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Warm Up (10 minutes) 1.Complete air pressure and altitude worksheet - read paragraph - use data to create graph - answer 2 questions Raise hand when finished!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up (10 minutes) 1.Complete air pressure and altitude worksheet - read paragraph - use data to create graph - answer 2 questions Raise hand when finished!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up (10 minutes) 1.Complete air pressure and altitude worksheet - read paragraph - use data to create graph - answer 2 questions Raise hand when finished! 2. Write down homework

2 Air Pressure & Altitude Review

3 1. What causes air pressure? The weight of the atmosphere

4 2. What does the atmosphere consist of? Layers of air that surround the Earth

5 3. What gases make up Earth’s Atmosphere? Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor

6 4. Where is air pressure the greatest? Why? At the bottom of the pyramid or atmosphere Because there are more air molecules on top

7 5. Draw a mountain; place X at the spot where air pressure is the greatest. Place 0 where air pressure is the lowest O X

8 Agenda Gases in the atmosphere Cycles

9 Gases in the Atmosphere 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen 1% Argon, Carbon Dioxide 11A

10 Cycle A process that repeats itself over and over There are 3 cycles in Earth’s atmosphere –Water cycle –Nitrogen cycle –Carbon cycle

11 Foldable 3 doors Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Water Cycle

12 Carbon Cycle All living things need carbon to survive –Living things = in cells –Atmosphere = CO2 m/carboncycle/

13 Carbon Cycle Animals inhale air, use the oxygen and breathe out CO2 Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen

14 Write on Foldable Carbon reenters the atmosphere –A waste product of photosynthesis –Combustion (burning fossil fuels) –Decomposition (when plants & animals die)



17 Nitrogen Cycle All living things need nitrogen to live –Animals = proteins –Plants = photosynthesis(would be yellow without enough nitrogen)

18 Cycle 1.Plants get nitrogen from the soil 2.Animals eat plants, putting nitrogen in their bodies 3.Plant or Animal dies, nitrogen returns to soil during decay

19 tem/nitrogencycle/ tem/nitrogencycle/ http://glencoe.mcgraw- 50::400::/sites/dl/free/0078695104/383926 /The_Nitrogen_Cycle.swf::The%20Nitroge n%20Cycle


21 Water Cycle How water cycles through the environment evaporation (water into gas) condensation (gas into clouds) precipitation (clouds into water) collection (puddles, ocean, lake, river)

22 15A 1. Read entire page 2. answer questions at bottom of page 3. Write questions and answers in notebook


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