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 Feel free to chat until the top of the hour. Also, jot down 2+ questions about the Unit 9 Project that we can address during the class session.  This.

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Presentation on theme: " Feel free to chat until the top of the hour. Also, jot down 2+ questions about the Unit 9 Project that we can address during the class session.  This."— Presentation transcript:

1  Feel free to chat until the top of the hour. Also, jot down 2+ questions about the Unit 9 Project that we can address during the class session.  This session is held 12:00-1:00 PM (EST). Welcome to CM 107 Instructor: Emily Lundin

2 Are there any questions from Units 1-8?

3  APA Errors: APA errors are easily avoided with a little care. Like spelling and grammar, correct APA format is an essential part of your essay. Adhering to a specific format is a hallmark of good writing and editing. If you have questions about APA, check out the Writing Center’s help sheet at ter/success/writing/pdfs/research/An_Introdu ction_To_APA.pdf ter/success/writing/pdfs/research/An_Introdu ction_To_APA.pdf


5 Some people do not believe that global warming is a legitimate problem. They feel that it is an agenda being pushed by liberals. They cite shaky scientific evidence as a reason not to buy into the global warming craze. I think it’s interesting that a small group of scientists say that climate change is just part of living on Earth like when the Ice Age froze nearly every corner of the planet. If we overreact, we may be working toward an unstoppable phenomenon anyway. What’s missing here? How could we fix it?

6 Reporting broad ideas with no specific research. How could these 3 quotes help? “The sun has been a bit absent in 2009. Temperatures are about what we would expect for this time of year, and perhaps even cooler than normal given the early snows and mild summer. If this deep solar minimum continues,” Li Soon,2009. “Global-warming priests, while sermonizing about the need to spend trillions on new energy sources, almost never have a kind word for nuclear power - casting doubt on their motives. If the goal were really to reduce our carbon output (and not to recast our way of life), clean, efficient, affordable nuclear power would be the obvious choice,” Mona Charon, 2009. “In contrast with human-created DDT, CO2, a ‘greenhouse gas’ has been part of the earth's atmosphere as long as the earth has existed. About 450 million years ago, the earth's atmospheric CO2 level was about 2,000 percent higher than it is today, at the same time the earth's atmosphere was about the same temperature as today,” Michael Arnold Glueck, M.D., and Robert J. Cihak, M.D., 2006.

7 STUDENT WRITING Some people do not believe that global warming is a legitimate problem. They feel that it is an agenda being pushed by liberals. They cite shaky scientific evidence as a reason not to buy into the global warming craze. I think it’s interesting that a small group of scientists say that climate change is just part of living on Earth like when the Ice Age froze nearly every corner of the planet. If we overreact, we may be working toward an unstoppable phenomenon anyway. RESEARCH The sun has been a bit absent in 2009. Temperatures are about what we would expect for this time of year, and perhaps even cooler than normal given the early snows and mild summer. If this deep solar minimum continues,” Li Soon,2009. “Global-warming priests, while sermonizing about the need to spend trillions on new energy sources, almost never have a kind word for nuclear power - casting doubt on their motives. If the goal were really to reduce our carbon output (and not to recast our way of life), clean, efficient, affordable nuclear power would be the obvious choice,” Mona Charon, 2009. “In contrast with human-created DDT, CO2, a ‘greenhouse gas’ has been part of the earth's atmosphere as long as the earth has existed. About 450 million years ago, the earth's atmospheric CO2 level was about 2,000 percent higher than it is today, at the same time the earth's atmosphere was about the same temperature as today,” Michael Arnold Glueck, M.D., and Robert J. Cihak, M.D., 2006.

8 Some general tips…

9  Essay writing falls into the category of formal writing.  Formal writing typically does not use “I, me, my, mine.”  It can undermine authority.

10  Online sources versus Print resources  Depending on a single source  What has worked? What hasn’t?

11  Topic sentences carry the thesis through the essay  Restatement of thesis at the beginning of the conclusion  Organizational strategies to consider:  Broad to specific  Cause and effect  Process analysis  Classification  Problem-solution

12  Introductions and conclusions are an ideal way to incorporate your sense of style into your essay  The goal is to be engaging and informative  Conclusions work like an upside-down introduction; think of a funnel and then reversing that funnel

13  Omitting one or more parts of the essay: 1. Make a checklist 2. Check that adequate time is spent discussing the thesis 3. Proofread

14  What have you learned about yourself as a writer on this heroic journey in CM 107?  As a life coach (hero), how can you be a helper for someone else beginning a journey?  This an expository essay using the problem-solution mode of writing.  The person being helped may be anyone: real, fictional, historical, etc.

