Meet Pete. Pete is fascinated by… Pete asks… how can…"— Presentation transcript:

1 meet Pete

2 Pete is fascinated by…


4 Pete asks…

5 how can…


7 and

8 work together…

9 to make us

10 Pete founded…


12 to help you…

13 control first impressions

14 stand out from the crowd

15 impress employers

16 land your dream career

17 free yourself from the rat race

18 and do what you love

19 so you can be happy

20 and focus on what really matters

21 right now, you are a blank slate

22 you are the architect of your future

23 the world is yours to take

24 but who will hire you…

25 if they don’t know you?

26 will you measure up?

27 the spotlight is on you

28 do you want to take charge of your future?

29 wake up! the time to start is now.

30 today…

31 80% of employers Google their applicants


33 scary?

34 no…

35 opportunity.

36 your diploma is not enough

37 your 4.0 GPA is not enough

38 and employers are overloaded with applicants

39 but you can relax…

40 because we’ve got your back

41 we make you stand out

42 rise above your peers

43 and develop your professional self

44 so…

45 where you go from here is up to you…

46 back to the rat race ?

47 or doing what you love.

48 … we choose the second.


50 We specialize in personal marketing websites that control first impressions, make you stand out from the crowd, and land your dream career.

51 too many people share your qualifications

52 to survive, you must differentiate by effectively packaging yourself

53 You’ll get your own web identity at www.[yoursite].com. It will showcase your strengths, your focused message, and convey the sum of your value as a person.

54 because paper resumes are dead

55 your site is your 24/7 salesman one click away

56 it markets you while you sleep

57 We work with you personally to build your individual brand on the web and take control of your professional future.

58 Visit now to see how we can change your life for the better.

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