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Wisconsin Center for Health Communication and Marketing Development Project March 1-2, 2007 Retreat with Planning Group REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Center for Health Communication and Marketing Development Project March 1-2, 2007 Retreat with Planning Group REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Center for Health Communication and Marketing Development Project March 1-2, 2007 Retreat with Planning Group REVIEW

2 Background – This Project Community-Academic Partnership  Wisconsin Public Health Association  Medical College of Wisconsin  Division of Public Health Funding from  Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program (Blue Cross/Blue Shield Conversion dollars)  Division of Public Health through CDC preparedness dollars

3 Background - Deliverables Assemble diverse planning team (you) Assess needs  Key informant survey performed Business planning  Major product lines  Sustainability Organizational plan  Vision, Mission, Governance

4 What Really Matters? Health Medical Care (10%) Environment (40%) Behavior (40%) Inborn (10%)

5 US Disease Deaths 2000

6 US Risk Factor Deaths 2000 JAMA 2004;291(10):1238-1245 and correction JAMA 2005;293(3):293

7 Learning = Behavior Change Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross, 1992 from Sarafino EP. Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions 4th ed. 2002; Yellow fields by Foldy

8 Learning = Behavior Change BehaviorKnowledge Perceived seriousness Perceived susceptibility Adequate reward Perceived social norms Self-efficacy + Cues to Act Peer support Feedback Barriers Costs Negative social norms (“peer pressure”) Opposite cues (advertising) - Skills Supplies Predisposing factors Reinforcing factors Enabling factors

9 The 4 P’s of Marketing Product Placement Price Promotion Product Placement Promotion Price

10 Putting it All Together: Marketing and Healthy Change Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross, 1992 from Sarafino EP. Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions 4th ed. 2002; Yellow fields by Foldy Reinforcing factors Predisposing factors - +’s and –’s Predisposing factors Enabling factors Predisposing factors – basic education



13 What is Health Literacy? The Institute of Medicine 2004 “The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic information and services needed to make appropriate decisions regarding their health.”

14 National Adult Literacy Survey 1992 Level one examples:  Enter information on a social security card application  Locate intersection on a map  Total a bank deposit slip Level two examples  Determine price differences on two tickets  Use bus schedule 39% of Wisconsin adults at level 1 or 2 Little change in 2003 (prose worse)

15 The Impact of Low Literacy on Health  Poorer health knowledge  Poorer health status  More hospitalizations  Higher health care costs  About 7% of WI doctors assess literacy



18 National Center for Health Marketing at the CDC Division of Creative Services Division of Health Comm. & Marketing Division of Health Information Dissemination Division of E-Health Marketing Division of Partnerships & Strategic Alliances Senior Health Comm. Staff in National Centers NCHM Office of the Director

19 CDC’s National Center for Health Marketing Goals Improve health marketing and communication throughout CDC Support strong communication and marketing capacity “near the science” Only “centralize” health marketing and communication services that add value and increase efficiencies

20 US Healthy People 2010 – Chapter 11 “Health Communication” Goal: Use communication strategically to improve health  Households with internet access  Health literacy  Research and evaluation of communication programs  Quality of Internet health information sources  Centers for excellence  Satisfaction with health care providers’ communication skills  National framework for prevention Many related objectives

21 Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 State statutes mandate a state health plan every 10 years Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 and its companion Implementation Plan were created by over 300 individuals from government and the private sector in the early 2000s

22 Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 Overarching goals  Protect and promote health for all  Eliminate health disparities  Transforming public health system System (Infrastructure) priorities  Integrated electronic data and information systems  Community health improvement processes and plans  Coordination of state and local public health system partnerships  Sufficient and competent workforce  Equitable, adequate, and stable financing

23 Healthiest WI 2010 Health priorities  Access to Primary and Preventive Health  Services  Adequate and Appropriate Nutrition  Alcohol and Other Substance Use and  Addiction  Environmental and Occupational Health  Hazards  Existing, Emerging, and Re-Emerging  Communicable Diseases  High Risk Sexual Behavior  Intentional and Unintentional Injuries  and Violence  Mental Health and Mental Disorders  Overweight, Obesity, and Lack of  Physical Activity  Social and Economic Factors that  Influence Health  Tobacco Use and Exposure

24 Overview of retreat activities and outcomes Concepts that underlie our VISION  (a future-state where effective communications and marketing for better health HAVE BEEN established) Ferment and learning  How is Health Marketing different from Health Communication? Review of key informant stated needs, assets  Few say a “Center” is not needed  Half say they don’t know

25 Overview of retreat activities and outcomes Major potential activities (“product lines”) reassessed and revalued by retreat participants  Making decisions on these a major goal today Geographic scope: Wisconsin focused, national opportunities

26 Overview of retreat activities and outcomes Organizational model  Non-profit  Structure must be defined by business activities  “Unitary” versus network or clearinghouse To extent we focus on HEALTH MARKETING – few current assets to network To extent we focus on HEALTH COMMUNICATION – many current assets, network/clearinghouse may be preferable  Preference for entrepreneurial board (small, agile) with good input from diverse stakeholders  Give consideration to growing inside an incubator  Little interest in an academic home

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