15  Introduce yourself to your client: you will need to identify a person who needs help— this can be someone from history, fiction (books, television, movies), a celebrity, or someone from your life. Write an introduction to clarify who he or she is and why this person needs to embark on a helpful journey. (Unit 8 Scenario/Discussion)  Define the threshold he or she needs to cross. Explain its significance. (Unit 3 Exercise)  Create an extended definition of the way the hero’s journey steps in this course can help this person. (Unit 4 Discussion)  Indicate the short and long-term benefits of this journey (Unit 6 Exercise)  Provide a conclusion that recaps your plan and leaves a positive impression on your potential employer (Unit 8 Scenario and Seminar)  Introduction: Introduce yourself to the client in an appropriate way. What this means is if you have an established personal relationship with that person then you can be more personal in your introduction where you can tell him or her where you’d like to help out and why you think you can offer help in one area of his or her life. If you have a more professional relationship with the person, then keep the language on that level as well. No matter whether you have a personal or professional relationship with the client, you still have to write a professional, engaging plan that will motivate your client to work with you.  What is the goal?: Define the threshold you think the person needs to cross. This can be stated in terms of a goal that you think the person can achieve, and explain why reaching this goal is important to him or her. How will it benefit him or her? Explain the significance of reaching this goal.  Definition: Create an extended definition for the goal or “cure” you think is necessary for this person. For instance, if you are offering exercise and nutritional advice, offer an extended definition for health or wellness or even nutrition.  Long-term Effects: What are the long-term effects of this goal or cure? Think down the road and offer a thorough explanation of how working toward and achieving this goal is going to help this person out in the future.  Conclusion: End this action plan with more positive input and inspiration for this person. Offer some final closing remarks that are thoughtful and will motivate this person to want to work with you. You can think in terms of your strengths and what you have to offer or reiterate how this goal will help this person in their life.

16 Additional questions?

17 Thank you for a great seminar! Have a wonderful week!

18 CM 107: Unit 8 Seminar  Feel free to chat and get acquainted until the top of the hour. This session is held 12:00-1:00 PM (EST). Once the seminar starts, please keep all comments relevant to the class topic. Welcome to College Composition I CM 107-78 Thursday, February 23, 2012

19 Are there any questions from Units 1-7? What’s the difference between revising and editing?

20  Introduction:  Engage attention,  provide background and definition of topic,  and state thesis in a single sentence at the very end of the paragraph. A thesis does not strictly have to come at the end of the introduction, but it is a common practice.

21  http://kucampus.kaplan.eduhttp//kucampus.k ngCenter/process/Introductions_and_Conclus ions.pdf http://kucampus.kaplan.eduhttp//kucampus.k ngCenter/process/Introductions_and_Conclus ions.pdf

22 Example introduction: Attention engager, topic background, and thesis. When the world met the first printing press in the fifteenth century, few people may have realized the power of the printed word. In the twenty-first century, with, for example, over 250 million copies of the Harry Potter books having been sold, one can hardly deny the success of leisure reading (Howell, 2005). However, a new giant looms on the horizon of this popular pastime. Internet publishing has grown from a small-time enterprise to a completely viable form of seeing one’s work in print or online (Johnson, 2006). What has spurred the success of Internet publishers such a and X- Many writers choose to publish virtually because they will be represented by major booksellers, have little or no start-up costs, and have almost no chance of being rejected.

23  Conclusions provide a summary of the entire essay—they are a moment for the reader to reconsider what they read.  Restate thesis (not the same sentence),  wrap up major ideas,  close the essay while keeping the reader engaged.

