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Musical Tools For Music Teachers. Professionals need tools Professionals need tools  Effectiveness  Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "Musical Tools For Music Teachers. Professionals need tools Professionals need tools  Effectiveness  Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musical Tools For Music Teachers

2 Professionals need tools Professionals need tools  Effectiveness  Efficiency

3 Tools for Music Teachers  Voice  Keyboard  Provide Models  Demonstrate musical phrases & patterns  Accompany students  Study scores, learn new songs

4 Skill with tools developed in….  Courses Class Voice Music 115, 116 Class Voice Music 115, 116 Class Piano Music 110, 170, 210, 270 Class Piano Music 110, 170, 210, 270  Use in other courses  Use skills in personal learning

5 Skill using tools verified  Voice Proficiency Examination  Piano Proficiency Examination

6 Proficiency Exams  Voice Proficiency Examination End of semester of Mus 115 End of semester of Mus 115 [Spring-Freshman year] 2nd opportunity end of Music 116 2nd opportunity end of Music 116 – [Fall-Sophomore year] Must pass before program admission Must pass before program admission – (Spring -Sophomore year]

7 Proficiency Exams  Piano Proficiency Examination End of semester of Music 270 End of semester of Music 270 – [Spring-Sophomore year]  Must pass before starting Music 340 – [Fall - junior year]

8 Voice Proficiency Exam  Sing through range Accurate pitch Accurate pitch Intonation Intonation Rhythm Rhythm Phrasing Phrasing Tempo Tempo Diction Diction Tone Quality Tone Quality

9 Voice Proficiency Exam  3 songs - vocal repertoire [ from voice class] [ from voice class] Provide accompanist Provide accompanist Choral/General Emphasis - 1 selection in Choral/General Emphasis - 1 selection in foreign language  12 songs from general music repertorie Memorized Memorized Unaccompanied Unaccompanied Start on any phrase Start on any phrase

10 Piano Proficiency Exam  Scales - major and harmonic minor  Prepared accompaniment for melody  Sight-read and accompany a melody  Improvise music for movement  4-part arrangement of patriotic song  Multi-staff score reading  Vocal or Instrumental accompaniment  Choral Warm-ups

11 Tools for Music Teachers  Follow schedule for class piano & voice  Practice  Schedule exams at 1st opportunity  Re-take if necessary  Maintain skills

12 Proficiency Exams  Voice Spring Semester -- this year  Piano Spring Semester--next year


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