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Cleverboard Activities for the Music Teacher By Eileen Cating-Moran and Laura Pihowich.

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2 Cleverboard Activities for the Music Teacher By Eileen Cating-Moran and Laura Pihowich

3 The software Use SMART Notebook on the Cleverboard

4 Why? Because it has a notation gallery for us music teachers! Lynx does not.

5 Do I need a Cleverboard? If you don’t have one, project the activities on any whiteboard! If you don’t have a projector then have students watch and interact directly on your computer!

6 What kind of activities can I do? Your own The ones on the SMART Notebook Gallery The ones available online to download at:

7 Where to start? 1. Have the Software installed on your computer even if you don’t have a Cleverboard/Smartboard!

8 Where to start-cont. 2. Look at the music gallery

9 Where to start-final. 3. Select and create your own activities/presentations

10 Tip: “Oh, you mean my Cleverboard isn’t a fancy projector?” “Learning happens when kids come up to the board.”

11 So….. Let’s see some musical applications!

12 Hands on!!!

13 To teach score reading Marking breath marks, repeat signs, D.C. al fine, Coda, etc. Reading rhythm and pitch patterns Ex.3 Labeling parts in the score Marking where the beats go Circling time and key signatures Ex1

14 To do rhythm activities Rhythm editing Adding bar lines or time signatures to rhythm patterns Marking the counts according to a given time signature Rhythm pre-reading activities ExRH1 ExRH1

15 Games Musical games to reinforce different concepts ExG1 Reinforcing lyrics by memory Sight- reading Ear Training

16 Questions?

17 Thank you! Links to our activities and PDF’S/Notebook documents: http://laurapihowich.escuelacampoalegre.wikis

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