24 Example conclusion: restate thesis, sum up key points’ importance, and close the circle This lack of rejection, along with economic concerns and the promise of unparalleled marketing, inspires today’s authors to give Internet publishing a chance. After all, who would not be drawn to a world that promises no more rejection letters? In addition, the challenged finances of most beginning authors make the low cost of virtual publication even more attractive. Finally, writers who dream of seeing their names in the author lists of major-market book vendors often have no problem choosing to abandon the traditional print publishers for more immediate success. Therefore, the Internet-publishing revolution is similar to the fifteenth- century printing revolution. Movable type replaced hand-written books. Now, the computer screen and the print-on-demand order form have changed the world of publication.


26 Thank you for a great seminar! Have a wonderful week!


28 SCHEDULE YOUR TIME  Make a schedule for drafting and stick as closely to it as possible.  Do not write the entire essay in one sitting.  You can do it all if you begin now!

29 REMEMBER THE PROCESS...  The most common way students get “lost” in the essay is by not following the process for writing.  The topic, thesis, and outline have been parts of this process.  The draft and receiving feedback will be important parts of the same process; all this work is connected.  Take time to make time; create a schedule for your work so that you can juggle all the responsibilities in your life.

30 SEEKING HELP  Ask for help when you need it! Your instructor is eager to help, but many times cannot help on the day before a project is due because there is not enough time.  Also use the Kaplan Writing Center as part of your writing process from beginning to final draft.  What other helpers, resources, and “amulets” exist?

31 DRAFTING  Let’s look at how one student organized her work.  On the next page, you’ll see a highlighted paragraph. The functions of each paragraph have been highlighted as:  1: Topic Sentence  2: Supporting Details  3. Closing Sentence

32 BODY PARAGRAPHS  Example body paragraph (thesis key point 1): topic sentence, support, closing sentence  At the outset, Internet publishing promises writers powerful representation from major book vendors. For example, many Internet publishers have deals with industry giants such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon. In exchange for shared royalties, these booksellers list, promote, and sell both self- published and so-called “virtual reads” to their customer base (Lowell, 2005). This powerful marketing tool means that a writer can self-publish while having the selling advantage of those who have waited a long time to find print-publishing acceptance. This advantage can be attractive, as seen in the over 59 percent 2004-2005 increase in self-published and electronic books (Lowell, 2005). As more booksellers agree to sign on for print-on- demand and e-book partnerships, the reading world can expect more authors to take this virtual publishing route.

33 REVISING AND EDITING What is the differen ce betwee n revising and editing ?


35 REVIEW THE STRUCTURE, AUDIENCE, AND PURPOSE Step 1: Review each body paragraph of the essay: Check the structure Check the topic, supporting, and closing sentences for expression Check the evidence Consider the modes used/that could be used (PREFACTS) Step 2: Review the introduction: Check the two main parts of an introduction Check the three functions of an introduction Step 3: Review the conclusion: Check the two main parts of a conclusion Check the three functions of a conclusion Step 4: Consider your target audience Step 5: Review the purpose

36  Revising means “to look at [the content] again.  Focus on the ideas and their expression  Read out loud  Get away for a while  Use a helpful acronym: ▪ ARMS: Add? Remove? Move? Substitute? ▪ FACT: Fit? Add? Cut? Test?  Use invention strategies  Review discarded ideas (e.g., the “trash” file)  Any other successful strategies? WHAT ARE SOME TIPS FOR REVISING A PAPER?

37 WHAT IS EDITING? WHAT ARE SOME TIPS FOR EDITING A PAPER? Get away for a while Read it out loud Make your words work! Check the last word in sentences. Are they working? Don’t be boring! Add variety in diction and syntax Use parallelism Check coherence (e.g., transitions) Check for punctuation—under use and over use Don’t be “Double-Preposition Man/Woman” Check for typos and wrong words Avoid lapsing into the informal first or second person in an academic paper. Narrating your internal thought process should also be avoided. Avoid unnecessary jawbreaker words and “triangulation strangulation.” Other tips?

38 PROOFREADING VERSUS SPELL CHECK  Spell check is a good first pass of your document, but it should not be relied on to catch every error. For example, spell check won’t catch misused words, only misspelled words.  The same goes for Noodletools and other writing resources.  They are good tools, but you must be the one who knows how to use them.

39 MISUSED WORDS  Homophones—words that sound the same but have different spellings  Homonyms—words that sound the same and look the same. However, they have different meanings.  Since the words sound alike but have different meanings, homophones won’t usually be caught by spell check. I or eye? Its or it’s Defiantly or Definitely?

40 EXAMPLES  Examples of these words are:  -affect vs. effect elicit vs. illicit  -there, their, they're lead vs. led  -too, two, to may be vs. maybe  -then vs. than principal vs. principle  -loose vs. lose desert vs. dessert

41 DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCES IN THESE PAIRS?  Most stores (except/accept) American Express.  The (affect/effect) of the storm was frightening.  Carmen is (already/all ready) in class.  Marcus is under the (allusion/illusion) that he is famous.

42 AS YOU EDIT...  Keep in mind that a sentence does not have to be brief to be effective; long sentences can be worthwhile, too.  In fact, an essay’s sentence length and structure should vary.  Some sentences should be brief and others should be longer.  Punctuation and the “sound” of sentences should vary.  However, every word should be necessary.

43 PARAGRAPH WITH TOO MANY SHORT SENTENCES  Autism may be caused by injections. Specifically, the injections given to infants are suspect. Booster shots for tetanus, measles, and Diphtheria may contain thermasol. Thermasol is a preservative made with mercury (Tyson, 2004). Preservatives are added to give the drugs a longer shelf life. Some bodies are not able to process mercury. This may put those people at risk for developing autism at “a rate of more than 500%, particularly those with a familial tendency toward autism” (Jackson, 2006, p.7).

44 PARAGRAPH WITH TOO MANY LONG SENTENCES  It seems impossible to not see the link between injections for children and the rise of autism in our country. Because American children receive a host of preventative inoculations such as measles/mumps/rubella, diphtheria/tetanus, chicken pox, and hepatitis, many experts believe the quality and quantity of the injections are problematic in the long term. With millions of dollars of profit at risk, pharmaceutical companies are choosing to include a mercury preservative that gives these injections a longer shelf life. Thermasol, the mercury preservative in question, leaves a residue behind in the system, and in particular the nervous system (Tyson, 2004). Interrupting the way the way the brain and nerves grow puts people at risk for developing autism at “a rate of more than 500%, particularly those with a familial tendency toward autism” (Jackson, 2006, p.7).

45 PARAGRAPH WITH A BALANCE  It seems impossible to not see the link between injections for children and the rise of autism in our country. Specifically, the injections given to infants are suspect. Because American children receive a host of preventative inoculations such as measles/mumps/rubella, diphtheria/tetanus, chicken pox, and hepatitis, many experts believe the quality and quantity of the injections are problematic in the long term. Thermasol is a preservative made with mercury (Tyson, 2004). Preservatives are added to give the drugs a longer shelf life. Some bodies are not able to process mercury and the nervous system suffers. Interrupting the way the way the brain and nerves grow puts people at risk for developing autism at “a rate of more than 500%, particularly those with a familial tendency toward autism” (Jackson, 2006, p.7).



48 Thank you for a great seminar! Have a wonderful week!

49  What is a thesis statement?  The thesis statement is a statement of  your topic and a comment about it.

50  It is your “what’s the point?”  What do you want your readers to know.  The main idea you are trying to get across.  Your message.  The point you want to make.

51  Generally stated in a single sentence.  Expresses a point of view, not a topic.  Limits the topic.  Indicates the kind of support to follow.  Helps to organize the supporting material  Is precisely worded.  It does NOT announce by saying: I am going to tell you about….or My essay will explain ….

52  What’s with our public schools? Identify the thesis of this article.  inion/2010/0929/Waiting-for-Superman-to- reform-education-He-s-already-here inion/2010/0929/Waiting-for-Superman-to- reform-education-He-s-already-here




56 Review: The Heroic Writer’s Journey  Thesis?  Types of Paragraphs?  Academic Writing?  ?s

57 Are there any questions from Units 1-5? What are the three main aims in writing? How are they used in our daily lives? What is a thesis statement? What are the three main types of paragraphs? Where can I find good information on APA style and other help with writing?

58  Within the academic and job contexts, will readers accept every point a writer makes without proof/support?  Will an audience automatically understand every point a writer makes?  What else is needed?  What is meant by ‘illustration’?  What are ‘modes’? How does a writer use them effectively?

59 Description  Description creates a mental picture for a reader. To do this, writers may focus on the five senses—what ideas and things look, sound, feel, smell, and taste like.  Descriptive writing shows instead of tells.

60 Compare and Contrast  Compare and contrast refers to the examination of similarities (compare) and differences (contrast). We make comparisons constantly when we decide what type of car to buy, where to have dinner, or what college to attend.

61 Compare and Contrast Organization  Compare and contrast essays can be organized in two ways:  Point by point—Here, the writer would go between two subjects and compare and contrast them according to key points or characteristics. If you compare and contrast displaced homelessness versus chronic homelessness, you might focus on their definitions, reasons, and solutions.  Subject by subject—Here, the writer focuses on the key points and characteristics of a single subject. For instance, if you compare and contrast private versus socialized medicine, you’ll have to choose which ways they are alike or differ. You might choose to write about the similarities in coverage, and the contrasts in cost.

62 Make Effective Choices  Whatever strategy you choose, you must have a basis of comparison.  Ideas and things that have nothing in common aren’t a good choice.  Remember, you don’t want to make a list of similarities and differences.  You want to have a point for the comparison.

63 Compare and Contrast in a Thesis Statement  Examples of compare and contrast thesis statements:  Indonesia and the United States have vastly different legal systems. ▪ This example is too general.  While the U.S. legal system is built around the idea of presumed innocence, the Indonesian system assumes the accused is guilty. ▪ This example gives specific criteria which allows the reader to know what key points will be compared and contrasted.

64 Definition  Definition is explaining exactly what an idea or concept means. Definition provides a structure for making ideas, people, or things more understandable. Didn’t we use this mode in the Unit 3 Project?

65 Definition in a Thesis Statement  For example, if you were writing a paper about world religions, you might choose to write about different sects of Judaism like the orthodox, reform, and conservative movements within that religion.  Example: Judaism has diverse interpretations, most notably the divisions of orthodox, reform, and conservative practices.

66 Cause and Effect  Cause and effect examines the relationships between what happens (the effect) and why it happens (the cause).

67 Cause and Effect  One cause may have several effects. For instance, if you decide to move into the country from the city, you may have the benefit of cleaner air, safer neighborhoods, and cheaper prices.  Or, several causes can contribute to a single effect. For example, we make choices based on several criteria: The captain of the Titanic ignored fog warnings, iceberg warnings, and even the announcement that the ship was going to sink because he bought into the idea that the ship was unsinkable.  Consider causal chains (also known as “the Domino effect”)

68 Cause and Effect in a Thesis Statement  To incorporate this into a thesis statement, identify the topic, make an assertion about the topic, and decide if you want to focus on causes, effects, or both.  Example: Because of their mainly vegetarian diet, Malaysia has healthier adults, less childhood obesity, and a booming farm economy.

69  Explains how something is done:  How does the flu virus spread so rapidly each year?  How does the revolution in Egypt affect gas prices in the United States?  Explains how to do something:  The Kaplan University Writing Center has resources to show how to properly document sources using APA style.  The entertainment stand comes with directions that explain how to assemble it quickly.

70 The writer sorts and organizes information for an audience to help them better understand the topic.  Classroom success derives from full engagement of the student, instructor, advisor, and curriculum designer.  New homeowners should be aware that maintenance issues can be divided into four main areas: structure, electric, plumbing, and landscaping.

71 Problem Solution  Problem solution writing begins by identifying and examining a problem.  After analyzing the problem, you then discuss possible solutions and their viability.  For instance, if you wanted to focus on the problem of teenage pregnancy, you would look at how others have tried to solve this problem. The availability of contraception, mandatory sex education courses, and the inclusion of abstinence as a form of birth control would be possible solutions.

72 Problem Solution  For an essay, you could choose to examine:  a single solution and discuss how it works and why it works, or  detail three proposed solutions and discuss and analyze their viability. How would a writer decide which approach to use?

73 Problem Solution in a Thesis Statement  Example 1: Solving teenage pregnancy by teaching abstinence has failed because it is not practical for most children. Teens without strong role models, those with low self- esteem and those who do not participate in after school activities are getting pregnant in record numbers.  Example 2: Teenage pregnancy is a complicated problem that can be helped through increased availability of contraception like condoms, oral birth control, and IUDs.



76 Thank you for a great seminar! Have a wonderful week!



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